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Taiwan agricultural experts came to Guangxi for investigation, and the agricultural development of both sides of Hebei formed a good combination

2024-05-23 14:36:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Taiwan agricultural experts visited Guangxi (picture provided by Qinzhou Taiwan Affairs Office)

On May 23, www.taiwan.com.cn, "We will use the cross-strait agricultural industry cooperation platform to build Qinnan Taiwan Innovation Park into a regional agricultural modernization base integrating agricultural industrialization, modernization, tourism, leisure and sightseeing. At the same time, we will build a high-quality passion fruit brand, continue to extend the production and marketing of passion fruit and other industrial chains, and help rural revitalization." Su Chaojie, the head of Qinnan Taiwan Innovation Park in Qinzhou, Guangxi, said.

Recently, agricultural experts from Taiwan and Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences went to Qinnan Taiwan Farmers' Pioneer Park in Qinzhou City to investigate, and held a Guangxi Taiwan agricultural exchange docking meeting with the theme of "Guangxi Taiwan agricultural exchange · helping rural revitalization", and held a forum with representatives of enterprises in Qinzhou and Taiwan and Qinzhou agricultural and rural departments, aiming to focus on cross-strait industries to promote rural development and expand the diversified integration of cross-strait agriculture, Optimize the industrial layout, innovate the development mechanism, and jointly promote the prosperity and development of cross-strait agriculture.

Huang Dangkai, a member of the Standing Committee of the Qinnan District Committee of the CPC, introduced that Qinnan Taichuang Park implements an operating mechanism of "government guidance, enterprise operation, social participation, scientific and technological support, and farmers' benefit", builds an entrepreneurial mechanism for Taiwan's agricultural enterprises and farmers, and a new transformation system for agricultural scientific and technological achievements, so as to achieve the goal of improving the application and transformation level of agricultural science and technology. At present, there are 17 Taiwan funded and Taiwan funded cooperative enterprises, which have introduced more than 50 superior varieties and advanced technologies of Taiwan fruits, Chinese herbal medicine, flowers, aquaculture and other aspects, and built demonstration areas such as ecological facilities fishery, oyster industrial park, passion fruit planting. Among them, the planting area of passionfruit is 16200 mu, and the newly planted "Qinxiang No.9" passionfruit is more than 8000 mu, with a total output of 24000 tons and a total output value of more than 190 million yuan.

Liu Qingzun, a Taiwan agricultural expert, believes that Qinnan Taichuang Garden highly integrates Taiwan's planting and processing technologies with resources such as land, human resources and markets in Qinzhou and the Beibu Gulf region, and has great development potential. He said that Qinzhou's climate and environment are close to Taiwan's, and its geographical location is superior. He is full of confidence in Qinzhou Taiwan agricultural cooperation projects. He hopes that the development experience of Taiwan's brand agriculture and characteristic agriculture can form a good combination with the local agricultural development, expand the income for rural economic development, and provide effective help for local farmers to increase their industrial income.

During his stay in Qinzhou, agricultural experts from Guangxi and Taiwan also visited the Qinzhou Co founded Specialized Aquaculture Cooperative, the Demonstration Base of Traditional Chinese Medicine Planting, and the Passion Fruit Planting Base, and conducted in-depth exchanges on how to learn from Taiwan's leisure agriculture operation mechanism, agricultural production and marketing technology, and leisure agriculture development experience for the development of Qinzhou's planting industry. (Yu Shiying, Correspondent of Qinzhou Taiwan Affairs Office, www.taiwan.cn)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]