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Taiwan Yunlin Agricultural Exchange Group Visits Shantou to Explore a New Road for Cross Strait Agricultural Integration and Development

2024-05-17 10:23:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Activity pictures (provided by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Shanwei City)

On May 17, www.taiwan.com.cn, "The mainland has vast land, with rapid development of smart agriculture and huge market potential, and the constantly optimized business environment will surely attract more and more Taiwanese farmers to settle in Shanwei." When visiting the demonstration area for cultivating paddy fields in Houshan Village, Gongping Town, Haifeng County, Mr. Huang, the head of the rice nursery in Lunbei Village, Yunlin County, nodded while looking.

Recently, the Yunlin Folk Culture and Agriculture Cooperation and Exchange Group went to Shanwei for investigation and exchange, and went deep into Guangdong Tianzhong Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. to experience the green development of pig breeding; Visit the eco agricultural science and technology park and exchange the experience of science and technology enabling sweet potato innovation; Walk into the Houshan Reclamation Paddy Field Demonstration Zone to understand the modern agricultural industry in Shanwei.

"Actively promote the multi-level and multi field cooperation in agricultural technology between Shantou and Taiwan, especially strengthen the exchange and promotion of advanced agricultural practical technology in Shanwei to Taiwan, so as to effectively combine the agricultural production factors of the two places, which is not only of positive significance for improving the level of agricultural development of the two places, but also will inject new vitality into the common prosperity of the economy of the two places." Huang Baoxin, chief agronomist of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Haifeng County, looked forward to saying.

Mr. Lin, Vice President of Maoming Taiwan Association, who has always had an agricultural dream, went deep into Guangdong Taiwan Agricultural Tourism Integration Development Industrial Park to find the ideal bamboo shoot plantation. Xiang Jia, a Taiwanese youth entrepreneur, warmly received the delegation. President Lin said, "This is the Fujian hemp bamboo shoot I brought on a special trip. It is soaked in water, slowly boiled at high temperature, and sealed for preservation. It has kept its rich nutrition and fresh taste. Whether it is braised or fried, it is very delicious, and the mainland market is very broad."

It is a virtue and spirit of the Chinese people to be cautious and follow the distance. In Jieshi Town, Lufeng City, Mr. Wen and Mr. Lu from Lunbei Township, Yunlin County talked warmly and took a group photo with the local relatives of Wen and Lu, leaving contact information with each other. Both the Wen and Lu clansmen on both sides of the Taiwan Straits hope to carry out more activities such as ancestor worship and friendship in the future, to share the kinship between the two sides of the Straits, and to enhance the exchanges between the Wen clansmen on both sides of the Straits in religious beliefs and folk culture.

During the visit, the delegation also visited the Guangdong Province Taiwan Exchange Base (Fengshan Ancestral Temple), Xincun Village of Hongcao Town, Nanhai Guanyin in Honghai Bay, farmers' cooperatives on both sides of the Luhe Xinyuan experimental area for integrated development on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and Xuanwu Mountain Tourist Area to fully appreciate the cultural landscape and cultural heritage of Shanwei, and personally experience the charm of Shanwei's traditional culture. (Correspondent of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Shanwei, Taiwan. com/Wen Xiaoxin)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]