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Putin: Russia and Vietnam continue to focus on deepening trade and investment cooperation Source: Reference message network Access with handheld device
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According to the report of Tass News Agency on June 19, Russian President Putin published an article in the Vietnamese People's Daily saying that Russia thanks Vietnam for its balanced position on the Ukrainian crisis.

Putin wrote: "I thank Vietnamese friends for their prudent stance on the Ukrainian crisis and their willingness to promote the search for a peaceful solution to the crisis. All these are in full accordance with the spirit and nature of our relations (with Vietnam)."

It is reported that the trade volume between Russia and Vietnam will grow by 8% in 2023 and continue to grow. Putin wrote that in the first quarter of 2024, bilateral trade volume increased by one third year on year. He pointed out that the two countries continue to focus on deepening bilateral trade and promoting investment.

Russian leaders said that Russia exports grain, minerals, machinery and equipment to Vietnam, while Vietnam exports clothing, fruits and vegetables to Russia.

It is reported that during his visit to Vietnam, Putin will lead a luxurious Russian delegation to hold talks and meetings with Vietnam's top leadership. The two sides will discuss the situation between the two countries and other regions of the world, especially issues of common concern, including peace maintenance, cooperation and development.

Another report by Tass News Agency on June 19 said that Russian President Putin published an article in Vietnam's People's Daily that Russia and Vietnam are expanding their local currency settlement, accounting for more than 40% of bilateral trade settlement in 2023, and nearly 60% in the first quarter of this year.

Russian leaders said: "This is in line with the global trend of gradually abandoning the use of currencies with severely damaged reputation in international trade and investment."

Reported that Putin did not rule out the possibility of assisting Vietnam to open a nuclear science and technology center.

The Russian President wrote: "The initiative of establishing a nuclear science and technology center in Vietnam with the assistance of the Russian National Atomic Energy Corporation is being formulated."

Putin pointed out that "Russia National Atomic Energy Corporation is willing to help Vietnam's partners build the national nuclear energy industry as a whole, including strengthening the construction of talent team." (Compilation/Li Ran)

(Source: Reference message network

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