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2024 Chengdu Hong Kong Macao Taiwan Youth Theme Exchange Activity will be held in Chengdu

2024-05-20 13:05:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Activity site (provided by the Overseas Chinese and Taiwan Affairs Office of Wuhou District, Chengdu)

On May 20, www.taiwan.com.cn, recently, under the guidance of the Communist Youth League Sichuan Provincial Committee and the Sichuan Youth Federation, and sponsored by the United Front Department of the CPC Chengdu Municipal Committee, the Communist Youth League Chengdu Municipal Committee and the Chengdu Youth Federation, "One Heart, One Dream, One City" In 2024, the theme exchange of young people from Chengdu, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan - "Walking into Wuhou, Perceiving Historical Context and Modern Industrial Activities" was successfully held in Wuhou District, Chengdu.

At the launching ceremony, Chen Jiahuan, executive chairman of the Hong Kong Students' Federation of Sichuan Universities, Li Jiayuan, chairman of the Macao Students' Federation of Sichuan Universities, and Lin Chengwei, the youth representative of Taiwan, made exchange speeches on behalf of the youth of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Fang Zixi, the founder of Sichuan Rambol Culture Communication Co., Ltd., and Ou Di Chong, the general manager of Chengdu Lingbohui Business Consulting Co., Ltd., as representatives of Chengdu Hong Kong entrepreneurial youth, shared the theme of "vigorously moving forward, building a cultural bridge between Chengdu and the world", "working together, Chengdu Hong Kong youth compose a new chapter of modern industry".

On the same day, the first Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan youth exchange front in Chengdu was unveiled, and the follow-up will provide support for the regular exchange and exchanges of Chengdu, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan youth. At the event site, the "Wuhou District Hong Kong Youth Volunteer Service Framework Agreement" and the Wuhou District Macao Youth Volunteer Service Framework Agreement "were also signed, reaching consensus on volunteer service project cooperation, volunteer service resource sharing, volunteer service brand building and other contents.

During the event, young people from Chengdu, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investigated the International Urban Design Industry Center in Wuhou District, visited the exhibition hall of the first national cultural export base in Chengdu and the urban digital exhibition hall in Wuhou District, and learned about the experience, practice and future planning of Wuhou District in the development of digital economy industry and the construction of national cultural export base; Visit Aka Planet Music Studio and Chengdu Wenqu Planet Technology Co., Ltd., and deeply investigate the development status of modern industries such as Wuhou creative design and music culture. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the Overseas Chinese Taiwan Affairs Office of Wuhou District, Chengdu)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]