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The communication between Taiwan and Yangzhou was just at the time when Taiwan and Qingdao went to Yangzhou in March

2024-05-06 15:33:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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May 6 (www.taiwan.cn) - The fireworks in March are in good spring, and it's time to raise the platform for communication. Recently, the Yangzhou Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office held a "Good Place to Meet in Yangzhou in March" Taiwan Youth Cultural Exchange trip to Yangzhou, inviting nearly 20 young people from the island to experience the charm of the millennium history and culture, appreciate the vitality of economic development, and look for opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment.

During their stay in Yangzhou, Tai Qing and his party visited Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum around the theme IP of the Grand Canal, and visited Shaobo Ancient Embankment, Shaobo Wharf, Yuchengyi, Zhenguo Temple and other world cultural heritage sites in Yangzhou section of the Grand Canal, to understand the past and present lives and heritage values of the Grand Canal.

The garden culture of Yangzhou reflects the historical charm and beautiful landscape of the city. The delegation from Taiwan and Qingdao visited the Slender West Lake, the World Expo Garden, the Park and other garden attractions to feel the simplicity, elegance and poetic beauty of Yangzhou gardens; Visited Dongguan Street, Renfengli Street, Pishi Street and other historical and cultural blocks, and felt the regional characteristics and humanistic genes of the ancient city of Yangzhou during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Intangible culture is a deep cultural heritage of the city. Taiqing has experienced such intangible cultural heritage projects as block printing, ancient zither and lacquer fan, and deeply experienced the profound and beautiful intangible cultural heritage of Yangzhou. In addition, the delegation from Taiwan and Qingdao visited Jianzhen Library, Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall, Chen Jiexian and Hou Youlan Humanities Museum, listened to the "Yangzhou Forum", and went to Gaoyou, Yizheng, Jiangdu and other places to experience the postal culture, tea culture, bamboo culture and food culture with local characteristics.

Not only that, they also participated in the promotion of Yangzhou city and the economic and trade cooperation and exchange activities between Yangzhou and Taiwan to fully understand the current situation of Yangzhou's economic and social development; Investigate the modern agricultural science and technology industrial park along the river, Wutinglong International Toy and Gift City, Hangji E-commerce Industrial Park, etc., and deeply understand the development of local characteristic industries; Visit the youth talent apartment, Haichuang Shunda Park, youth learning club experience points, etc., and understand the innovation and entrepreneurship, internship and employment support policies and related supporting facilities for Taiwan and youth.

They marveled at Yangzhou's profound cultural heritage, beautiful ecological environment and dynamic development environment, and shared them with friends and relatives on the island through social software such as Line and WeChat. Everyone said that this trip to Yangzhou was tailored for young people, with rich and colorful contents and meticulous services. The city development, cultural customs, and food scenery of Yangzhou are memorable and unforgettable. I will often visit Yangzhou. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Yangzhou)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]