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2024/06/21 High temperature weather causes wildfires to rage in many parts of the western United States

2024/06/21 28 Egyptian citizens died during pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia

2024/06/21 Will Lebanon Israel Tensions Lead to an All round War

2024/06/21 Armenia recognizes the State of Palestine

2024/06/21 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Philippines' acts seriously violate China's sovereignty, which China will never accept


2024/06/21 Nearly 700 works of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station were required to be rectified

2024/06/21 India's alcohol poisoning incident has resulted in 47 deaths and more than 100 people are being treated in hospitals

2024/06/21 Burst! At least 4 people were injured when Uzbek drones attacked Oklasnadar border area

2024/06/21 The British Conservative Party is worried about the election, and will suffer the worst defeat in nearly 200 years?

2024/06/21 Reveal the differences again! The contradiction between the Israeli military and the government has become increasingly acute


2024/06/21 Two trains collided in Chile, resulting in two deaths and nine injuries, and Chinese citizens were injured

2024/06/21 More than 50 cartridge cases were found at the scene of 15 people injured in the Oakland shooting incident in the United States

2024/06/21 First time! Why the EU's new round of sanctions against Russia target LNG

2024/06/21 The United States may have relaxed the scope of Ukraine's use of US weapons against Russia

2024/06/21 United Nations experts urge relevant countries and enterprises to stop sending weapons to Israel


2024/06/21 With a tight schedule, Putin will meet with four Vietnamese leaders one day

2024/06/21 US media: Vietnam welcomes Putin's visit despite US criticism

2024/06/21 Ukrainian legislators came to power with a Russian flag, or were punished for "provocation"

2024/06/21 Dissatisfied with the new treaty between Russia and North Korea, South Korea: considering supplying arms to Ukraine

2024/06/21 Putin: Russia's strategic nuclear forces have always been in a state of comprehensive combat readiness


2024/06/21 Vietnam and Russia said they would further deepen bilateral relations

2024/06/21 Venezuela's public health system has been severely hit by long-term US sanctions

2024/06/21 The US debt is out of control, and the two parties are unwilling to "step on the brake"

2024/06/21 About 80 million people in the eastern United States have been warned of high temperatures

2024/06/21 Sudan Rapid Support Force announces control of the capital of Western Kordofan State


2024/06/21 US Central Command says to destroy four unmanned surface ships of Yemeni Husei armed forces

2024/06/21 Netanyahu shouted to his allies: "Control your emotions and lay down your abacus!"

2024/06/21 Israel's military: unable to completely destroy Hamas

2024/06/21 World Refugee Day Palestine Refugees: My wish is to live

2024/06/21 Israeli Army Says Air Strike on Gaza and Kills Senior Members of Hamas Armed Forces


2024/06/21 The Israeli Prime Minister accused the United States of detaining weapons and ammunition, and the United States said it was deeply disappointed with Israeli remarks

2024/06/21 What are the plans of the US military fire merchants to produce ammunition in Uzbekistan?

2024/06/21 A man throws a firebomb at the election office of Iran's presidential candidate

2024/06/21 Eight presidential candidates in Venezuela signed an agreement to respect the election results

2024/06/21 The United States announced to ban the products of Kaspersky, a Russian anti-virus software company


2024/06/21 After takeoff, a United Airlines passenger plane made an emergency landing due to falling parts in the engine cover

2024/06/21 The US "poison train" accident damaged 16 states more than expected and was polluted

2024/06/21 Biden and Trump are qualified to participate in the first debate of the US presidential election

2024/06/21 NATO's military expenditure "reaches the standard", which sets a record. The United States benefits the world and suffers

2024/06/21 Ukraine and EU security agreement or variable


2024/06/21 EU and Ukraine extend the traffic visa free agreement

2024/06/21 The United States plans to speed up the delivery of anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine

2024/06/21 Putin: The Russian armed forces are ready to respond to any change in the situation

2024/06/21 One person died when Urumqi army drones attacked many places in Russia

2024/06/21 Japan issues wrong remarks about the South China Sea: Chinese Embassy in Japan urges Japan to stop provoking trouble


2024/06/21 The survivors of forced labor in South Korea won the second trial of claims against Japanese enterprises

2024/06/21 The US side insists on retaining and increasing 301 tariff to China

2024/06/20 Russian media: The new treaty between Russia and North Korea may come into force soon

2024/06/20 Putin: Russia and Vietnam continue to focus on deepening trade and investment cooperation

2024/06/20 Poll: British Labor Party will win the biggest victory in a century


2024/06/20 Biden Trump's team agreed on the rules of the first election debate

2024/06/20 Russian media: The United States relaxes the scope of Ukrainian military and US weapons against Russian territory

2024/06/20 More details! North Korea grand welcome ceremony, Putin Kim Jong un talks for more than 90 minutes

2024/06/20 Can Japan's new regulations put an end to the "black gold" scandal?

2024/06/20 President Yin Xiyue of South Korea declared that the country entered a "population emergency"


2024/06/20 People protest! Dismiss the War Cabinet! There is a deep crisis in Israel's political operation

2024/06/20 What does it mean for the Israeli army to approve the war plan for attacking Lebanon

2024/06/20 Family members of the victims of "the deadliest corporate crime in American history" demand a fine of US $24 billion for Boeing

2024/06/20 "Everyone has a gun!" Shooting cases surge in New York in summer

2024/06/20 Debt Runs Out of Control US Federal Deficit Will Increase Significantly in the Next Decade