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The first "Spring Tide Music Moving Lion Platform Integration" concert was held in Shishi, Quanzhou

2024-04-28 13:43:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Activity site (picture provided by Quanzhou Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao)

On April 28, www.taiwan.com.cn, the first "Spring Tide Music Moves Lion Platform Integration" concert was held in Shishi Concert Hall, Quanzhou.

Music and art lovers on both sides of the Taiwan Straits expressed "a family on both sides of the Straits" through four chapters, namely, the spring breeze blowing, the spring returning to the earth, the spring flowers blooming, and the spring agreement, with 14 programs, including "The Wish of Master Shi Shi", "So Many People in the World", "The Beginning of the Heart", and "Watching the Spring Wind", in the form of Ekrili ensemble, piano solo, erhu solo, violin solo, and guitar fingerplay Emotions.

It is reported that the purpose of this concert is to build a bridge of communication between the youth on both sides of the strait with music, let the piano children on both sides enjoy together, better promote the cultural and artistic exchange of Shitai, enhance the emotional interaction of Shitai youth, and further promote the integration and development of Shitai culture. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn, Quanzhou Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, and Shishi Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]