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A delegation led by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Hebei Province visited the headquarters of Shanghai Wangwang Group

2024-05-16 15:06:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Activity site (picture provided by Hebei Provincial Taiwan Affairs Office)

On May 16, www.taiwan.com.cn, recently, Li Li, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, led a delegation led by the Shijiazhuang Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office to Shanghai Wangwang Group Headquarters for investigation. Zhao Hongli, chairman of the Brand Maintenance Committee, general manager of the China Wangwang Foundation, received and accompanied them.

Li Li highly praised Wangwang Group's contribution to Hebei's economic and social development. She said that Wangwang Group has adhered to the one China principle and the 1992 Consensus for many years and has made positive contributions to promoting the peaceful development of cross Strait relations and promoting cross Strait exchanges and cooperation. At present, the Taiwan Affairs Office systematically implements the requirements of the provincial party committee on actively exploring new paths and fields of economic and trade cooperation between Hebei and Taiwan, and improving the quality and efficiency of investment attraction to Taiwan, as always, to provide high-quality, accurate and considerate services for Taiwan funded enterprises to develop in Hebei, and contribute to promoting the peaceful development and harmonious development of cross-strait relations.

Zhao Hongli welcomed Li Li and her delegation to visit Wangwang Group, expressed heartfelt thanks to Hebei for its long-term concern and support for enterprises, and conducted full communication and exchange on deep development in Hebei and cooperation in more fields. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Hebei Province)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]