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Beijing new standard map online! Where to get off? How to use it?

2021-01-20 15:14:00
Source: Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources
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Guide: August 29, 2020 is the 17th National Surveying and Mapping Law Publicity Day. The national territory symbolizes national sovereignty and territorial integrity, reflects the sovereign will and political and diplomatic stance of the country, and has a serious political, rigorous scientific and strict legal nature.

The use of China's territory should follow the provisions of relevant laws and regulations of China, and download standard maps from relevant government websites for free. If the map content is edited, it shall be submitted for approval according to law, and can be published and displayed in public only after the approval number is obtained. Citizens should enhance their awareness of the country's territory, establish the concept of "knowing my territory and being responsible for keeping it", consciously resist the "problem map", and maintain the dignity of the country's territory. National and world maps can be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Natural Resources (bzdt. ch. mnr. gov.cn).

This year, the Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources and the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau jointly released the "2019 Basic Geographic Map of Beijing's Administrative Boundary". The basic geographical base map of administrative boundaries standardizes the drawing method of administrative boundaries in the map, marks the direction of administrative boundaries, the name of administrative districts and the location of office residences, and also represents geographical elements such as water system, main roads, residential areas, parks and green spaces, which is the base map basis for the preparation of various maps of our city.

This series of base maps has a total of 50 pieces, covering the whole city of Beijing (color and monochrome samples in four versions: folio, quarto, octo and 16), six districts of Beijing (color and monochrome samples in five versions: folio, quarto, octo, 16 and 32), and sixteen districts of Beijing (color and monochrome samples in octo). The public can visit the website of the Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Commission (ghzrzyw. beijing. gov.cn), the website of the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau (mzj. beijing. gov.cn) and "Tiantu · Beijing" (beijing. tianditu. gov.cn) for download.

The public can download standard maps for free. When using standard maps directly, the map review number should be marked. If the map content is edited (including zooming in, zooming out and cutting), it needs to be sent to the natural resources administrative department for review before public use.

All reviewed maps published, published and displayed in the public shall be marked with the map review number on the copyright page or at an appropriate position. The map number approved and issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources, such as GS (2020) No. 123, represents the map number 123 approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources in 2020; The review map number approved and issued by Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources, such as Jing S (2020) 006, represents the No. 6 map approved by Beijing in 2020.

[Editor in charge: Pu Yan]

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