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Taiwan compatriots come to Huaihe to seek roots and worship ancestors

2024-04-29 09:51:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Li Xuchuan and his party in Shou County, Huainan (picture provided by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Huainan City)

On April 29, www.taiwan.com.cn, "When I was a child, my grandfather always told me that we should never forget that our ancestral home is Shouxian County, Anhui Province." "This is the first time I came to Anhui Province and my hometown Shouxian County, and finally I realized my grandfather's mandate and wish of being an hour old." Recently, Li Xuchuan, vice president of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation and president of the Dezhou Association of Taiwan Enterprises, and his delegation came to Shouxian County, Huainan to seek roots and worship ancestors Visit relatives and carry out interactive exchanges.

During the visit and exchange, Li Xuchuan introduced the development process of his family after they went to Taiwan in detail, and shared the excitement of returning home for the first time. He believes that the family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits is a family whose blood is thicker than water. Seeing that the family members in his hometown are living well, he feels extremely gratified and proud.

The head of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Huainan Municipality extended a warm welcome and sincere greetings to Li Xuchuan when he returned to his hometown, and introduced in detail the history and culture of Huainan and the economic and social development of his hometown in recent years. He hoped that Taiwan compatriots would take this return to seek roots as a starting point, further pay attention to his hometown, publicize his hometown, promote his hometown, and continue to strengthen contact and friendship with his hometown; Give full play to the role of bridge and link, drive more Taiwanese enterprises to visit Huaihe, start businesses, find jobs, live and learn, and constantly promote the integrated development of Huaihe and Taiwan. The Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office will, as always, provide efficient, high-quality and convenient services, so that Taiwanese businessmen coming to Huaihe will enjoy a comfortable life and work.

Li Xuchuan expressed his sincere gratitude to the Taiwan Affairs Offices at all levels of the city and county for their care and concern for Taiwan compatriots, and said that he would play a role as a bridge link in the future, actively help Huaihe Taiwan economic exchanges and cooperation, and contribute to the economic and social development of his hometown. (Yang Panpan, Correspondent of Huainan Taiwan Affairs Office, www.taiwan.com.cn)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]