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Kong Chuichang, the 79th generation grandson of Confucius, went to Zhejiang to celebrate the ceremony of becoming a saint in Pan'an

2024-05-21 14:45:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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On May 21, www.taiwan.com.cn, 18 students in Pan'an, Zhejiang Province, completed the role transformation from "children" to "adults" after a series of ceremonies, such as entering the class, offering incense and ceremony, matching ceremony, reading homage speech, drumming, first addition, second addition, third addition, the first person with the highest honor, the first person with the highest honor, giving thanks to guests, and leaving the class.

It was Kong Chui chang, the 79th generation of Confucius' eldest grandson, president of the Most Sage Confucius Foundation, and chief honorary curator of the Confucius Museum, who held the ceremony for them.

In the "three plus" ceremony of the veneration adult ceremony, the children were given a bracelet by their parents to symbolize family inheritance. The bracelet was engraved with the students' surname, name and characters, meaning to inherit family responsibilities; In addition, the teachers of the school awarded the students with the "Sage Worship badge" with the title of "Aspiration to Tao, Morality, Benevolence, and Skill", which symbolizes wisdom and courage to practice ideals; Sanjia is awarded a letter by the social sages with their own family name and characters, symbolizing their faith and serving the people. The three kinds of responsibilities represented by "three plus" come from family, individual and society, including the growth of a person's life. Finally, Mr. Kong Chuichang ordered the students to write the words. The whole ceremony not only had the solemnity of the traditional crown ceremony, but also had the flow of human relations and kinship, so that all participants were influenced by the traditional culture.

Mr. Kong Chuichang said that the Kong family bears the responsibility of continuing the tradition. The Kong family in Juxi has passed on silently for hundreds of years, passed through numerous rapids and rapids, and then came to a flourishing and growing place. Although the Kong family in Juxi is thousands of miles away from their hometown Qufu, they do not forget their moral knowledge, adhere to the cultivation of poetry and etiquette, and cultivate many talents, inherit Confucianism, and actively contribute to the country and the people. This spirit of inheritance is our precious wealth, and also the eternal code for the growth of the Kong family.

After the ceremony of worshipping the saints, Mr. Kong Chuichang and the young representatives of the Kong family dug up the regular script trees in front of the tomb of Kong Ruojun, the 47th generation grandson of Confucius and the commentator of Dali Temple, and took a group photo. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and Taiwan Affairs Office of Jinhua City)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]