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Youth on both sides of the Straits held exchanges in Huzhou to "pursue dreams and realize dreams" and jointly celebrate the May 4th Movement

2024-04-29 14:27:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Group photo of the event (provided by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Huzhou City)

On April 29, www.taiwan.com.cn, on the occasion of the 75th May 4th Youth Day, the second session of the "Dream Chasing and Dream Realizing" exchange between Hu and Taiwan youth and the 2024 cross-strait youth celebration of the May 4th Youth Day activity was successfully held in Lu Village, Wuxing District, Huzhou City. More than 60 young Taiwanese from the Youth Committee of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation, the Taiwan Chinese Unification Students Association, the Youth Committee of the Taiwan Association of Huzhou City, and the Taiwan Nantou New Alliance Economic, Trade and Cultural Exchange Association participated.

On the theme sharing activity, Zhou Daixiang, Executive Vice President of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation and Chairman of the Youth Commission, delivered a video speech, Zong Jiahong, Deputy Chief Supervisor of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation and Deputy Chairman of the Youth Commission, Li Dongxian, Executive Vice President of the Taiwan Chinese Unification Students Association, Luo Dingjun, a specially invited researcher of Wenzhou Taiwan Research Center and founder of the WeChat public account Youth on Both Sides Cai Minyang, manager of Huzhou Tianxin Tiansi, and others shared and exchanged ideas on such topics as the proposal for Taiwanese youth to participate in the construction of Fujian Integration Pilot Zone and build a bridge for cross Straits youth exchange and cooperation, the story of "the second generation of Taiwanese businessmen" cultivating entrepreneurship and settling down in Zhejiang, and the journey of Taiwanese youth in Huzhou, Zhejiang to "pursue dreams and realize dreams". The atmosphere was warm and Taiqing was encouraged. At the end of the activity, Taiwan youth groups signed a letter of intent with Huzhou Young Entrepreneurs Association to reach a consensus on mutual exchanges, internships, entrepreneurship, industrial cooperation, etc.

During their stay in the lake, Taiwanese youth also visited such exchange bases as Hubi Town in Nanxun District, Changxing Datang Tribute Tea House, tasted the characteristic food culture of Huzhou, such as "three teas", and exchanged and interacted with Ying Guohong, vice chairman of the Taiwan Committee of the Huzhou Municipal Taiwan Federation, to deeply understand the traditional Chinese culture. Through a series of visits, exchanges, theme sharing and other activities, Taiwanese youth have experienced the vivid practice of "seeing beautiful China in Huzhou". (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Huzhou City)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]