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Media from both sides of the Straits walk around Zhengzhou Metropolitan Circle and talk together to make Central Plains brilliant

2024-04-25 10:25:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Journalists on both sides of the Taiwan Straits listened to the introduction of the Central Plains Medical Science City planning (picture provided by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Henan Province)

April 25, www.taiwan.com.cn Recently, the 2024 cross-strait media joint interview activity of "Walking in the Metropolitan Circle, Focusing on the Brilliant Central Plains" organized by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Henan Province was successfully held. In one week, more than 30 journalists from 24 cross-strait media, including Taiwan United Daily, Taiwan News Media, People's Daily, Taiwan Guide, Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, etc., focused on the "two guarantees" and "ten major strategies", focused on the scientific and technological innovation, characteristic industries, integrated development, history and culture, and publicized the planning, construction and development achievements of Zhengzhou Metropolitan Circle Kaifeng, Xinxiang, Xuchang and other places carried out all-round and multi angle publicity and reporting, and continued to tell stories about Henan and the integration of Henan and Taiwan.

   Building a "new highland" of scientific and technological innovation in Central Plains

Henan has formed a "tripartite confrontation" scientific and technological innovation pattern with the Central Plains Science and Technology City, Central Plains Medical Science City, and Central Plains Agricultural Valley as the pillar platforms, and constantly promoted the accelerated development of new quality productivity.

At the Investment Promotion Center of Zhongyuan Science and Technology City, the media on both sides of the Straits have a deep understanding of the planning and construction of the innovation platform, achievements transformation, talent introduction and other industrial layout, and personally feel how the new quality productivity led by innovation can transform and upgrade traditional industries, cultivate and expand emerging industries, layout and build future industries, improve the modern industrial system and other contents in Zhongyuan, The speed of urban development has amazed journalists on both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

In the Central Plains Medical Science City, the media on both sides of the Straits saw that a medical science innovation peak of "hospital city industry" integration and development is rising rapidly in Zhengzhou Airport Area, becoming a new card of innovation driven development in Henan Province and even the whole country.

The green farmland in the Central Plains agricultural valley is as picturesque as a poem, which instantly wipes away the tiredness of the reporter's journey. Wang Yuqing, a member of Taiwan's We Media, said, "Thanks to the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies, Central Plains Agri Valley has comprehensively innovated and upgraded the traditional agricultural production mode, which is of great significance for ensuring national food security, promoting rural revitalization and ecological civilization construction. Here, I can see Henan's confidence in science and technology, enterprise and culture. "

   Connect inside and outside, radiate east and west, and build a "new channel" for inland logistics hub

At Zhengzhou International Inland Port, reporters on both sides learned that the planning and construction of Zhengzhou International Inland Port will be officially launched in 2022. In the future, Zhengzhou International Inland Port will be built into a "modern, international and world-class" inland international port, which will not only have the capacity to ensure the operation of China Europe trains of "ten thousand trains and ten million tons", but also form a "four port linkage" with the high-speed railway Zhengzhou Airport Station and the Ministry of Transport's National Highway Information Center Integrated development trend.

In the Central Europe Train Dispatching and Command Center, you ride the exquisite simulation train of the Central Europe Train, and rise and fall with the vivid scenery of the countries along the Belt and Road on the screen, as if passing through time and space to experience the unique customs of the countries along the Belt and Road. After the experience, the Taiwanese media were full of praise: "This is really an unforgettable trip, as if I have traveled all over the world with the train!"

"Previously, I came to Henan mainly to understand the history and culture of the origin of the Chinese nation. Now we are here and feel the thriving economic and social landscape and the convenience of connecting with the world." Changjiang Wenbin of Taiwan Telegraph Corporation said excitedly, "Henan, Zhengzhou in particular, has made full use of aviation, high-speed rail, sea rail intermodal transport and other means to open the world, giving full play to the hub advantages, so that the Central Plains metropolitan area continues to shine."

   Revitalization of rural areas and prosperity of industries draw a "new blueprint" for rural economic development

The taste is fresh and pleasant, slightly sweet but not greasy. The Hezhai pear paste in Hezhai Village, Lankao County has attracted many journalists from both sides of the Taiwan Straits. After tasting this pear paste water, the reporters were full of praise: "It tastes very good, refreshing, and very thirst quenching after drinking it. Moreover, its raw materials are very healthy, which is very consistent with modern people's pursuit of healthy life." The village has successfully built a crisp pear planting base covering an area of more than 1500 mu by adopting the innovative "cooperatives+companies+farmers" model. Relying on this advantageous industry, the village has developed a series of pear processing products, such as pear paste, pear wine, pear flower honey, pear flower cake, which are favored by the market. In addition, Hezhai Village also held a variety of activities such as the Pear Blossom Culture Festival and the Farmers' Harvest Festival, which attracted a large number of tourists to come for sightseeing and leisure, and successfully created a popular weekend leisure destination in the suburbs.

Not only Hezhai Village, but also the reporters from both sides of the Taiwan Straits are attracted by the melodious music that constantly spreads out here in Juyang Town, Lankao County. Paulownia used to be used for wind prevention and sand fixation in the past, with the significant improvement of the ecological environment, has become the best choice for making national musical instruments. Today, the processing industry of national musical instruments with paulownia as raw material has become one of the local pillar industries. At present, Lankao County has 219 national musical instruments and supporting enterprises, including 19 enterprises above designated size. These enterprises produce and sell up to 700000 sets of various ethnic musical instruments and 6 million sets of sound boards and accessories annually, with an annual output value of 3 billion yuan. The number of employees has exceeded 18000, and the product output accounts for 33% of the national market share, becoming a leader in the industry.

   Based on advantages, find the right way to create a "new business card" of county featured economy

In order to create the golden signboard of "China's Hot and Sour Powder City", Tongxu County has carefully planned a hot and sour powder industrial park covering an area of 2730 mu, integrating standardized factory buildings, logistics warehouses, talent apartments, e-commerce services, R&D and quality inspection, power, steam, sewage centralized treatment and other supporting facilities, providing a solid spatial foundation for the healthy and sustainable development of hot and sour powder industry. Wang Yuqing, a Taiwan We Media person, was full of praise after tasting: "Every taste of the products here is very delicious, not inferior to the rice noodles I have tasted before, and other Taiwan compatriots are very welcome to taste them too!" Some Taiwan media people were worried about eating too much, but still couldn't help tasting another bowl of hot and sour noodles, and its delicious taste can be seen.

In Changyuan, the "Capital of Medical Consumables in China", journalists walked into Changyuan Medical Museum, as if entering a medical space-time tunnel. Digital oscilloscopes, automatic awakening devices, non-invasive sphygmomanometers, blood oxygen monitors and other medical instruments, as well as precious literature such as the Dictionary of Biomedical Engineering Terms and the Practical Manual of Nuclear Medicine Technicians, tell each visitor the glorious history of Chinese medicine in their silent language.

Li Guoqiang, chairman of Weihua Group, said in an interview that Weihua's outstanding achievements benefited from three 50% supports: a research and development technology team with more than 50% of the talents in the industry, including three academicians on the station and 19 groups of postdoctoral workstations; It has more than 1400 patents, including more than 150 invention patents, accounting for more than 50% of the entire industry; Over the years, the international, domestic and industrial standards participated in the formulation accounted for more than 50% of the whole industry. He further revealed that the company invests 4-6% of its revenue in R&D every year, which has lasted for decades, making Weihua the leading scientific research achievement in the whole industry.

"This visit made me more identify with the development and prosperity of the motherland." Wang Yuqing, a Taiwan We Media person, highly praised the achievements of Weihua Group. He said that seeing Henan's earnest attitude towards industrial development and its innovative layout in blocks, he was full of expectations for the future of the motherland. He believes that with the construction and development of the motherland, more and more young people in Taiwan will have the opportunity to participate in this great process.

   Seeking roots in the Central Plains, worshiping the ancestors, and appreciating the "new atmosphere" of the history and culture of the Central Plains

Xinzheng is the place where the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan was born, built his capital and established his career. This year's interview coincided with the ancestor worship ceremony on March 3. Reporters from both sides of the Taiwan Straits and 5000 Chinese people at home and abroad paid homage to the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, praying for the prosperity of the great motherland and the harmony of the people.

The ceremony was solemn and solemn, with nine ceremonies in turn. During the worship of the founding fathers, Lai Suzhen, the assistant director of the New Media Department of Taiwan's New Party, put down his shooting equipment and bowed three times solemnly. She said excitedly, "This trip has let me know where my roots lie, full of a sense of belonging. The compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are a family of the same origin. I will use the camera to record the various scenes I saw, and show the historical, cultural, economic and social development of Henan in a three-dimensional way through social media, so that more young Taiwanese can understand the mainland and Henan."

After the ceremony, Taiwanese media people said in succession, "To attend the ancestor worship, we all feel like going home because our roots and ancestors are here." "From the entrance to the ancestor worship, the whole process of ritual feeling is full, allowing people to immerse themselves in the unique charm of Chinese culture."

Journalists from both sides also came to Yuzhou, Henan Province, to explore the past and present life of Jun porcelain; Walk along the old streets of Shendang Ancient Town to feel the depth of history; Walk into Henan Huaxia Medicinal Materials Co., Ltd. and feel its brand strategy of "genuine medicinal materials, Chinese medicinal materials"

At the end of the whole interview, Chen Xizhen, the president of Taiwan International News Perspective Newspaper, sighed: "Returning to Henan is like returning home, and I feel very comfortable. Through this activity, we learned about a more authentic and three-dimensional Henan, which broadened our horizon, enlightened our thinking, and strengthened our confidence in the integration and development of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits." (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Henan Province)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]