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Yu Yuan and Tan Tian: One article to understand how the PLA points to "Taiwan independence" Source: Yuyuan Tan Tian Access with handheld device
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On May 23, the eastern theater released the map of the "United Sword - 2024A" exercise area, and Tan found the authority on the map at the first time military Experts interpreted it.

From the schematic diagram, we can see the breakthrough of the mainland Taiwan drill, Experts pointed out that the significance of these three directions is as follows:

First, on Taiwan The exercise in the northern part of the island is not only a deterrent to important political and military objectives in Taipei, but also a blow to the DPP authorities.

Secondly, the drill in the southern part of Taiwan Island can be seen from three aspects. First, it is a political attack on the stronghold of "Taiwan independence". We know that Tainan is the stronghold of "Taiwan independence" forces. The second is the economic blockade of Taiwan Island. Kaohsiung Port, which is adjacent to the south of Taiwan Island, is Taiwan's largest port, so the exercise has the meaning of seizing Kaohsiung Port, Taiwan's maritime gateway, and hitting Taiwan's foreign trade hard. Third, militarily, Kaohsiung Port is an important garrison of Taiwan's navy, so this exercise shows that the PLA can firmly trap the Taiwan authorities' navy in the port, which is a powerful deterrent to the illusion of "Taiwan independence" forces "seeking independence by force".

Finally, the drill was conducted in the eastern part of Taiwan Island in order to block three lines. One is to block the lifeline of Taiwan's energy import. The second is to block the escape line of the "Taiwan independence" forces who want to escape sanctions and flee outward. The third is to block the support line of some US allies to provide assistance to the "Taiwan independence" forces. Hualien County in the east of Taiwan Island faces the Pacific Ocean. Hualien Port is one of the main ports in Taiwan, so this exercise, the PLA conducted a simulated attack exercise in the sea and air space near Hualien, demonstrated the ability to jointly seize power and occupy important places, which shows that the PLA can deter and attack important targets such as Taiwan's ports and airports from multiple directions.

[Source: China Central Radio television "Yuyuan Tantian" microblog, a new media account under CNTV]

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