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The first time in the province! Xiamen trains UAVs for the disabled

Precise assistance, scientific and technological innovation to help the employment and entrepreneurship of the disabled with high-quality development Source: Taiwan Strait Network Qian Lingling Access with handheld device
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   News from Taiwan Strait Network on May 10 (Taiwan Strait Guide reporter Qian Lingling/Wen Chang Haijun/picture correspondent Wen Huilu) Hold the remote control, start the button, push the rocker, and a UAV slowly takes off from the ground. About 2 meters into the air, the UAV hovered, then walked, circled and circled along the markers on the ground... Wang Chunquan, a physically disabled person, was operating the UAV to perform.

On the occasion of the 34th "National Handicap Day", yesterday morning, the year 2024 with the theme of "enabling science and technology to join hands with the future" Xiamen The demonstration activity of UAV skill training results for the disabled was held at Golden Dolphin Square in Jimei District. Xu Lin, chairman of the Xiamen Disabled Persons' Federation, and other leaders issued the nationwide authoritative certificates to the first 10 disabled students, including Wang Chunquan.

It is reported that this is Fujian It is the first time for the province to hold a training course for disabled UAV skills.

The first group of 10 trainees, including surveying and mapping and agricultural and forestry plant protection

In recent years, artificial intelligence technology has been gradually improved, and UAVs have been used more and more widely. "Last year, we learned from our visit that there are also disabled people in Xiamen who have expressed a strong interest in this new business. With the support of Xiamen UAV Industry Association, we organized this training specially," said Chen Jun, director of Xiamen Disabled Employment Service Center.

A total of 10 people participated in the first training, including physical disability and hearing impairment. On April 14, the first UAV skill training class for the disabled in the province was officially opened, and 10 trainees were divided into surveying and mapping and agricultural and forestry plant protection for learning and practice.

Lin Xiaoliang in Tong'an District is a physically disabled person. His family has more than 200 mu of orchards and planted longan trees. "In the past, I had to hire four or five people to take medicine every time. It took five days to complete a mountain. It took time, effort and money. A person paid 200 yuan a day and 5000 yuan a time. It took seven or eight times a year, which became a huge expense."

Now, having learned UAV technology, Lin Xiaoliang decided to take the lead in applying it to his orchard. "Compared with the traditional backpack spraying, it is safer for us to use drones to control diseases and pests, save water, and separate people from drugs. I can finish a mountain in half a day alone! The drones can also be equipped with high-definition cameras and multi spectral sensors, which can monitor farmland in real time. When we sit at home, a mobile phone can keep track of agricultural conditions at any time."

Wang Chunquan of Haicang District is a safety officer of an enterprise. This time, he took part in the training of surveying and mapping. "In my work, the project patrol, pipeline patrol and other projects may use UAVs in the future, and I learned this skill in advance, which will help to improve professional skills and broaden employment channels."

Tailor made training programs to explore new forms and fields of employment

May 19 is the 34th "National Handicap Day". This year's theme is "Science and technology help the disabled, share a better life". This training course is sponsored by Xiamen Disabled Employment Service Center and undertaken by Xiamen China HNA General Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. Disabled people participate in the training free of charge, aiming to promote the employment of disabled people through technological innovation and development.

After graduation, the students of plant protection direction have obtained the qualification certificate of Dajiang plant protection UAV system operator, and can engage in the work of UAV agricultural and forestry plant protection direction; Surveying and mapping students have obtained civil UAV operator license from Civil Aviation Administration of China, and can be engaged in UAV security patrol, surveying and mapping modeling, assembly, commissioning and maintenance, mountain forest protection, emergency rescue and other work.

Chen Jun said that with the rapid development of science and technology, the disabled should also keep pace with the times. Disabled people are "angels with broken wings". Mastering UAV control skills means that they can be equipped with "wings of dreams" to fly higher and farther. In the future, Xiamen Disabled Employment Service Center will continue to carry out various forms of practical technical training for the disabled, improve the vocational skill level of the disabled, train more vocational and technical talents, help the disabled employment and entrepreneurship high-quality development with scientific and technological innovation, explore new forms and fields of employment, and achieve the goal of "employment, entrepreneurship, income increase, competition, integration", Improve the happiness and sense of gain of the disabled.

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