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100 museums reopened in Beijing

2021-01-20 11:08:00
Source: People's Daily Online
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Original title: 100 museums reopened in Beijing

The goal of building Beijing into a "city of museums" is quietly advancing. On the 17th, the reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics that by the end of last year, the total number of officially registered museums in this city had reached 197, with 14 new museums. At present, about 100 museums have been reopened.

Among the new museums added last year, 5 are state-owned museums and 9 are non-state-owned museums (private museums). According to the Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics, there are many new types of museums, and a number of museums focus on Beijing flavor. For example, Jingzuo Rosewood Museum, Yanjing Eight Wonders Culture Museum, Erguotou Wine Museum, Imperial Kiln Golden Brick Museum, etc. are all museums reflecting Beijing's history and traditional culture. At the same time, private museums have become the absolute main force of new museums in recent years.

The rare Tianhe stone weighing 339 kg, the rare "dog head gold" natural gold... Beijing Caibai Gold Jewelry Museum uses the public space in the mall to tell the story of the past and present life of the jewelry ore. Yang Na, the deputy curator of the museum, said that the museum has nearly 1000 pieces of gold jewelry, mineral crystal and insect pearl exhibits. In the future, people will have an immersive experience while shopping through theme tours, science lectures and other forms.

The Imperial Kiln Golden Brick Museum in the Imperial City was also added last year. Wang Zhonghua, the founder of the museum, has collected a large number of imperial kiln gold bricks from Yongle in the Ming Dynasty to Xuantong in the Qing Dynasty. In the Beijing Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing Technology, the audience can see the scene of the ancient processing of traditional Chinese medicine, the nearly lost Jingbang high case knife, and experience the production of traditional Chinese medicine, such as cutting licorice and willow leaves, and calcining blood charcoal.

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics said that this year, the city will introduce a series of specific plans to build a "museum city". On the one hand, it will strive to build museums with different backgrounds and rich categories, so as to build a more diversified museum system; On the other hand, it is also necessary to strengthen the curatorial ability, organize experts and interpreters to provide high-quality cultural supply, so that the museum cloud live broadcast in the digital era can be more popular in people's lives.

[Editor in charge: Pu Yan]