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Haicang District of Xiamen City makes every effort to promote the normalization of anti mafia and eliminate vicious fights Source: Legal Daily -- Legal Network Access with handheld device
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The sword does not fall into its sheath, and the horse does not break its saddle. The year 2023 will be the third year for the normalization of the fight against organized crime. Fujian province Xiamen Haicang District continues to crack down on the evil forces and their "protective umbrella", deepen the rectification of key industries, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations and rural governance, and strive to build a higher level of safe Haicang. In 2023, the cumulative criminal police situation in Haicang District will decline by 26.13% year on year, and the praise rate of anti crime will remain above 99% for three consecutive years.

The sword is hanging high, and the situation of striking hard and pressing is always maintained

From September 1 to 14, 2023, Haicang police organized and carried out a centralized network capture operation. In the action, two new criminal organizations that pretended to be "migrant workers" for extortion and fleeing were killed at one fell swoop, and 11 suspects were arrested.

"The fight against mafia crimes is long-term, complex and arduous, and it is impossible to accomplish its own merits in one battle." Huang Yongji, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Haicang District Committee and Director of the District Anti mafia Office, has always believed that "we must never regard the 'normalization' of anti mafia as' generalization 'and' gust of wind ', and we must insist on fighting when we are exposed to the outside world, so as to fight early and promote long-term governance."

By the end of 2023, Haicang District will have destroyed 4 criminal organizations involved in crimes, captured 30 members, sealed up, frozen and detained 399000 yuan of assets involved in crimes and crimes, reviewed and prosecuted 34 people in 6 cases, and sentenced 28 people in 5 cases, all of which have achieved good political, legal and social effects.

In recent years, under the situation of continuous crackdown on high pressure, some evil forces began to hide and transform from "offline To "online", "explicit To "covert" and "hard violence" To "soft violence", Traditional fields To "emerging industries The transformation is more difficult to find and crack down on, and the masses hate and strongly reflect.

Conform to the people's will. In this regard, the political and legal authorities of Haicang District strictly implement the main responsibility of law enforcement and case handling, establish and improve the work system of crime prevention and control, and continue to fight against illegal crimes such as extortion and malicious claims by using the Internet. Since the normalization, they have killed 10 criminal organizations involved in Internet crimes and achieved remarkable results.

Control at the source and continue to deepen the control of key industries

During the "Yangtze River fishing ban" period, how can Poyang Lake ecological turtles and cocky billed whitefish appear in restaurants?

In April 2023, the Market Supervision Bureau of Haicang District carried out a surprise inspection of the catering enterprises in the area under the "Yangtze River fishing ban", and found that the menu of a restaurant contained Pohu white fish, braised Pohu turtle and other dishes. After checking the purchase bills of the parties, they are not Poyang Lake aquatic products. The party concerned explained that in order to attract eyeballs and tourists, he intended to mark "Pohu Lake", "Poyang Lake" and other words on the menu.

Finally, the party concerned was investigated and punished for suspected false propaganda. This case is the first case involving the illegal act of "Yangtze River arrest ban" in the regulation of the market circulation field in Xiamen.

The rectification of key industries and fields is also an important battlefield for the normalization of anti mafia. From September 2022 to August 2023, Haicang District carried out a year long special rectification in education, financial lending, and market circulation. A number of industrial disorders were handled according to law and regulations, and the industry regulatory system and mechanism were further improved.

In the field of education, we will further establish and improve the campus anti organized crime working mechanism, and continue to improve the campus and its surrounding security. In one year, the district campuses strictly implemented civil air defense, technical defense and other measures, implemented 165 safety inspections, promptly investigated and dealt with 6 cases of intruding on the campus and infringing on students, and cleaned up 18 surrounding "black Internet cafes".

In the field of financial lending, we strengthened the coordination and linkage between departments, carried out a comprehensive investigation, and resolutely guarded the people's "pockets". In the past year, 214 enterprises whose names and business scope included private equity funds but were not recorded in the China Infrastructure Association were investigated and rectified, 15 enterprises suspected of illegal fund raising were properly disposed of, 2 virtual currency transaction risks were properly handled, and 1 case of illegal absorption of public deposits was judged.

In the field of market circulation, we will focus on strengthening supervision of agricultural markets, automobile trading markets, tourism markets, food and drug markets and other commodity markets. In one year, 402 cases of market circulation administrative violations were filed and investigated, with a fine of 3.76 million yuan, and 45 criminal cases were uncovered.

Targeted force and comprehensive policy to achieve long-term effect

"The normalization of anti mafia and evil elimination requires more efforts and prevention. Only by focusing on both" fighting "and" prevention "can we achieve long-term effect." Zheng Jianshan, deputy director of the District Anti mafia Office, introduced that "Haicang District has made great efforts to focus on key areas, key tasks, and key laws, and has made targeted efforts to comprehensively squeeze the breeding space of black and evil forces."

Highlight key areas and strengthen rectification. In 2023, the Haicang police captured 318 suspects in buying and selling bank accounts, and closed 357 mobile phones, WeChat and QQ numbers involved in fraud; 80 persons were successfully persuaded to return overseas; According to the early warning instructions, 4054 people were precisely dissuaded and the amount was 4.82 million yuan. Data shows that in recent years, the alarm situation of telecom network fraud in Haicang District has declined continuously, and in 2023, it will decline by 2% year on year.

Focus on key tasks and check problems. In the second half of 2023, we will make every effort to crack down on and control rural clan forces and illegal and criminal activities related to illegal sea sand mining. The district anti crime office organized visits to 27 key villages, sorted out 6 aspects of problems, and promoted the rectification and improvement of relevant departments; Strengthen the daily supervision of sand stacking, selling and using sites and docks, and strictly patrol and enforce the law. By the end of 2003, 19 ships involved in sea sand violations and regulations, 2 sand yards, 11 "three no" ships were dismantled, and 1 criminal case was investigated and punished.

Focus on the publicity of key laws. The Anti Organized Crime Law is the legal guarantee for the normalization and institutionalization of anti mafia work. In 2023, Haicang District will take the opportunity of one week's implementation of the Anti Organized Crime Law to further study and publicize, and constantly gather the forces of the whole society to jointly prevent and govern. Among them, the District Anti Mafia Office, together with the Publicity Department of the District Party Committee, launched an anti organized crime law line award-winning question answering activity, with 50000 people actively participating.

At the same time, we planned to combine online and offline publicity with household publicity. We set up more than 2000 thematic posters, distributed more than 350000 promotional materials and brochures, and sent more than 660000 promotional messages. We continued to create a strong atmosphere to promote the in-depth development of normalized anti mafia.

The latest data shows that the public's sense of security in Haicang District has reached 99.266%! Canghai Anlan, a bay city with a strong sense of security, is rising.

All media reporter of Legal Daily Zhang Shuqiu Correspondent Shi Libin

(Source: Rule of Law Daily - Rule of Law Network)

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