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Beijing Huangpu Military Academy Students Association

2021-01-19 16:10:00
Source: Beijing Taiwan Affairs Office
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The Whampoa Military Academy Alumni Association is a patriotic mass organization composed of Whampoa Military Academy students. It was established on June 16, 1984 with the approval of the CPC Central Committee under the kind care of Deng Xiaoping and other central leaders. The purpose of the Whampoa Military Academy Alumni Association is to carry forward the Whampoa spirit, connect students, promote the reunification of the motherland, and strive to revitalize China. The main task of the Whampoa Military Academy Alumni Association is to publicize the Taiwan policy of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems", unite the Whampoa students in the mainland, contact the Whampoa students and organizations in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and overseas, carry forward the spirit of the patriotic revolution of Whampoa, play the role of bridge and New Zealand belt, and promote cross-strait exchanges and exchanges, We should make due contributions to the cause of peaceful reunification of the motherland and the prosperity and progress of the Chinese nation.

Address: Beijing Democratic Party People's Organization Building, 9 Houyingfang Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing

Post code: 100035

Tel: 010-82218089

[Editor in charge: Pu Yan]