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Extremely dangerous and extremely harmful -- Experts analyze Lai Qingde's "May 20" speech Source: Xinhua News Agency Access with handheld device
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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 22 Taiwan Lai Qingde, the regional leader, made a speech on "May 20", and several experts on Taiwan issues have been interviewed for several days, pointing out that Lai Qingde's fallacies run through separatist thinking, and his "Taiwan independence" position is more radical and adventurous. He vigorously advocated "anti China and anti China", incited hostility and hatred towards the mainland, fabricated "democratic Taiwan independence", "peaceful secession" and other perverse theories, and tried to be close to and cater to external forces, Continuing to "seek independence by relying on others" and "seek independence by force", the attitude is very rampant, the nature is very bad, the danger is very great, and the harm is very strong.

   "Taiwan Independence Confession"

   Xiamen Zhang Wensheng, a professor at the University's Taiwan Research Institute, said that Lai Qingde's "May 20" speech was not well intentioned and sincere, but also full of malice and hostility. Ignoring the historical and legal facts that Taiwan is a part of China, he openly declared that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not belong to each other", peddled the "two countries theory" and advocated more radical "Taiwan independence".

Ni Yongjie, director of the Shanghai Institute of Taiwan Studies, believes that Lai Qingde's speech is an out and out "confession of Taiwan independence", which runs through his concept and position of "Taiwan independence" from beginning to end. His both sides The policy discourse is a variation of the "two countries theory" and a copy of the "one country on one side theory". It weaves a complete set of "Taiwan independence" discourse in an attempt to change the nature of cross-strait relations. He made a big fuss on the so-called "national" identity, tried to strengthen the spiritual mobilization of "Taiwan independence", and started a new political manipulation of "Taiwan independence", which was worse than Chen Shuibian and Cai Yingwen

Ni Yongjie pointed out that although the mainland and Taiwan have not yet been reunified, the fact that both sides belong to one China has never changed and cannot be changed. Taiwan is an integral part of China, and its future can only be decided jointly by more than 1.4 billion Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots. In his speech, Lai Qingde fabricated the so-called "Taiwan sovereignty" and advocated that "the future of Taiwan, the Republic of China, is jointly decided by 23 million people", exposing the plot and delusion of promoting "legal Taiwan independence" with "self-determination of Taiwan residents".

   The arrogant provocation of "fighting against China and the enemy"

Ni Yongjie said that Lai Qingde's speech was full of provocation and hostility, playing up the "threat", "infiltration" and "gray coercion" of the mainland, advocating "resistance to China", inciting "hatred against China", and deliberately raising the confrontation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, which would only further push Taiwan into a dangerous situation of war and bring serious disasters to Taiwan compatriots.

Zhu Songling, a professor at the Taiwan Research Institute of Beijing Union University, pointed out that Lai Qingde is a dangerous "Taiwan independence" member with a vicious attitude, stubborn stance and bad nature. Such a radical aggressor and an upgraded "trouble maker" will undoubtedly bring greater uncertainty and higher risks to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the region. The so-called "peace" in his speech is simply a lie to cover up his saboteurs of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region.

Ni Yongjie said that Lai Qingde ignored the interests and welfare of Taiwan compatriots, violated the mainstream public opinion of the island, and did not follow the right path of peaceful development, but took the wrong path of provocation and confrontation. He ignored the desire of all walks of life on the island to maintain peace between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and the expectation of resuming cross Straits exchanges, and on the contrary, he plunged the Taiwan people into deeper disappointment, anxiety and even panic. "Taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace in the Taiwan Straits. The "Taiwan independence" forces have their own way to darkness and will also push the Taiwan people into the abyss of disaster. How vicious it is.

   National treason of "relying on others to seek independence"

Zhu Songling said that Lai Qingde fabricated the illusion of a "democratic community" and a "peaceful community", tried to cling to and cater to the anti China forces of the United States and the West, "sold the interests of Taiwan compatriots and the interests of the Chinese nation" as a "vote", and begged foreign masters to support "Taiwan independence". He is willing to be the "pawn" and "pawn" of external forces to curb China's development, and attempts to join the anti China camp of the United States and the West through the so-called "value diplomacy" to further promote the "internationalization of the Taiwan issue", which is an absolute "seeking independence from outside".

Zhang Wensheng said that Lai Qingde made no secret of his intention to join hands with external forces to fight against the mainland. It was extremely immoral to split the country and completely lose the basic national stance for the sake of one party and one person.

Ni Yongjie pointed out that Lai Qingde clamoured for so-called "value diplomacy", flaunted his role as "a member of the democratic front", and tried to deceive the Taiwan people and mislead the international community. Its so-called "democracy" is also a lie, which conceals the ugly and disgusting nature of fooling Taiwan compatriots and harming Taiwan's people. Its plot is doomed to failure, and the rebels who overestimate themselves will pay a heavy price.     (Source: Shang Hao and Wang Chenghao from Xinhua News Agency)

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