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Huangshan and Xiamen (Jimei) Jointly Explore the New Path of Cross Strait Integration and Development

2024-04-30 13:55:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Signing ceremony (picture provided by Huangshan Cross Strait Exchange Base)

On April 30, www.taiwan.com.cn, a team from Huangshan Cross Strait Exchange Base recently went to Xiamen Haicang Shishi Academy in Fujian Province, Xiamen (Jimei) Fujian Taiwan Research and Travel Base, Jinjiang Xiangjinmen Water Supply Project, Nan'an Zheng Chenggong's hometown, Jinjiang Wudian City's traditional street and other cross Strait exchange bases for friendly exchanges. At the same time, Liu Wen, member of the Party Working Committee and director of the Political Department of Huangshan Scenic Spot, and Chen Yating, head of Xiamen (Jimei) Fujian Taiwan Research Travel Base, signed friendly exchange and cooperation agreements on behalf of Huangshan Cross Strait Exchange Base and Xiamen (Jimei) Fujian Taiwan Research Travel Base, respectively. The two sides will share resources and deepen cooperation in cross Straits exchange brand activities, research and study travel projects, publicity and marketing, customer introduction and other aspects, so as to work together to do a good job in Taiwan under the new situation.

Since the establishment of Huangshan Cross Strait Exchange Base in June 2016, relying on the unique natural and cultural landscape, efforts have been made to build a cross Strait photography cultural exchange base; Aiming at the needs of the Taiwan market, carefully design and create a number of high-quality tourist routes; Organize enterprise marketing personnel to promote tourism in the island, focus on communication, promote cooperation and seek development; We will carry out youth exchanges across the Straits to build consensus across the Straits. Constantly carrying out work with Taiwan, consolidating the foundation of work, and innovating the working mechanism have made due contributions to promoting cross-strait exchanges.

Fujian has a unique position and role in the overall work with Taiwan. Xiamen City, Fujian Province, is located in the forefront of cross Strait integration and development. As a "hot spot" for Taiwanese enterprises to invest and start business and a "blessed place" for landing in the first home, it has unique advantages and pioneering demonstration role with Taiwan. The policy and system system for integration and development is relatively perfect. "One family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, Fujian and Taiwan are close to each other" It has a strong social atmosphere, convenient personnel exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan, and smooth trade and investment. In particular, in terms of youth exchanges, it has the advantages of a century old learning village and a well-known cultural and educational district, and the talent exchanges between the two sides are active.

It is reported that the signing of this cooperation agreement is a new attempt to further improve the quality and efficiency of the work of the cross-strait exchange base, expand the brand influence, and explore a new path for cross Strait integration and development under the new situation. Huangshan and Xiamen will cooperate to build a broad and in-depth cross-strait exchange brand activity by realizing mutual promotion of brands, mutual delivery of tourists, data sharing, etc., to further promote the in-depth development of cross-strait cultural exchanges, youth exchanges, economic and trade exchanges, and research travel, so as to provide more exchanges and cooperation, review history, taste culture Let compatriots on both sides of the Straits, especially the youth on both sides of the Straits, have a common understanding and cognition of China's good mountains and waters, history and humanity, improve the cultural identity and national identity of compatriots on both sides of the Straits, and play a due role in deepening the integration and development of the two sides of the Straits.

During their stay in Fujian, the delegation from the Huangshan Cross Strait Exchange Base also visited well-known Taiwan funded enterprises in Xiamen and Quanzhou, visited the first village in the Taiwan Strait, Weitou Village, Battlefield Park, Shuitou Wuliqiao Cultural Park and other grassroots exchange demonstration sites in Fujian Province, exchange experience in Taiwan work management, and learn advanced business concepts. This activity also helped Huangshan China Travel Service Co., Ltd. and Xiamen Jianfa International Travel Service Group Co., Ltd. to sign a strategic framework agreement, which provided a strong guarantee for both parties to increase tourism marketing and publicity efforts, develop Taiwan's inbound market, achieve the goal of attracting tourists to the Yellow River, and help "double recruiting and double introducing". (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.com.cn and Huangshan Cross Strait Exchange Base)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]