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Shanghai Commends Annual Taiwan related Excellent Key Projects and Private Small and Medium sized Exchange Projects

2024-05-23 10:11:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Activity site (picture provided by Shanghai Taiwan Affairs Office)

On the morning of May 23, 22, the "Award Ceremony for Outstanding Key Projects and Small and Medium sized Folk Exchange Projects Involving Taiwan in 2023" hosted by the Shanghai Association for the Promotion of Cross Strait Exchanges was successfully held in the Shanghai Broadcasting Arts Center.

At the award ceremony, Akabela's unaccompanied vocal singing, poetry recitation and other wonderful performances loved by guests and compatriots on both sides of the Straits were held. Yang Lihua, Deputy Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipality and President of the Shanghai Association for the Promotion of Maritime Affairs, released the upcoming "2024 Cross Strait Youth Vitality Carnival", and awarded the 2023 "Excellent Brand Project" and "Excellent Brand Event Planner" respectively for the exchange projects with characteristics, great influence and high online ratings in the cross Strait exchange activities in 2023 And "The Most Popular Award for Private Small and Medium sized Activities", "The Excellent Project Award for Private Small and Medium sized Activities" and other awards to encourage more and better cross-strait exchanges to flourish. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipality)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]