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The exchange meeting of 100 Taiwan enterprises entering Longjiang and Suifenhe Free Trade Zone was successfully held

2024-05-20 09:16:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Activity site (provided by Heilongjiang Provincial Taiwan Affairs Office)

On May 20, www.taiwan.com.cn, the two-day exchange meeting of 100 Taiwan enterprises entering Longjiang and Suifenhe Free Trade Zone was successfully concluded in Suifenhe, a century old port, recently, and nearly 100 enterprises attended the meeting.

At the exchange meeting, the Taiwan Merchants Association, the Taiwan Farmers' Pioneer Park in Xi'an District, Mudanjiang City, etc. made presentations. The participating enterprises said that Suifenhe, as a port city, has unique geographical advantages and is a good place for businesses to invest and operate.

Ye Yongsong, vice president of Xiamen Association of Taiwanese Investment Enterprises, said that we used to invest in coastal cities in the mainland of China. After coming here, we found that Heilongjiang had changed a lot and had a lot of agricultural resources. It is hoped that Taiwan enterprises and Taiwan compatriots participating in the investigation and exchange will seize the opportunity, give full play to their advantages, deepen development and advance together through cooperation. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Heilongjiang Province)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]