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Implementation Opinions on Promoting Economic and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation between Shenyang and Taiwan (full text)

2019-04-30 14:11:00
Source: www.taiwan.cn
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In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on Taiwan work, take the lead in sharing the development opportunities of the mainland with Taiwan compatriots, gradually provide Taiwan compatriots with the same treatment as mainland compatriots for their study, employment, entrepreneurship and life in Shenyang, and promote economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation between Shenyang and Taiwan, according to the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council In accordance with the spirit of Several Measures to Promote Cross Strait Economic and Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation (GTF [2018] No. 1) issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Implementation Opinions of Liaoning Province on Implementing Several Measures to Promote Cross Strait Economic and Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation (LTB [2018] No. 196) issued by the Provincial Taiwan Affairs Office and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and in combination with the reality of Shenyang, these Implementation Opinions are formulated.

   1、 Continue to deepen economic and trade cooperation between Shenyang and Taiwan

1. Taiwan funded enterprises in Shenyang participating in the "Made in China 2025" action plan apply the same policy as mainland enterprises. Taiwan funded enterprises and Taiwan compatriots are encouraged to participate in the construction of Liaoning's "Belt and Five Bases", Shenyang Economic Zone, and various development zones, pilot zones, and demonstration zones approved by the state in our city. Support Taiwan funded enterprises to implement industrial transformation and upgrading and technological transformation. Taiwan funded enterprises and Taiwan compatriots enjoy the same treatment for all kinds of support funds and preferential policies established by the municipal and district/county (city) people's governments. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology, Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Municipal Bureau of Commerce, and district/county governments)

2. Give full play to the role of the development zone (park) as a strategic platform for opening up, and encourage Taiwan funded enterprises to settle in the development zone (park) of our city. We will encourage Taiwan funded enterprises to move to the northeast and participate in the construction of the "Belt and Road", and expand domestic demand and international markets. (Leading unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission; cooperating units: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Commerce, and management committees of development zones)

3. Encourage Taiwan investment to participate in the investment, operation and management of government and social capital cooperation (PPP) projects. (Leading unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission; cooperating unit: Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, and district/county governments)

4. Taiwan capital is encouraged to make capital contributions in currency, in kind, equity and other ways permitted by laws and regulations, and to participate in the restructuring of state-owned enterprises and play an active role in enterprise management by investing in shares, purchasing equity, subscribing convertible bonds, financial leasing and other forms. Unless otherwise specified by the state, no additional conditions shall be set for Taiwan funded investors in the conditions for soliciting strategic investors. (Responsible unit: Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission)

5. Encourage state-owned enterprises to carry out equity integration, strategic cooperation and resource integration with Taiwan funded enterprises in high-tech industries, strategic emerging industries and other fields, focusing on strengthening the main business and extending the industrial chain, through investment in shares, joint investment, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and other ways, to develop a mixed ownership economy. (Responsible unit: Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission)

6. Encourage and support Taiwan funded enterprises to declare high-tech enterprises or technologically advanced service enterprises. After being recognized and approved, the enterprise income tax will be levied at a reduced rate of 15%. The part of employee education expenditure that does not exceed 8% of total wages and salaries is allowed to be deducted when calculating the taxable income, and the excess part is allowed to be carried forward and deducted in subsequent tax years. (Leading unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau; cooperating unit: Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Taxation Bureau, and all district/county governments)

7. Taiwan funded enterprises that provide technology transfer, technology development and related technical consulting and technical services can be exempted from VAT according to regulations if they meet the conditions. (Leading unit: Municipal Taxation Bureau; cooperating unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, district/county governments)

8. Support Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in the construction of energy, transportation, water conservancy, environmental protection, municipal utilities and other infrastructure in Shenyang through franchise. Taiwan funded enterprises that meet the corresponding qualification requirements can participate in the general contracting and subcontracting of construction projects in this city. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of Urban and Rural Development, Municipal Bureau of Finance, Municipal Bureau of Transport, Municipal Bureau of Ecological Environment, Municipal Bureau of Real Estate, Municipal Bureau of Comprehensive Administration and Law Enforcement of Urban Management, Municipal Bureau of Water Affairs)

9. Support Taiwan funded enterprises that meet the requirements of regulations to participate in Shenyang municipal and district government procurement fairly. (Responsible unit: Municipal Finance Bureau)

10. Taiwan funded enterprises and Shenyang enterprises are equally applicable to relevant land use policies. Preferential land supply shall be given to encouraged Taiwanese businessmen to invest in industrial projects with intensive land use. Among them, industrial land that meets the priority of industrial development and intensive land use can be determined by not less than 70% of the lowest price standard of industrial land corresponding to the land grade of the location and not less than the sum of land cost and relevant fees charged according to regulations. (Responsible unit: Municipal Natural Resources Bureau)

11. After full demonstration by the Municipal Natural Resources Bureau and other departments, if the construction area of the land for Taiwan funded new industrial projects and facilities for production services, administrative offices and living services accounts for no more than 15% of the total construction area of the projects, they can be managed according to industrial purposes. (Responsible unit: Municipal Natural Resources Bureau)

12. For new Taiwan industrial projects that conform to the guidance catalogue of our city's industrial structure adjustment, the local government will give 50% of the investment reward of the retained part of the local finance of the enterprise's land use tax annually for a period of three years. (Leading unit: Municipal Finance Bureau; cooperating unit: Municipal Taxation Bureau, district and county governments)

13. For the land for Taiwan funded projects in manufacturing industry with actual investment of more than 1 billion yuan and the land for self built office properties of industry leading enterprise headquarters or regional headquarters, the city and district levels shall jointly arrange the land use plan indicators. (Leading unit: Municipal Natural Resources Bureau; cooperating unit: governments of districts and counties)

14. Industrial enterprises in Shenyang and Taiwan can choose heating charging mode independently. Promote heat metering and charging, reasonably determine the heat metering mode, change the charging mode based on building area and floor height, and pay according to the heat energy consumed by production and heating. Large industrial heat users and the heating party can independently negotiate to determine the heating price and reduce the heat cost of Taiwan enterprises. (Leading unit: Municipal Real Estate Bureau; cooperating unit: Municipal Industry and Information Bureau)

15. Taiwan funded enterprises implementing two-part tariff can voluntarily choose to pay the electricity charge according to the transformer capacity or the maximum demand of the contract, or choose to pay the electricity charge according to the actual maximum demand. Taiwan funded enterprises apply to power supply enterprises for capacity reduction or suspension of power consumption. After the expiration of capacity reduction, Taiwan funded enterprises, as well as newly installed and increased Taiwan funded enterprises, which apply for suspension within two years, will no longer charge 50% of the suspended capacity as the basic electricity charge, and reduce the basic electricity charge of Taiwan funded enterprises. (Responsible unit: State Grid Shenyang Power Supply Company)

16. Taiwan funded agricultural enterprises can enjoy the same agricultural support policies and preferential measures as agricultural enterprises in this city, such as agricultural machinery purchase subsidies, key leading enterprises in industrialization, etc. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

17. Taiwan funded enterprises and Taiwan compatriots can choose to use US dollars or RMB as the registered capital when setting up enterprises in Shenyang, and can enjoy the treatment of domestic funded enterprises in Shenyang's business activities. (Responsible unit: Municipal Market Supervision Administration)

18. If the profits distributed by Taiwan compatriots from enterprises in mainland China are directly invested in various investment projects and meet the specified conditions, the deferred tax policy will be implemented, and there is no need to withhold income tax temporarily. (Responsible unit: Municipal Taxation Bureau)

19. Support and encourage Taiwan businessmen to set up R&D centers in our city. Taiwan funded R&D centers can import R&D equipment, reagents and samples in the integrated customs clearance mode, and enjoy such convenient measures as advance customs declaration, booking customs clearance and inspection. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Shenyang Customs)

20. Taiwan enterprises and R&D institutions belonging to the world's top 500 enterprises and internationally renowned R&D institutions set up R&D institutions in our city. If they meet the basic conditions of international R&D institutions, 30% of the R&D investment in the previous year will be given a subsidy, up to 10 million yuan. Universities, scientific research institutes, enterprises and Taiwan R&D institutions in our city jointly set up R&D institutions. If they meet the basic conditions of international R&D institutions, they will be given a subsidy of 0.5 to 2 million yuan of R&D funds based on 30% of the R&D funds invested in the previous year. (Leading unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau; cooperating unit: Municipal Finance Bureau)

21. Encourage and support major Taiwan funded projects. Give full play to the leading role of various special funds for industrial development in Shenyang, and focus on supporting the investment of Taiwan's large enterprises and major projects in our city. Support eligible Taiwan funded projects to apply for inclusion in the provincial annual major foreign capital utilization plan and major industrial projects, and enjoy corresponding policy support and key services. (Leading unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission; cooperating units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Municipal Bureau of Finance)

22. Support Taiwanese businessmen to set up headquarters enterprises in Shenyang. Taiwan funded enterprises (except financial headquarters) registered and established in our city and recognized as headquarters enterprises will be given a one-time fund subsidy in the year of recognition. For headquarters enterprises with a registered capital of more than 1 billion yuan (inclusive), 10 million yuan will be subsidized; RMB 5 million will be subsidized from RMB 500 million (inclusive) to RMB 1 billion; RMB 3 million will be subsidized for those from RMB 100 million (inclusive) to RMB 500 million; RMB 2000000 will be subsidized if the subsidy is from RMB 50 million (inclusive) to RMB 100 million; RMB 20 million (inclusive) to RMB 50 million will be subsidized by RMB 1 million. The subsidy funds shall be 50% borne by the municipal and district/county finance respectively. (Leading unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission; cooperating units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Municipal Bureau of Finance, and district/county governments)

23. Strictly protect the intellectual property rights of Taiwan funded enterprises in accordance with laws and regulations, support Taiwan funded enterprises in patent applications, trademark registration, copyright registration and other activities, and strengthen intellectual property law enforcement, rights protection assistance and dispute mediation. (Responsible unit: Municipal Market Supervision Administration)

24. If Taiwan compatriots come to Shenyang to start businesses and invest in shares with their own patents, proprietary technologies and other scientific and technological achievements at a fixed price, the proportion of the value of scientific and technological achievements in the registered capital is unlimited. (Responsible unit: Municipal Market Supervision Administration)

25. Support the listing of Taiwan funded enterprises and listing on the "New Third Board" and regional equity trading markets. Taiwan funded enterprises that issue and list shares for the first time in China will be subsidized by 4 million yuan in stages. If an enterprise is listed on the backdoor in China, it will be given subsidies by reference to the IPO and listing. For enterprises listed in overseas IPO or backdoor listing, a one-time subsidy of 4 million yuan will be given to enterprises listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and a one-time subsidy of 3 million yuan will be given to enterprises listed in other overseas regions. The enterprises that have completed the listing of the "New Third Board" will be subsidized in stages. According to the two stages of listing and financing, a one-time subsidy of 1 million yuan will be given to enterprises that have completed the joint-stock reform and listed on the "New Third Board" (the amount of subsidies already granted in the share reform will be deducted); If equity financing is realized after listing, 3% of the amount of equity financing will be subsidized, with the maximum cumulative amount not exceeding 1 million yuan. For industrial enterprises above designated size, small giant enterprises in science and technology, and key leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization that have completed shareholding system transformation and are listed on the innovation layer of the standard board of Liaoning Equity Exchange Center, a one-time subsidy of 200000 yuan (the amount of subsidies already provided for shareholding reform will be deducted); After listing, if the equity financing meets the subsidy conditions, a one-time subsidy of 200000 yuan will be granted. (Leading unit: Municipal Financial Development Bureau; cooperating unit: Municipal Finance Bureau)

26. Support Taiwan funded enterprises and Taiwan compatriots to set up for-profit elderly care institutions in Shenyang in the form of sole proprietorship, joint venture, cooperation, through new establishment or mergers and acquisitions and other channels. (Responsible unit: Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau)

27. Support Taiwan funded enterprises to participate in the investment and construction of industrial projects in the field of opening up in Shenyang area of China (Liaoning) Pilot Free Trade Zone. (Leading unit: Shenyang Area Management Committee of Liaoning Pilot Free Trade Zone; cooperating unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce)

28. For Taiwan funded enterprises in the industrial manufacturing industry that rank among the top 30 in terms of value-added tax payment and increase by more than 15% (including 15%), and whose value-added tax increase is more than 3 million yuan (including 3 million yuan), a one-time economic contribution award will be given based on 3% of the increase in value-added tax payment, and the maximum subsidy for a single enterprise will not exceed 3 million yuan. (Leading unit: Municipal Taxation Bureau; cooperating units: Municipal Industry and Information Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau)

29. Support the growth of small Taiwan funded commercial enterprises. For wholesale enterprises whose main business income has exceeded 20 million yuan for the first time, retail enterprises whose main business income has exceeded 5 million yuan for the first time, catering and accommodation enterprises whose main business income has exceeded 2 million yuan for the first time, according to the ranking of main business income scale, Taiwan funded enterprises ranking 1-50 will be given a one-time reward of 50000 yuan. (Leading unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce; cooperating units: Municipal Bureau of Finance and Municipal Bureau of Statistics)

30. Support financial institutions to provide financial services for small, medium and micro Taiwan funded enterprises and Taiwan compatriots in this city. Encourage the establishment of financing platforms and guarantee institutions to provide financial and investment services for Taiwan funded enterprises. Encourage venture capital institutions to carry out relevant businesses and support the development of Taiwan funded enterprises. (Leading unit: Municipal Financial Development Bureau; cooperating units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, People's Bank of China Shenyang Branch Business Management Department, and all district and county governments)

31. Encourage Taiwan funded banks to cooperate with their counterparts in Shenyang to provide financial services for the real economy through syndicated loans and other means. (Responsible unit: Municipal Financial Development Bureau)

32. Support Taiwan funded enterprises to set up financial institutions in Shenyang. Relevant policy support will be given to the branches of Taiwan funded financial institutions that have registered or entered the city after being restructured into legal person financial institutions, as well as the headquarters of financial institutions newly registered or entered the city. (Leading unit: Municipal Financial Development Bureau; cooperating unit: Municipal Finance Bureau, Business Management Department of Shenyang Branch of the People's Bank of China, and district and county governments)

33. Support the relevant credit bureaus in the city to carry out business cooperation with Taiwan credit bureaus in accordance with regulations, and give priority to business docking, negotiation channels, qualification recognition and cooperation catalogue. (Leading unit: Business Management Department of Shenyang Branch of the People's Bank of China; cooperating unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

34. Establish and improve the city's investment promotion system to Taiwan, continue to carry out activities such as "Shenyang Taiwan Automobile Industry Exchange and Cooperation Week", "Shenyang Taiwan Agricultural Cooperation Seminar", and "Taiwan Young Entrepreneurs' Trip to Shenyang", constantly improve the Shenyang Taiwan economic and trade exchange and cooperation mechanism, build a platform for Shenyang Taiwan economic and trade exchange and cooperation, and promote the development of Shenyang Taiwan economic and trade cooperation. (Leading unit: Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office; cooperating units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology, Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Municipal Youth League Committee, and District/County Governments)

   2、 Actively support Taiwan compatriots to come to Shenyang for internship, employment and entrepreneurship

35. Support Taiwan compatriots in Shenyang to register for 53 professional and technical personnel vocational qualification examinations and 81 skilled personnel vocational qualification examinations (attached to the Catalogue of National Vocational Qualification Examinations Open to Taiwan Residents), and do a good job in organizing and serving the corresponding examinations. (Leading unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau; cooperating unit: Municipal Examination Institute and other relevant competent departments)

36. Actively support qualified Taiwan professionals to apply for the "National Key Talents Program", "Ten Thousand Talents Program", "Liaoning Provincial Talents Program", and "Shengjing Talents Gathering and Cultivation Program" in Shenyang. Taiwan professionals who are selected into the above talent programs can enjoy corresponding financial support according to the policy provisions. (Responsible units: Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Industry and Information Bureau, Municipal Association for Science and Technology and other relevant departments)

37. Taiwan compatriots can use their ID cards to register in the talent recruitment system of Shenyang Human Resources and Social Security Network to obtain online job search services. (Responsible unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

38. Support the development and construction of "Youth Entrepreneurship Base across the Taiwan Straits" and "Shenyang Taiwan Youth Entrepreneurship Base", encourage Taiwan youth to come to Shenyang for internship, employment and entrepreneurship, and organize a special job fair for Taiwan college students as needed. The youth entrepreneurship fund set up in this city can provide advisory services and financial support for Taiwanese youth who have registered companies in this city. All kinds of college students' training bases in this city can provide practice and training platforms for Taiwanese college students studying in universities in this city. For Taiwan students studying or graduating from Taiwan universities and colleges in other countries and regions who practice and work in enterprises and institutions in this city, human resources and social security, public security and other departments shall provide convenience in accordance with relevant regulations. (Responsible units: Municipal Youth League Committee, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Financial Development Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Public Security Bureau, Heping District Government)

39. Support professional and technical personnel from Taiwan to work in Shenyang. For Taiwan compatriots engaged in professional and technical work in this city, those who meet the conditions can apply to participate in the qualification review of professional and technical posts of corresponding series and levels. Their projects and achievements in Taiwan can be regarded as professional work achievements, and their years of technical work in Taiwan can be regarded as professional and technical work years. (Responsible unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

40. For Taiwan full-time doctoral graduates, full-time master graduates (<35 years old) and full-time undergraduate graduates (<35 years old) who come to Shenyang for the first time to find jobs and start businesses, if there is no form of self owned housing in our city, the newly settled ones will be given a rent subsidy of up to 2 years at the standard of 1250 yuan, 850 yuan and 500 yuan per month; Those who have not settled down will be given a maximum of three years' rental subsidy at the standard of 800 yuan, 400 yuan and 200 yuan per month. (Leading unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau; cooperating unit: Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Industry and Information Bureau, Municipal Association for Science and Technology and other relevant competent departments)

41. Encourage enterprises in our city to provide internships for Taiwanese college graduates. The internship subsidy shall not be less than 60% of our city's minimum wage standard. For enterprises with a retention rate of less than 50% (inclusive) after the probation period, the internship subsidy shall be 60% of the minimum wage standard subsidized by the municipal finance; For enterprises with a retention rate of more than 50% after the probation period, the municipal finance department will subsidize them at 100% of the minimum wage standard. For enterprises that employ new college graduates and sign labor contracts with them for more than one year and pay social insurance, a one-time employment subsidy of 1000 yuan/person will be given to enterprises. (Leading unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau; cooperating unit: Organization Department of Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Association for Science and Technology and other relevant competent departments)

42. Taiwanese college students started their businesses in Shenyang (the entrepreneurial entity was founded less than 3 years ago), and settled in the municipal entrepreneurship incubation base, science and technology incubator, maker space, entrepreneurship counseling base or provincial or national entrepreneurship incubation platform recognized by the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Science and Technology Bureau, and the Industry and Information Bureau for the first time. The rental area does not exceed 200 square meters by the way of paying first and then making up, A full subsidy will be given to the rental fees of entrepreneurial sites with an annual total rent of no more than 200000 yuan for a maximum of two years. For those who do not live in the incubator or maker space, a subsidy of 6000 yuan per year will be given for 2 years. (Leading unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau; cooperating unit: Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Association for Science and Technology and other relevant competent departments)

43. Taiwanese college students who come to Shenyang to start their own businesses in the high-tech field will be given a guaranteed loan of up to 200000 yuan to support entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial projects can be included in the scope of financial discount interest. If they meet the conditions, 100% discount interest will be given. (Leading unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau; cooperating unit: Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Association for Science and Technology and other relevant competent departments)

44. Support Taiwan compatriots to take part in the municipal physician qualification examination. Taiwan compatriots who meet the conditions can participate in the physician qualification examination organized by this city. The examination method, examination content, score line, charging standard, etc. are the same as those of mainland candidates of the same kind. (Responsible unit: Municipal Health Commission)

45. Support Taiwan compatriots who have passed the doctor qualification examination or certification to obtain the mainland's "doctor qualification certificate" to apply for practice registration in this city. (Responsible unit: Municipal Health Commission)

46. Support Taiwan compatriots to obtain nurse qualification and participate in the professional and technical qualification examination of health in this city. After obtaining the practicing qualification, they may apply for practicing in this Municipality in accordance with the regulations. (Responsible unit: Municipal Health Commission)

47. Taiwan tour guides are encouraged to take the National Tour Guide Qualification Examination in Shenyang and practice with certificates. Guide relevant enterprises to provide Taiwan students with internship opportunities in the tourism industry. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television)

48. Support Taiwan compatriots and relevant associations to participate in public welfare activities and grass-roots community services organized by the city. (Responsible unit: Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau)

49. Taiwan compatriots working in Shenyang who meet the conditions can participate in the selection of honorary titles such as Shenyang Model Worker, Shenyang May Day Labor Medal, "Shengjing Craftsman", Shenyang "March 8th" Red Bannerman, etc., and can participate in cultural sports, skill training, skill competition, rehabilitation and other activities organized by the trade union of the unit. (Responsible units: Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Women's Federation)

   3、 Constantly expand cultural exchanges between Shenyang and Taiwan

50. Encourage Taiwanese teenagers to come to Shenyang to carry out study tours and participate in various study camps and youth exchange activities such as "Chinese Culture Study Camp". (Leading unit: Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office; cooperating unit: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television, Municipal Taiwan Federation and other relevant departments)

51. Support municipal colleges and universities in Taiwan to establish an institutionalized exchange platform, and carry out exchanges in academic research, academic forums, student exchanges, school visits and other aspects. (Leading unit: Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office; cooperating unit: Municipal Education Bureau and municipal universities)

52. Support counterpart exchanges and inter school cooperation between various schools at all levels in Shenyang and Taiwan. Establish a cooperation mechanism for talent training between Shenyang and Taiwan, and encourage Taiwan's high-quality vocational colleges to cooperate with Shenyang vocational colleges and vocational education institutions to carry out vocational skills training and train professionals. (Leading unit: Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office; cooperating unit: Municipal Education Bureau and municipal universities)

53. Support the introduction of Taiwan's high-quality education resources such as medical, nursing, health and preschool education, and accelerate the construction of relevant professional disciplines in our city. (Responsible unit: Municipal Health Commission, Municipal Education Bureau)

54. Taiwan compatriots are encouraged to join Shenyang's economic, technological, cultural and artistic professional associations and trade associations and participate in relevant activities. (Responsible units: Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television, Municipal Association for Science and Technology, etc.)

55. Support Taiwan compatriots to participate in the production of radio and television programs, films and TV dramas in this city in accordance with relevant national regulations. (Leading unit: Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee; cooperating unit: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television)

56. Support the city's film distribution agencies, radio and television stations, audio-visual websites and cable television networks to introduce films and TV dramas produced in Taiwan in accordance with relevant national regulations. (Leading unit: Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee; cooperating unit: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television)

57. Support the co production of films and TV plays between Shenyang and Taiwan, and do a good job in the examination and approval according to relevant national regulations. (Leading unit: Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee; cooperating unit: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television)

   4、 Effectively facilitate Taiwan compatriots to live in Shenyang

58. Taiwan compatriots who study, work, start businesses and live in Shenyang can buy or rent houses locally according to regulations with the residence permit of Taiwan residents who live in Shenyang, and enjoy the same treatment as local residents. (Leading unit: Municipal Real Estate Bureau; cooperating unit: governments of districts and counties)

59. We will ensure that Taiwan compatriots enjoy the rights and interests of housing provident fund equally. Taiwan compatriots who pay housing provident fund for employment and entrepreneurship in this city can draw housing provident fund to pay house purchase money or rent, and apply for housing provident fund loans under the conditions of compliance with relevant regulations. Taiwan compatriots who terminate the employment relationship with their employer and return to Taiwan may withdraw the balance of individual housing provident fund account in accordance with relevant regulations. (Responsible unit: Shenyang Housing Provident Fund Management Center)

60. Taiwanese youth who come to Shenyang for employment and entrepreneurship can apply for renting public rental housing according to relevant regulations. (Responsible unit: Municipal Real Estate Bureau)

61. Taiwan compatriots and their families in Shenyang enjoy the same medical and health services as the residents of this city. While writing and keeping medical documents in accordance with the regulations, medical institutions should also provide medical documents that meet the requirements of Taiwan's health insurance institutions for reimbursement of expenses. Open a green channel for Taiwan compatriots to seek medical treatment and apply for medical service membership cards in some Grade III A hospitals. The children of Taiwan compatriots who live in Shenyang often enjoy the same vaccination service as Shenyang residents. The vaccination unit in the residence shall establish a vaccination card and vaccinate them with immunization planning vaccines free of charge. (Responsible unit: Municipal Health Commission)

62. Taiwan compatriots who died in Shenyang can follow the policy of funeral for the benefit of the people. (Responsible unit: Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau)

63. Taiwan compatriots living in Shenyang who have reached the age of 60 can apply for "Care Card" according to the standards of residents in Shenyang and relevant regulations; Those who have reached the age of 70 can apply for a "sunset red card" and enjoy the relevant discounts for taking the city's public transport facilities. (Leading unit: Municipal Transportation Bureau; cooperating unit: Shenyang Metro Group)

64. Taiwanese children and old people who come to visit the scenic spots in Shenyang can enjoy the same treatment as Shenyang citizens with their Taiwanese ID cards. (Leading unit: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television; cooperating units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision and Administration, Municipal Bureau of Urban Administration and Comprehensive Law Enforcement)

65. Taiwan compatriots living in Shenyang can enjoy the same public cultural service treatment as Shenyang residents in various public cultural service venues. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television)

66. Taiwan compatriots legally employed in Shenyang shall participate in social insurance and enjoy social insurance benefits in accordance with regulations. Those who are not employed with Taiwan residents' residence cards in Shentai can participate in basic endowment insurance and basic medical insurance for employees in this city as flexible employees, or participate in basic endowment insurance for urban and rural residents and basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents, and enjoy the same social insurance benefits as those registered in this city. Taiwan compatriots who have participated in the endowment insurance and medical insurance for employees in this city for more than one year in total, and whose non school minor children under the age of 18 who live together, can participate in the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents in this city according to regulations. Taiwan compatriots living together with minor children under the age of 18 who live in school, with their school as the insured unit, will be organized by the school to participate in the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents in our city. (Leading unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau; cooperating unit: Municipal Medical Security Bureau)

67. If Taiwan compatriots who participate in social insurance in Shen leave the city before reaching the required basic pension conditions, their social insurance personal accounts will be retained. If they come to the city again to work and participate in the insurance, they will continue the social insurance relationship according to the provisions, and the payment period will be accumulated; If he/she applies for termination of social insurance relationship in writing, he/she can receive the deposit amount of his/her social insurance individual account in a lump sum. (Responsible unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

68. Taiwan compatriots who have obtained valid motor vehicle driving licenses in Taiwan or other countries and regions may apply for renewal of motor vehicle driving licenses at the municipal public security organ in accordance with relevant regulations. (Responsible unit: Municipal Public Security Bureau)

69. Taiwan compatriots can register for accommodation in legally operated hotels, hotels, family hotels, etc. in this city with their Taiwan ID cards or Taiwan resident residence certificates. (Responsible unit: Municipal Public Security Bureau)

70. Taiwan compatriots will be granted credit and debit cards by banks with Taiwan compatriots' ID cards, income certificates and other materials required by relevant banks. (Responsible unit: People's Bank of China Shenyang Branch Business Management Department)

71. Under the guidance of the municipal and district education departments, the children of Taiwan compatriots will be arranged to attend kindergartens, primary and secondary schools as a whole, and will be arranged by the district education department where they live. They will enjoy the same treatment as the local students. (Leading unit: Municipal Education Bureau; cooperating unit: district and county governments)

72. Establish and improve the system of Taiwan related legal counsel, and hire legal counsel to provide free legal advisory services for Taiwan compatriots in Shenyang. (Responsible unit: Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office)

73. The People's Court of Shenyang High tech Industrial Development Zone has set up a collegial panel for Taiwan related civil and commercial cases, which will accept Taiwan related civil and commercial cases in the whole city. Relevant professionals from Taiwan are employed as specially invited mediators. The mediation agreement has legal effect after being reviewed and confirmed by the court. (Leading unit: Municipal Court; cooperating unit: Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office)

74. Set up an arbitration tribunal in Shenyang Taiwan Business Association, hire Taiwan arbitrators, give full play to the role of Taiwan arbitrators, and actively carry out Taiwan related arbitration work. (Leading unit: Shenyang Arbitration Office; cooperating unit: Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office)

75. Provide legal aid services to eligible Taiwanese. (Leading unit: Municipal Bureau of Justice; cooperating unit: Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office)

The implementation opinions shall be interpreted by relevant competent departments.

The Implementation Opinions shall be implemented from April 4, 2019.

[Editor in charge: Ma Yina]