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First in Jiangxi! Nanchang Taiwan related Procurator Studio Unveiled

2024-05-13 09:59:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Nanchang Taiwan related Procurator Studio was unveiled (picture provided by Nanchang Taiwan Affairs Office)  

Taiwan. com, May 13 - On May 11, Nanchang held the unveiling ceremony of Taiwan related prosecutors' studio and the forum on high-quality development of Taiwan funded enterprises.

At the symposium, Liu Dong, a member of the Party Leadership Group of Nanchang Procuratorate and a full-time member of the Procuratorate Committee, introduced the work of procuratorial organs in serving enterprises, and gave a detailed introduction to the purpose and measures of establishing a "Taiwan related procurator studio". Chen Zhiren, Executive Vice President of Nanchang Taiwan Association, General Manager of Xinbao Electronic Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Liu Xiaodan, Vice President of Nanchang Taiwan Association, General Manager of Jiangxi Tongtong International Travel Agency Co., Ltd., Shi Pinhui, Member of Nanchang Taiwan Association, General Manager of Weikai Education Consulting (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd Exchange speeches and put forward suggestions on strengthening the publicity of the rule of law and optimizing the rule of law services.

Representatives of Taiwan funded enterprises said that the Municipal Procuratorate and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Municipal Committee of the CPC jointly set up a Taiwan related prosecutors' studio, which further expanded the channels for Taiwan funded enterprises to safeguard their legal rights, enriched the content of legal services, and deepened the specific practice of judicial work in Taiwan related fields. This is not only a reflection of the continuous optimization of the business environment in Nanchang, What's more, the province and Nanchang have implemented specific measures to integrate the development of both sides of the Taiwan Straits and promote spiritual harmony. Enterprises have realized that Nanchang continues to create a fair and just legal environment, with a sense of security, belonging and gain, which further strengthens the confidence and determination to further develop Nanchang and become bigger and stronger. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Nanchang)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]