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270 experts participated in the Fifth Cross Strait Guandan Friendship Competition in Jiangsu Province, which opened in Suzhou

2024-05-14 15:05:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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On May 14, www.taiwan.com.cn, recently, the launching ceremony of the Fifth Cross Strait Guandan Friendship Competition in Jiangsu Province, "National Edge V9 Cup", was held in Suzhou. 270 Guandan masters from both sides of the Taiwan Straits participated in the competition.

Originated in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, Guandan is a poker game. It is played by two people in a group of four. Now it has become a popular intellectual sports competition across the country. In 2023, the Chess and Card Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of the People's Republic of China officially promulgated the rules of the Guanpai game, which will be carried out as a puzzle sport. At the same time, the project was also included in the performance project of the Fifth National Intelligence Games.

Zhang Haitao, Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Provincial Sports Bureau, pointed out in his speech at the launching ceremony that this year's Jiangsu Province Fifth Cross Strait Guandan Friendship Competition is one of the mass sports activities in the province, and also a key activity of the 2024 Cross Strait Sports Carnival determined by the Jiangsu Provincial Taiwan Affairs Office. After the successful holding of the first four cross-strait guandan friendship contests, it has provided a high-quality spiritual pleasure platform for Taiwanese businessmen and compatriots, and the sense of gain, belonging and happiness has been significantly enhanced. It is hoped that the Guandan Friendship Tournament will be held year by year, and become better and better, so as to truly build it into a brand event.

Qi Guanshan, president of Jiangsu Guandan Sports Association, presided over the launching ceremony and said that the purpose of launching the fifth cross Strait Guandan Friendship Competition in Jiangsu Province when Mother's Day came was to use Guandan as a platform for mainland players and Taiwan businessmen and Taiwanese players to exchange Guandan skills on the same stage and share the kinship between the two sides, so that every Chinese people could return to the embrace of the great motherland as soon as possible.

Zou Zhenqiu, president of the Taiwan Compatriots Association of Jiangsu Province, said in his speech that the Jiangsu Guandan Sports Association had held five consecutive cross-strait Guandan Friendship Tournaments in Jiangsu Province, which had made a good attempt to promote cross-strait exchanges. This session will be held in Suzhou, and I hope to hold it in Taiwan next time. (Editor/Juanzi)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]