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Young people from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao in Nanchang study and exchange to experience the beauty of traditional culture

2024-05-16 09:32:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Group photo at Wangshan Tuku, Jiangxi Province Taiwan Exchange Base (picture provided by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Xinjian District, Nanchang City)

On May 16, www.taiwan.com.cn, 40 young student representatives and teachers from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao from the cross-border education center of Nanchang University recently walked into the new district of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, to participate in the "cross-strait love, one family" research and exchange activity of "good new construction, beautiful life", experience the local folk customs, and feel the unique charm of traditional Chinese culture.

The Wangshan Tuku Scenic Area, located in Datangping Township, a newly built district in Nanchang City, has been financed and built by the Cheng family in the newly built district, known as "one gate, three governors" in history. It has a history of more than 200 years. The large scale and magnificent momentum of Wangshan Earth Depot are rare in Jiangnan and even in the whole country. The architecture integrates the essence of Jiangnan garden architecture, Anhui architecture and Qing court architecture, and is known as "the first in Jiangxi".

"With 1443 rooms, the family is really thriving! Especially after listening to the narrator's introduction of the Cheng family's story of" One Family, Three Governors ", we seem to feel the century old changes behind these buildings." Young students from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao in the cross-border education center of Nanchang University said in succession.

"Come on! Let's take a group photo and clock in here!" In the National Archaeological Relics Park of Haihun Marquis Site of the Han Dynasty, located in Xinjian District, Nanchang City, Taiwan student Zeng Shiyi happily asked his friends to take photos together. Bronze lamps with inscriptions, bronze fouls with dragon patterns in the Warring States Period, bamboo slips and wooden slips... In the Relics Museum area of the Relics Park, each piece of exquisite precious cultural relics gives you a taste of the demeanor and style of the Han Dynasty. Students can listen to interpreters or watch video materials, and choose their favorite way to feel this magnificent history.

"Today's visit has deeply shocked me. It not only increases my historical knowledge, but also deepens my understanding and love of the excellent traditional Chinese culture. I will take my family to Nanchang, visit more cultural attractions in the new district, and experience the beauty of traditional culture more deeply." said Su Ziyin, a Taiwanese student. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Xinjian District, Nanchang City)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]