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Shaanxi Baihe Love Taiwan Enterprises and Papaya Cultural Creative Products to Assist Students in College Entrance Examination

2024-05-24 15:57:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Taiwan. com, May 24 - When the birds sing and the swallows dance in May, it is another year's test preparation season. On the 22nd, the donation ceremony of "Baihe papaya series cultural and creative products help students in the college entrance examination" was held in Shaanxi Baihe High School.

At the activity site, the person in charge of Shaanxi Lingkang Times Agricultural Technology Research and Development Co., Ltd., a Taiwan enterprise, distributed more than 1800 "papaya" sachets and bracelets to the representatives of 31 senior three classes, worth more than 40000 yuan. The fragrant bags with the smell of papaya are printed with auspicious words such as "winning the championship", "winning every exam" and "extraordinary play", expressing the deep love and good wishes of Baihe college entrance examination students in Baitai. The atmosphere was warm and the applause continued.

According to the person in charge of Shaanxi Lingkang Times Agricultural Technology Research and Development Co., Ltd., this batch of sachets and bracelets are based on the traditional Chinese fragrance making technology, combined with the regional cultural characteristics of Baihe, and developed from the light papaya of Baihe into spices. In addition, sandalwood, agarwood, crimson fairy, nanmu, etc. are prepared into sachets and bracelets, which have the effect of refreshing, calming and calming. "I hope that in the hot summer exam season, I can use this' Papaya Fragrance 'to contribute a lot of meditation and concentration to Baihe students, and I hope all junior high school students can overcome difficulties and enter the ideal university. Later, the company will also make more sachets and papaya creative products to help the development of Baihe education."

The Book of Songs says, "Give papaya to me, and give it back to Qiongju. Bandits always think it's good to give it back!" "We like this sachet very much. It not only contains the Chinese traditional culture of the Book of Songs, but also carries the unique geographical imprint of Baihe papaya. Wearing it on your body and putting it in your schoolbag is an incentive. We must live up to our expectations, calmly respond to the upcoming college entrance examination, achieve good results, realize our life ideals, and repay the care of all sectors of society. " The students preparing for the exam said one after another. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the United Front Department of the Baihe County Party Committee)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]