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Experience Intangible Cultural Heritage and Discover the Beauty of Tianjin

2024-05-07 15:57:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Activity site (picture provided by Tianjin Beichen District Taiwan Affairs Office)

On May 7, www.taiwan.com.cn, a few days ago, the Taiwan Affairs Office of Beichen District, Tianjin, jointly with the Youth Volunteer Association of the District, held an exchange activity for Taiwanese youth and Taiwanese students to "experience the intangible cultural heritage culture and discover the beauty of Tianjin" and "Hello Tianjin - Liujin Years Travel". Ten Taiwanese youth and Taiwanese students in the district were invited to carry out research and experience in intangible cultural heritage and feel the charm of intangible cultural heritage in their works.

Walking into the Half acre Fangtang Intangible Cultural Heritage College, the lecturer showed the Taiwanese people a variety of traditional intangible cultural heritage crafts, introduced the historical origin of the intangible cultural heritage culture, and focused on the white green art, helping them to appreciate the colorful and strong historical flavor of the intangible cultural heritage art.

In the experience activities of intangible cultural heritage fragrance combining technique and glazed hairpin making, Taiqing Taisheng students selected spices, stirred and mixed, printed molds, waved scissors and copper wire in their hands, and shaped their hairpin flower decorations. Each step was full of fun and challenges. After a lot of efforts, we finally produced our own unique works.

The young Taiwanese are immersed in the fun of handcraft, exchanging production skills and experience, and the young Taiwanese are playing and competing with each other. Pang Fan, a Taiwan citizen, said, "This activity is very interesting. When we go back, we should take our children to experience more intangible cultural heritage crafts." (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Tianjin Beichen District)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]