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Beijing first released a list of 175 approval items in the investment field

2021-01-19 16:47:00
Source: People's Daily Online
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Original title: Beijing first released the list of 175 approval items in the investment field

Intern reporter Lu Yang

Yesterday afternoon, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission issued the List of Matters for Examination and Approval in the Investment Field of Beijing (2020 Edition) for the first time (hereinafter referred to as the "List of Matters for Examination and Approval of Investment"), which includes 175 matters for examination and approval, involving five categories of matters, namely, administrative licensing, administrative confirmation, other administrative powers, public services, and government internal examination and approval. In the future, investment projects in this city will achieve "no approval beyond the list".

   What to declare, where to declare, a clear list

There are 175 investment approval items in the city (including 51 items unique to the city, 109 items unique to the city and district, and 15 items unique to the district), involving five categories of items, including administrative licensing, administrative confirmation, other administrative powers, public services, and internal government approval, covering 13 government departments with investment project approval functions throughout the city, including project approval All approval items of project construction application such as special evaluation and planning approval, construction and completion acceptance.

"This list is a tool box for enterprises to apply for approval. Enterprises can clearly know what approval items need to be handled, which department to go to, and whether to go to the municipal or district office, so that the investment approval behavior of government departments can be more standardized." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission said.

It is reported that for the items in the investment approval list, there are clear requirements for application materials and specific procedures, making the approval items in the investment field list and standardized. According to the different implementation subjects, the list of investment approval items in Beijing is divided into three levels: the first level is the investment approval items unique to municipal departments with clear laws, regulations and rules; The second level is the investment approval items shared by the municipal and district departments with clear laws, regulations and rules; The third level is the unique investment approval items of district level departments with clear laws, regulations and rules.

According to the principle of "overall planning at the municipal level and coordination from top to bottom", all departments of the municipal government will coordinate and sort out the investment approval items that are unique at the municipal level, shared by the city and district, and unique at the district level, to ensure that the same investment approval items are "five unified" in different levels vertically, different departments horizontally, or between different districts, that is, unified category, unified name, unified basis, unified implementation subject Unified coding.

   Resolutely correct and cancel the off list approval

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission said that after the release and implementation of the list of investment approval items, the basic principle of "no approval beyond the list" will be strictly implemented, and the investment approval items not included in the list management according to law will be resolutely corrected and cancelled.

During the preparation of the list, relevant departments have combed a variety of non-standard matters in a centralized and unified way, such as those implemented in the name of approval, approval and filing; It is not nominally approved or filed, but in actual operation, the project unit needs to submit an application and the government department needs to approve in various forms before it can invest in construction; Forcibly require the project unit to set up the so-called "pre approval service link" for investment approval first, then, on behalf, waiting together, etc; The "extracorporeal circulation" of the substantive review, or the matters that are not nominally implemented by the government department, but are subject to the government's provision of intermediary agencies' review and review results as the necessary conditions for investment and construction.

For the investment approval items that have been sorted out, check one by one whether the laws, regulations and rules are fully based, whether they extend the scope of application beyond the upper law, whether they increase the approval process in violation of regulations, and whether the legal documents on which they are based have provisions on violations of laws and regulations. On this basis, we will sort out and standardize the investment approval items for establishment in disguised form. In addition to the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, the approval items set up in the name of local regulations, departmental or local government rules, normative documents, or "government services" in a disguised form will be included in the investment approval list for management after the legal compliance review, and the items out of the list will be corrected and cleared up.

   Eliminate hidden barriers and provide precise services

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission said that the release of the list of investment approval items is to work hard to solve the "blocking points" that are strongly reflected by the masses of enterprises in doing business. "The city will continue to standardize and simplify investment approval items by implementing inventory management of investment approval items, solve the problems of insufficient basis for setting existing investment approval items and no inventory of investment approval items, based on the legitimacy review, break through the" medium obstacles "that may be encountered in the process of enterprise investment, effectively eliminate the" hidden barriers ", and improve the business environment For system guarantee. "

Next, relying on the investment approval list, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission will sort out and publish the project approval process for investment projects that acquire land use rights through bidding, auction, listing, agreement transfer, and allocation, so as to provide more accurate guidance and services for enterprises to handle the approval of investment projects.

The city will further implement the reform requirements of "streamlining administration, delegating power and optimizing services", integrate the items that can be optimized and merged by the municipal government departments, promote joint review and joint office for the items that can be approved in parallel, simplify the items that can be adjusted, cancelled and delegated, and solidly promote the reform of the approval system in the field of fixed investment in Beijing.

The Municipal Development and Reform Commission will timely formulate the management measures for dynamic adjustment of the list of investment approval items, and continue to standardize the management of investment approval in this city. Investment approval for items not included in the list and names, scope of application and application materials that do not conform to the list shall be deemed as illegal approval, and the list of investment approval items will also serve as the basis for standardizing the implementation of approval in the future and identifying whether it is illegal approval.

[Editor in charge: Pu Yan]