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Green Water and Green Mountains, Unlimited Business Opportunities, Taiwanese Business Groups "See" Huzhou

2024-05-22 13:37:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Activity site (picture provided by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Huzhou City)

On May 22, www.taiwan.com.cn, "When I came here, my first impression was that the air was relatively fresh, and my second impression was that the urban architecture and pace of life were very comfortable. Just as Taipei is close to the mountains and the sea, the surrounding environment has mountains and water, and you can get in touch with nature when you go out." Xu Zhenkun, Chairman of Huzhou Anli Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huzhou Anli") said.

The place where Xu Zhenkun said "there are mountains and water" is the birthplace of the "two mountains" concept, the birthplace of China's beautiful countryside, and the pioneer of green development - Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province.

Recently, "See a Beautiful China in Huzhou" activities of Taiwanese businessmen and enterprises in Huzhou went deep into local districts and counties, aiming to give play to the effect of "attracting Taiwan with Taiwan, attracting business with business" by building a platform for economic and trade exchanges between the two places, promoting business environment, and demonstrating industrial projects, and inject new momentum into the joint development of the two sides.

"In recent years, more and more Taiwanese businesses and enterprises have come to the mainland to invest and start their businesses and participate in the exploration of economic transformation and new fields. Whether it is artificial intelligence, precision equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials, circular economy, culture, tourism and catering, there are endless business opportunities for Taiwanese businesses and enterprises." Li Maochun, executive vice president of the National Taiwan Enterprises Federation, said, Through many field visits and face-to-face exchanges before and after, he deeply felt Huzhou's prominent regional advantages, good business environment and development opportunities.

As said, in order to let Taiwanese businessmen and enterprises invest at ease and develop at ease, Huzhou has used its "skills".

At present, the city is making efforts to build a "2+8" high-energy platform led by the South Taihu New Area and the Yangtze River Delta (Huzhou) Industrial Cooperation Zone, vigorously cultivating eight emerging industries, including new energy vehicles and their key parts, semiconductors and optoelectronics, biomedicine, and geographic information+, and ranking 49th in the list of China's top 100 cities in 2023.

In 2019, he came to Huzhou to invest and build a factory. As one of the organizers of this event, Xu Zhenkun had more feelings about the significance of cross-strait exchanges.

"I hope you can have a deep understanding of a place, not just to build factories and do business, but to understand the local supporting facilities and cultural environment, so as to achieve face-to-face communication." In Xu Zhenkun's view, the traditional cross-strait enterprise communication mode is basically a horse watching style, easy to surface. In the face of younger Taiwanese businessmen and the "second generation of enterprises" whose ideas are constantly renewed, the business exchange model should also be updated.

The superior business environment and excellent work efficiency also gratified Yao Lifang, Chief Financial Officer of Anli, Huzhou. She said frankly that during the process of building a subsidiary in Huzhou, the Group had encountered many difficulties from signing a contract to building a factory, but the local government was able to help solve them one by one, truly listening to the needs of enterprises, eliminating difficulties and giving priority to enterprises.

Pan Youming, member of the Standing Committee of Huzhou Municipal Committee of the CPC, said that Huzhou and Taiwan have always been linked by people, business, culture and law. The local government warmly welcomes entrepreneurs to invest and start businesses in Huzhou and make more positive contributions to the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Huzhou City)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]