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Taiwan compatriots in Qionglai City of Chengdu participate in ceramic art experience and feel the charm of Qionglai kiln intangible cultural heritage

2024-05-09 11:15:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Group photo of the event (provided by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Qionglai City, Chengdu)

On May 7, www.taiwan.com.cn, the Taiwan Affairs Office of Qionglai City, together with Beilu Community, Linqiong Street, Qionglai City, held a pottery experience activity of "One Pottery, One Painting, Meet with 'Mud'" in Qiongyao National Archaeological Relics Park, inviting Taiwan compatriots in Qionglai to gather together and feel the charm of Qiongyao's intangible cultural heritage.

During the activity, the inheritors of Qiong Kiln introduced the history, culture, artistic characteristics and techniques of Qiong Kiln, demonstrated the techniques of casting, underglaze painting and other techniques on the spot, led everyone to experience the production process of Qiong Kiln, felt the fun of soil flowing at the fingertips, and looked forward to the "kiln change" effect after their ceramic works were glazed and fired.

It is understood that Qiong Kiln is the largest celadon kiln system in Sichuan in ancient times, and one of the cradles of Chinese colored porcelain. It was created in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, flourished in the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, and declined in the late Song Dynasty. Its firing history has lasted more than 800 years, creating important new processes and technologies such as opaque glaze and composite colored painting decoration. Its unique process, rich categories and exquisite skills, It has an important influence on the development of ancient ceramics. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Qionglai City, Chengdu)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]