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The unveiling ceremony of Shandong Province Taiwan Exchange Base was held in Weihai Mingde Art Museum

2024-05-21 13:49:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Opening ceremony (picture provided by Weihai Taiwan Affairs Office)

On May 21, www.taiwan.com.cn, recently, the unveiling ceremony of the Shandong Province Taiwan Exchange Base and the Cross Strait (Weihai) Calligraphy and Painting Exchange Conference were held in Weihai Mingde Art Museum.

In recent years, while strengthening the construction of Liugongdao national cross-strait exchange base, Weihai has constantly cultivated and created new Taiwan exchange points, striving for innovative national and provincial Taiwan exchange bases. With the strong support of the higher-level Taiwan Affairs Office, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, Weihai Mingde Art Museum actively carried out exchanges and cooperation between Weihai and Taiwan, and stood out among many Taiwan exchange points. The art museum has received more than 200 batches of 5000 people from all walks of life in Taiwan, held or hosted 12 cross-strait calligraphy and painting exhibitions, and attracted tens of thousands of visitors. It has become an important platform for cultural and emotional exchanges between compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and is the largest institution in Weihai engaged in folk cultural exchanges with Taiwan. In order to promote the emotional integration and spiritual fit of people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, it has played a positive role in A rare function.

In December 2023, the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Office of Shandong Province approved the establishment of the Shandong Taiwan exchange base here, which is also the first provincial Taiwan exchange base in Weihai. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and Weihai Taiwan Affairs Office)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]