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Juveniles from both sides of the Taiwan Straits swim to the future in Xiamen

2024-05-11 10:33:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Competition site (picture provided by Haicang Taiwanese Home)

Taiwan. com, May 11, 2007 Recently, the 2023-2024 "Weiboli" Cup Swimming Club MLS League (Xiamen Station) and the 7th Cross Strait (Xiamen Haicang) Children's Swimming Association Competition ended in Xiamen Haicang.

The event attracted nearly 40 clubs from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, including 10 Taiwanese players. The competition lasts for two days and has 165 events. It is worth mentioning that many players have broken the 10 year history record of MLS.

The organizer said that the success of this event will accelerate the development of the "sports+" industrial model, promote the integration of sports and economy, sports and culture, sports and fitness, and strive to create a sunny sports swimming event with the characteristics of southern Fujian. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and Haicang Taiwanese Home)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]