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Zhang Yuduo, Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee, led a team to Jilin City to visit and investigate

2023-02-09 15:41:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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Director Zhang Yudou and his party carried out a survey in Taiwan Enterprise Jidibao Kindergarten (photo source: Jilin Provincial Taiwan Affairs Office)

On February 9, www.taiwan.cn, recently, Zhang Yuduo, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee, led a team to Jilin City to carry out research and visit Taiwan compatriots in difficulties.

Zhang Yudou and his delegation listened to the report of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Jilin Municipal Committee on the development of Taiwan related work in recent years and the work ideas for 2023, and fully affirmed the work of Jilin City on Taiwan related work. Zhang Yudou said that Jilin City has a solid foundation for Taiwan work and strong strength in Taiwan exchanges. It should give full play to its political and resource advantages, focus on the overall strategy of the Party to solve the Taiwan issue in the new era, focus on the central work of the provincial party committee and government, focus on the new pattern of our province's "1210" Taiwan work, improve its political position, deepen Kyrgyzstan Taiwan exchanges and cooperation, and do practical work for Taiwan compatriots Solve difficulties, promote the implementation of services, and comprehensively improve work results.

Zhang Yudou and his party successively inspected Taiwan enterprises Jidibao Kindergarten and cross-strait (Jilin) youth employment and entrepreneurship base, and discussed with the principals of Taiwan enterprises and youth entrepreneurship base to understand their development process and operation. Zhang Yudou said that the provincial and municipal Taiwan Affairs Offices should increase their efforts in active service, constantly innovate their working methods and work with relevant departments to actively solve difficulties and solve problems for businesses in Kyrgyzstan and Taiwan, so as to create better conditions and environment for Taiwan enterprises to be happy, big and strong.

Zhang Yuduo and his delegation also visited Taiwan compatriots in difficulties, sent them consolation money, understood their actual difficulties, and implemented the concern of the party and the government. (Jointly reported by www.taiwan.cn and the Taiwan Affairs Office of Jilin Province)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]