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A series of activities were launched for Confucius Museum to enter the Confucius Family Temple in Zexi

2024-05-21 09:45:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Activity site (picture provided by Taiwan Affairs Office of Jinhua City)

May 21, www.taiwan.com.cn May 18 is the International Museum Day, and the launching ceremony of the Confucius Museum's "Confucius Vein Seeking Etiquette and Music Harmony" activity into the Confucius Family Temple in Juxi was held in Juxi Village, Pan'an, Zhejiang Province. Kong Chui, the 79th generation of Confucius' eldest grandson, president of the Holy Confucius Foundation, and chief honorary curator of the Confucius Museum, attended the event and presented calligraphy to the Confucius Temple in Zexi.

South Confucius in Wuzhou originated in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty. Over the past thousand years, there have been continuous string songs. There are more than 20000 descendants of Confucius from Juxi Village in Pan'an, which are distributed in 91 villages in more than 10 counties around. It is one of the largest gathering places of descendants of Confucius in the south of the Yangtze River. In recent years, Jinhua Municipal Committee and People's Government, Pan'an County Committee and People's Government attach great importance to the promotion and research of the South Confucius culture. In particular, last year launched the Wuzhou South Confucius Culture Week, promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of Wuzhou South Confucius culture, and constantly polishing the "golden card" of "Wuzhou South Confucius".

Kong Chuichang expressed his gratitude to the local government for attaching importance to the protection of the cultural relics of the Zexi Confucius Temple and promoting and inheriting Confucius culture. He said that it was not easy for the Kong family in Wuzhou to inherit nearly 900 years in Juxi, cultivate and read poems and books, adhere to worship Confucius, inherit Confucius culture, and make important contributions to local cultural undertakings. Historically, the cultural exchanges between the Kong family in Wuzhou and the Confucius mansion in Qufu, Shandong have been continuous. "In the future, we will continue to promote exchanges between the Kong family, and will make every effort to further promote cross Strait cultural exchanges and cooperation in various forms, so as to make more contributions to the common promotion of Confucianism."

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]