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Zhang Yuduo, Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee, went to Northeast Normal University for investigation

2023-12-18 17:26:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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On December 15, Zhang Yuduo, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee, led a team to Northeast Normal University for research and exchange. Xu Haiyang, President of Northeast Normal University, and Liu Jiuqing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Northeast Normal University attended the meeting.
Research site (www.taiwan.com)
Xu Haiyang introduced the general situation of the development of Northeast Normal University, focusing on the development of Taiwan related work. He pointed out that Northeast Normal University thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the decision and deployment of the Central Committee on Taiwan work, actively promoted cross Straits teacher-student exchanges and academic exchanges, deepened brand project construction in the field of cross Straits youth exchanges, and constantly improved the quality and efficiency of Taiwan work. In the future, the university will make greater efforts in academic exchanges and student training in Taiwan, attract more Taiwanese students to study and develop in Kyrgyzstan, and actively promote cultural exchanges between colleges and universities across the Taiwan Straits to achieve new results.
Zhang Yudou introduced the work progress of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee over the past year, expressed gratitude to Northeast Normal University for actively participating in co sponsoring the "Fourth Cross Strait University Presidents Forum", and spoke highly of the brilliant achievements of Northeast Normal University in teaching, scientific research and talent training. He pointed out that Northeast Normal University conscientiously implemented the overall strategy of the Party to solve the Taiwan issue in the new era, spared no effort to carry out work with Taiwan, and achieved fruitful results in deepening academic cooperation, serving Taiwanese students attentively, and deepening brand projects. Zhang Yudou fully affirmed the preparations for the upcoming "Northeast Normal University 2023 Cross Strait College Students' Future Educator Training Camp". He said that the Taiwan Affairs Office of the provincial party committee will try every possible way to provide support for Kyrgyzstan Taiwan exchanges, expand the mode of cultural exchanges with Taiwan, create a platform for the youth of Kyrgyzstan and Taiwan to enhance friendship, and urge the two sides of the Taiwan Straits to get closer and integrate development.
Condolences to the representatives of students in Jitaisheng (posted on www.taiwan.com)
Zhang Yuduo and his delegation also expressed condolences to the representatives of the students in Kyrgyzstan and Taiwan, and communicated with them cordially, expressing the concern of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee for the students in Kyrgyzstan and Taiwan, encouraging them to learn something, make achievements and apply what they have learned during their study in Kyrgyzstan, and work together to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Research site (www.taiwan.com)
Comrades in charge of the Exchange Office, the Secretariat and the Propaganda Office of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Provincial Party Committee, as well as the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office of Northeast Normal University and relevant comrades participated in the survey. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee)
[Editor in charge: Fang Linlin]