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The "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise was carried out around Weitai Island in the eastern theater Source: Taiwan Strait Network Access with handheld device
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On May 23, according to the information released by the "Eastern Theater" at 07:45 this morning

The "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise was held around Weitai Island in the eastern theater

Eastern theater Journalism Spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Li Xi said that from May 23 to 24, the PLA eastern theater organized forces such as the theater army, navy, air force and rocket army to carry out the "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise around Weitai Island, focusing on exercises such as joint air and sea combat readiness patrol, joint seizure of comprehensive control of the battlefield, joint precision targeting of key targets, and warships and aircrafts approaching the island for battle patrol, The island chain is integrated inside and outside to test the joint combat capability of the theater forces. This is also a strong punishment for the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces seeking "independence" and a serious warning of interference and provocation by external forces.

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