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Fully tap and release rural consumption potential (talk today)

2024-05-23 10:28:00
Source: People's Daily
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"The food is fresh and cheap, very good!" In Changshu, Jiangsu, fresh fruits and vegetables "take" the bus to and from urban and rural areas, pick them in the morning, and arrive at the residents' table in less than half a day. A small innovation has made it easier for farmers to sell vegetables and for citizens to buy vegetables.

From improving county commercial network facilities and business types, to developing new convenience stores in rural areas, to further implementing "express delivery into villages", more and more practical measures have invigorated rural circulation and further stimulated the consumption vitality of counties and townships while promoting the flow of resource elements to the rural market.

Consumption is linked to production development and people's well-being. Fully tapping and releasing rural consumption potential will help improve the quality of life of farmers and inject momentum into the overall revitalization of rural areas. For example, Shandong Huanghe Grand Fair, where people taste delicious food and explore culture, attracts many tourists with its thick pyrotechnic atmosphere, and opens a new space for rural industry development with the "big market" on the "small farmers" chain. From this point of view, to stimulate the new vitality of rural consumption with new business types and models, the key is to find the right focus for work and policy development, and constantly innovate and enrich consumption supply.

The Government Work Report puts forward that "comprehensive measures should be taken to stimulate consumption potential in terms of increasing income, optimizing supply and reducing restrictive measures." Comply with the trend of consumption upgrading, focus on weak links, implement key measures such as improving farmers' income, improving rural infrastructure, and promoting the upgrading of rural industries, so as to stimulate greater development momentum with a better consumption environment.

[Editor in charge: Huang Xiaodi]

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