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The seventh cross-strait (Quanzhou) Minnan nursery rhyme contest was launched

2024-04-28 15:06:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Launching ceremony (picture provided by Quanzhou Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao)

On April 28, www.taiwan.com.cn, the seventh cross-strait (Quanzhou) South Fujian nursery rhyme contest and the second "Silk Sea Symphony" South Fujian story telling contest were launched in Anhai Experimental Kindergarten in Jinjiang recently. Principals, teachers and students from both sides of the Taiwan Straits gathered to exchange ideas on learning and creation of South Fujian nursery rhymes, visit the living cultural heritage of South Fujian and plant friendship trees.

At the launching ceremony, the sponsor awarded the plaque of "South Fujian nursery rhyme inheritance base on both sides of the Taiwan Straits" to Anhai Town, Jinmen County Jinhu Primary School and Taichung Qiaoxiao Primary School in Jinjiang City, affirming their contributions to actively participating in cross Straits nursery rhyme exchange activities and promoting the inheritance and dissemination of excellent traditional Chinese culture over the years.

Chen Weixin, the headmaster of Jinhu Primary School in Jinmen County, and You Rongxiang, the headmaster of Qiaoxiao Primary School in Taichung City, said in the video link that it is both an honor and a responsibility to become a base for the inheritance of nursery rhymes across the Taiwan Straits. All teachers and students of the school will continue to work hard to better understand the traditional connotation of culture and inherit the Minnan language and culture.

Su Jinjie, Chairman of the Association of Radio Exchanges across the Taiwan Straits, sent a congratulatory video to review the process of participating in the cross-strait nursery rhyme exchange activities, hoping that such activities would continue and better strengthen the emotional exchanges between compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and overseas villagers.

It is reported that the series of activities of the South Fujian Nursery Rhyme Competition on both sides of the Taiwan Straits (Quanzhou) has been held for six consecutive times. Jinmen and more than 20 schools in Taiwan sent their works to participate in the competition or sent teams to Quanzhou to participate in the activities. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn, Quanzhou Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, and Quanzhou Radio and Television)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]