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Measures on Deepening Economic and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation between Beijing and Taiwan

2018-11-12 14:48:00
Source: Beijing Taiwan Affairs Office
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In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the concept of "one family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits" of General Secretary Xi Jinping, take the lead in sharing opportunities for the development of the mainland with Taiwan compatriots, deepen economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, gradually provide Taiwan compatriots with the same treatment as those on the mainland for learning, entrepreneurship, employment and life, and improve the well-being of Taiwan compatriots, In accordance with the spirit of Several Measures on Promoting Cross Strait Economic and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation (GTF [2018] No. 1) issued by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the National Development and Reform Commission, and in combination with the reality of cross Strait economic and cultural exchange and cooperation, as well as the economic and social development of Beijing and the strategic positioning of the capital city, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Beijing Municipal People's Government The Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, in consultation with the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Education and Working Committee, the Municipal Education Commission, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the Municipal Economic Informatization Commission, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of Justice, the Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Municipal Planning and Land Commission, the Municipal Housing, Urban and Rural Construction Commission, the Municipal Urban Management Commission, the Municipal Transportation Commission, the Municipal Agriculture Commission, the Municipal Water Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Commission of Commerce Municipal Bureau of Culture, Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, Municipal Social Affairs Office, Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Beijing Municipal Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation, Municipal Culture and Assets Management Office, Municipal Bureau of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, Municipal Intellectual Property Office, Zhongguancun Management Committee, Municipal Bureau of Agriculture, Municipal Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau, Municipal Housing Reserve Management Center, Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China, Beijing Securities Regulatory Bureau, Beijing Banking Regulatory Bureau The Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Communist Youth League Committee, the Municipal Women's Federation, the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles and other units agreed to study and issue Several Measures on Deepening Economic and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation between Beijing and Taiwan, which has been approved by the municipal government. The specific measures are as follows:

1、 Actively provide equal treatment to Taiwan funded enterprises for investment and economic cooperation in Beijing

1. Enterprises invested by Taiwan compatriots in the mainland (hereinafter referred to as "Taiwan funded enterprises"), in accordance with the requirements of the Notice of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government on Printing and Distributing the Series of Documents on Accelerating Scientific and Technological Innovation to Build a High, Precision and Advanced Economic Structure, can use talents, funds In the form of technology, we will participate in the investment of high-end, intelligent and green manufacturing enterprises that meet the requirements of Beijing's urban function orientation and industrial development, and enjoy the same policy as mainland enterprises registered in Beijing. (Municipal Economic Information Commission, Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau)

2. Use the brand activities of Beijing Taiwan Science and Technology Forum to strengthen the contact between Beijing and Taiwan's industrial and commercial groups, focus on high-tech industries and innovative development, promote project negotiation and docking, and deepen the economic, trade, scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation between the two places. (Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, Municipal Commission of Commerce)

3. Taiwan funded enterprises that set up headquarters in Beijing and meet the requirements of headquarters economic policies can enjoy financial incentives and subsidies. (Municipal Commission of Commerce, Municipal Bureau of Finance)

4. Taiwan funded enterprises registered in Beijing that have been identified as high-tech enterprises in the city in accordance with the Administrative Measures for the Recognition of High tech Enterprises and relevant regulations shall be subject to enterprise income tax at a reduced rate of 15%; If an enterprise meets the conditions for additional deduction of R&D expenses, it may make additional deduction before enterprise income tax. The R&D center in this city has been approved to purchase equipment from mainland China, and enjoys full refund of VAT, as well as the support policies given by the district where the enterprise is located or the science and technology park. (Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal Commission of Commerce, Beijing Municipal Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation, and district governments)

5. Taiwan funded enterprises and mainland enterprises are equally applicable to relevant land use policies. Taiwan businessmen are encouraged to invest in sophisticated industries that meet the functional orientation of the capital, and the land transfer base price is subject to the same standard as that of mainland enterprises. (Municipal Planning and Land Commission)

6. Taiwan funded enterprises registered in Beijing can participate in franchising projects in the city's infrastructure construction such as energy, transportation, water conservancy, and municipal utilities through bidding, competitive negotiation and other competitive ways, sign franchising agreements with franchising implementation agencies according to law, and perform obligations as agreed in the agreements. Their legal rights are protected by law. (Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Urban Management Commission, Municipal Transportation Commission, Municipal Water Affairs Bureau)

7. Support Taiwan funded enterprises registered in Beijing to participate in the municipal government procurement fairly, enjoy the same policies as mainland suppliers, participate in government procurement in accordance with the procurement methods and procedures prescribed by law, and sign procurement contracts with purchasers according to law. (Municipal Finance Bureau)

8. Taiwan funded enterprises can participate in the mixed ownership reform of state-owned enterprises in this city through joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions. (Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

9. Taiwan funded agricultural enterprises registered in Beijing enjoy agricultural support policies and preferential measures such as agricultural machinery purchase subsidies under the same conditions as mainland agricultural enterprises, and apply for Beijing's key industrialization leading enterprises under the same conditions. (Municipal Commission of Agriculture, Municipal Bureau of Agriculture)

10. Support Taiwan funded enterprises and Taiwan compatriots to protect their intellectual property rights according to law. Taiwan funded enterprises registered in Beijing are applying for patent pilot and demonstration units, handling patent priority review and recommendation, participating in the selection of Beijing invention patent awards, applying for overseas intellectual property early warning and patent commercialization projects, and enjoying the same treatment as mainland enterprises in Beijing. (Municipal Intellectual Property Office)

11. Taiwan funded enterprises in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone are encouraged to lend to banks in the form of intellectual property pledge. For projects that pass the review, a subsidy of no more than 200000 yuan will be given at 50% of the interest required to be paid in the current year. (Municipal Intellectual Property Office)

12. Taiwan funded enterprises registered in Beijing in the fields of new generation information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new materials, and biomedicine industry apply for services related to rapid review, rapid confirmation, and rapid protection of rights from China (Beijing) Intellectual Property Protection Center and China (Zhongguancun) Intellectual Property Protection Center, and enjoy the same treatment as mainland enterprises in this city. (Municipal Intellectual Property Office)

13. Support Taiwan financial institutions and merchants registered in Beijing to cooperate with China UnionPay Beijing Branch and non bank payment institutions registered in Beijing in accordance with laws and regulations, and provide convenient micro payment services for Taiwan compatriots. (Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China)

14. Taiwan credit bureaus can cooperate with credit bureaus of enterprises in Beijing to provide credit services for enterprises across the Taiwan Straits. (Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China)

15. Taiwan funded banks registered in mainland China and operating loan business can cooperate with their counterparts in Beijing to provide financial services for the real economy through syndicated loans and other means. (Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China, Beijing Banking Regulatory Bureau)

2、 Encourage educational and cultural exchanges and cooperation between Beijing and Taiwan

16. Encourage people and institutions from all walks of life in Taiwan to participate in Beijing Culture Week, Beijing Cultural Expo, Beijing Characteristic Week, Beijing Taiwan Community Development Forum, Beijing Taiwan Beautiful Village Culture Forum, Women's Forum, Sports Exchange The exchange meeting for the elderly and other exchange activities aimed at promoting the integration and development of Beijing and Taiwan, and promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture. (Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, Municipal Agriculture Committee, Municipal Social Affairs Office, Municipal Women's Federation and other relevant units)

17. Independent legal persons registered in Beijing by Taiwan's scientific research institutions, colleges and enterprises can be recommended to lead or participate in the declaration of national key research and development projects, and can also participate in the declaration of Beijing's science and technology projects, enjoying the same policies as those of scientific research institutions, colleges and enterprises in Beijing. (Municipal Science and Technology Commission)

18. Taiwan's scientific researchers employed by independent legal persons registered in Beijing can be recommended to apply as the person in charge of national key R&D projects (topics), and can also participate in the application of Beijing's science and technology projects, enjoying the same policy as that of mainland scientific researchers. (Municipal Science and Technology Commission)

19. Taiwan compatriots engaged in teaching and scientific research in Beijing can apply for Beijing Natural Science Foundation projects and Social Science Foundation projects according to the application conditions and procedures. (Municipal Science and Technology Commission)

20. Taiwanese teachers teach in Beijing universities through employment, and their academic achievements in Taiwan can be included in the work evaluation system. (Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Education Commission)

21. Encourage Taiwan's basic education institutions and principals of Taiwan's primary and secondary schools to attend the Beijing Taiwan Basic Education Principals Summit, establish an exchange and cooperation mechanism for Beijing Taiwan basic education schools, and promote the common development of basic education in Beijing and Taiwan. (Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, Municipal Education Commission)

22. Support Taiwanese youth to participate in youth exchanges and cooperation between Beijing and Taiwan, such as the Beijing Summit for Cross Strait Youth Exchange and Cooperation, the Beijing Taiwan Youth Exchange Week, the Cross Strait College Students Series Exchange Camp, the Cross Strait College Students Vocational Skills Competition and other youth exchanges between Beijing and Taiwan. (Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, Municipal Education Working Committee, Municipal Education Commission, Municipal Youth League Committee)

23. Taiwan funded enterprises registered in Beijing to engage in artistic creation and cultural exchanges may apply for Beijing Municipal Culture and Arts Fund projects in accordance with the application conditions and procedures. (Municipal Bureau of Culture)

24. Support Taiwanese cultural and art circles to participate in various Chinese cultural exchange activities held overseas by Beijing. (Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, Municipal Bureau of Culture, Municipal Cultural Resources Office, Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles)

25. Set up a separate Taiwan competition area and separate awards in the Beijing Cultural Creativity Competition. (Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Cultural Resources Office, Municipal Cultural Promotion Center)

26. Taiwan compatriots are encouraged to come to Beijing to develop cultural and creative industries, set up cultural and creative industry parks, and set up cultural and creative enterprises, with equal policy support. (Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Cultural Resources Office)

27. Taiwan compatriots can apply to join Beijing's economic, technological, cultural and artistic professional associations and trade associations to participate in relevant activities in accordance with relevant regulations. (Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau)

28. Taiwan compatriots may participate in the production of radio and television programs, films and TV dramas in Beijing in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, and may not be limited in number. (Municipal Bureau of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television)

29. Beijing film distribution agencies, radio and television stations, audio-visual websites and cable television networks do not impose quantitative restrictions on the introduction of films and TV dramas produced in Taiwan in accordance with relevant national regulations. (Municipal Bureau of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television)

30. Support Beijing and Taiwan to carry out cooperation in film, TV series and other aspects, and do a good job of examination and approval in accordance with relevant national regulations. (Municipal Bureau of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television)

31. Establish a green channel for Taiwan's imported books declared by Beijing's book import and export business units, and simplify the approval and filing process. Taiwan books applied for at the same time can have priority in handling relevant procedures. (Municipal Bureau of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television)

3、 Gradually provide equal treatment to Taiwan compatriots who study, start businesses, work and live in Beijing

32. Support qualified Taiwan professionals to apply for participation in the national "Thousand Talents Plan" and "Ten Thousand Talents Plan", Beijing "Overseas Talent Gathering Project", "High level Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Support Plan", and Zhongguancun "High Gathering Project". Taiwan professionals who have been selected into the municipal, district or park excellent talent plan (project) can enjoy corresponding policies in terms of housing support, children's education, medical services, etc. (Organization Department of Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Zhongguancun Management Committee)

33. Taiwanese students studying in Beijing universities enjoy the same treatment as mainland students in terms of teaching management, basic medical insurance for urban residents, etc. (Municipal Education Commission, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

34. Students studying in Taiwan universities or graduates of entrepreneurial youth can participate in the Beijing Taiwan Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and the finalists can apply for admission to Beijing University Student Entrepreneurship Park, Beijing Taiwan Youth Entrepreneurship Base and other entrepreneurial incubators in Beijing as required, and enjoy the policies of entrepreneurial enterprise support. (Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, Municipal Education Commission)

35. Taiwanese students studying in Beijing universities, as business registration legal persons or project leaders, can apply to settle in Beijing University Student Pioneer Park as required, and enjoy the same treatment as mainland students in office space, incubation services, publicity and promotion. (Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, Municipal Education Commission)

36. Beijing municipal public institutions (excluding public institutions managed by reference to civil servants) can employ qualified Taiwan residents through public recruitment, talent introduction and other ways. The employing unit and Taiwan residents should sign an employment contract to clarify the terms of employment, rights and obligations of both parties and other matters. Taiwan residents who work in Beijing public institutions have the same treatment as mainland residents who work in Beijing public institutions. (Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

37. Taiwan compatriots working in Beijing can participate in the selection of Beijing's "March 8th" Red Bannerman, Model Worker, "May 1st" Labor Medal, "Beijing Youth May 4th Medal", Beijing's highly skilled talents with outstanding contributions, and those who enjoy special allowances for technicians from the municipal government and other honorary titles. (Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Municipal Youth League Committee, Municipal Women's Federation)

38. Taiwan compatriots can sign up to take part in 53 professional and technical personnel and 81 skilled personnel vocational qualification examinations organized and implemented by relevant competent authorities in Beijing and relevant national industry authorities in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations. Those who pass the examinations will be issued with national vocational qualification certificates. (Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, competent departments of relevant industries)

39. Taiwanese students studying for a master's degree in clinical medicine in Beijing universities can apply for taking the physician qualification examination in accordance with the relevant provisions of the mainland physician qualification examination after taking part in the postgraduate internship for one year. (Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission)

40. Taiwan compatriots who have passed the doctor's qualification examination and obtained the mainland's Doctor's Qualification Certificate may apply for practice registration in Beijing in accordance with relevant regulations. (Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission)

41. Taiwanese doctors who have obtained the qualification for medical practice in Taiwan may apply for short-term medical professional registration in Beijing in accordance with the relevant regulations or obtain the Mainland's "Certificate of Medical Qualification" by means of accreditation. (Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission)

42. Taiwan compatriots who study Chinese medicine by way of apprenticeship in Beijing can apply to participate in the qualification examination of doctors with real expertise in Chinese medicine in this city. (Municipal Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine)

43. When Taiwan compatriots who have obtained corresponding qualifications in Taiwan apply for securities, futures and fund practice qualifications in the mainland, they only need to pass the mainland laws and regulations examination and do not need to take the professional knowledge examination. They can work in relevant fields in Beijing. (Beijing Securities Regulatory Bureau)

44. Establish a service platform and WeChat official account for Taiwan youth to come to Beijing for internship, employment and entrepreneurship, provide information services for Taiwan youth in Beijing for internship, employment and entrepreneurship, further promote the success of Taiwan compatriots' personnel talent websites and online recruitment of enterprises, and support the use of Taiwan compatriots' cards for registration. (Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

45. Establish a policy information communication mechanism for students and teachers in Beijing and Taiwan, and release information on internships and jobs to students and teachers in Beijing and Taiwan every quarter to interpret policy information. (Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, Municipal Education Commission)

46. Beijing Taiwan related Commercial Dispute Mediation Center was established, and Taiwan related professionals were employed as mediators to mediate Taiwan related commercial disputes. (Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office)

47. Taiwan lawyers practicing in Beijing are encouraged to participate in Beijing legal aid consulting services. (Municipal Bureau of Justice, Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office)

48. Support Taiwan compatriots and relevant associations to participate in Beijing's poverty alleviation, education support and other grass-roots work. (Municipal Poverty Alleviation Office, Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau)

49. Taiwan compatriots living in Beijing are encouraged to participate in public welfare activities and grass-roots community service activities. (Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, Municipal Social Affairs Office)

50. Taiwan compatriots legally and stably employed in Beijing can apply for social insurance, pay social insurance premiums and enjoy relevant social insurance benefits in accordance with relevant regulations. (Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

51. Taiwan compatriots legally and stably employed in Beijing can pay housing provident fund in accordance with relevant policies and regulations, and enjoy the same treatment as the city's employees in terms of payment and use. (Municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Center)

52. The minor children of Taiwan nationality who work and live in Beijing, and the school-age children who hold the "Approval Letter for Children of Taiwan Nationality to Study" issued by the District Education Commission, shall be treated as the students of local residence in compulsory enrollment. (Municipal Education Commission, Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office)

53. Taiwan compatriots who start businesses and work in Beijing can apply for public rental housing if they meet the conditions. (Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban Rural Development)

54. Taiwan compatriots who work and live in Beijing may apply for a Taiwan resident residence permit at the local police station in accordance with the Measures for the Application and Issuance of Residence Permits for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Residents. (Municipal Public Security Bureau)

55. Taiwan compatriots who have obtained residence permits for Taiwan residents can enjoy three rights in Beijing, including employment, social insurance, payment and use of housing provident fund, six basic public services and nine convenience measures, and enjoy the same treatment as Beijing residents. (Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Center and other relevant units)

In addition to the above measures, all relevant units are requested to implement the various Taiwan friendly measures formulated and issued by the national ministries and Beijing Municipality in combination with the actual work of their own departments and regions.

The Measures shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation.

[Editor in charge: Wu Yi]