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They said that this is the mainstream public opinion in the island Source: Direct news Access with handheld device
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On the morning of June 15, the 16th Straits Forum General Assembly Fujian Xiamen Held. As a promotion both sides This forum is an important platform for extensive exchanges from all walks of life and promoting cross-strait non-governmental exchanges and cooperation. The theme of this forum continues to be "expanding non-governmental exchanges and deepening integrated development" to promote cross-strait exchanges and cooperation.

On the morning of the 15th, Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Wang Huning said that in April this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping, focusing on the overall interests and long-term well-being of the Chinese nation, delivered an important speech focusing on grasping the overall situation of cross Straits relations, jointly creating a better future of national reunification and national rejuvenation, and pointed out the way forward for the development of cross Straits relations and peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits. The compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits should, in line with the attitude of being responsible for history and the nation, firmly oppose the "Taiwan independence" split and foreign interference, firmly safeguard the common homeland of the Chinese nation, jointly safeguard peace and tranquility in the Taiwan Straits, and jointly promote cross-strait relations back to the right path.

Wang Huning said that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are Chinese, with the same roots, same culture, and blood thicker than water. The historical facts and legal basis that both sides of the Straits belong to the same country and that compatriots on both sides belong to the same nation have never changed, and cannot change. "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces undermine peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait Taiwan The interests and welfare of our compatriots will endanger China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and lead to dangerous wars across the Taiwan Strait, which will ultimately only bring about serious disasters for our compatriots in Taiwan. National reunification is the historical necessity of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We have firm will, full confidence and strong ability to smash any separatist attempt for "Taiwan independence".

Wang Huning said that peace, development, exchanges and cooperation are the mainstream public opinion of compatriots on both sides of the Straits. We always respect, care for and benefit Taiwan compatriots, and continue to promote the interests and well-being of Taiwan compatriots. We welcome more Taiwan compatriots to participate in cross Straits exchanges and cooperation, integrated development, and the process of national rejuvenation, to share the opportunities of Chinese style modernization development, and to share the great glory of the development and growth of the Chinese nation. It is hoped that the youth on both sides of the Straits will have more exchanges, exchanges and heart to heart exchanges, understand the general trend of history, adhere to the great national interests, shoulder the responsibility of the times bravely, and contribute their youth to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

"Taiwan people can be upright Chinese"

Lian Shengwen, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, who participated in the Straits Forum for the first time, said in his speech that despite the twists and turns in cross-strait relations in the past, most Taiwan compatriots want to live in peace and friendly exchanges with the mainland, which can not be ignored by anyone. Lian Shengwen is talking about "Taiwan people can be upright Chinese" The whole audience applauded warmly. He said that in terms of culture, life, festivals and diet, the roots of both sides are Chinese culture. The most important purpose of cross-strait people to people exchanges is to enhance the feelings of people on both sides of the Straits, fully understand each other and live in harmony.

Lian Shengwen mentioned that the results of the leadership election in Taiwan at the beginning of this year showed that at least 60% of the people in the island did not support the Lai Ching Tak authorities, and most Taiwanese wanted to live in peace with the mainland, which is the mainstream public opinion in the island that no one can ignore. He stressed that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits must not be "kidnapped" by a few radical people with ulterior motives, let alone misled by some extreme remarks, leading to the impact or regression of cross-strait relations.

Zhang Lishan, head of Yunlin County, Taiwan, who participated in the event, said that she firmly believed that there would be no understanding without dialogue and no peace without exchanges. She said, This is also the reason why we still take part in the event of many malicious attacks on the eve of departure.

It is worth noting that this Straits Forum has received enthusiastic responses from Taiwan compatriots, including more than 7000 representatives of Taiwan's political parties, organizers, and all walks of life. This fully shows that the DPP authorities are unpopular with "green terror", obstruction and restriction, and once again proves that the more arrogant the "Taiwan independence" separatists are, the stronger and unstoppable the common aspirations of compatriots on both sides of the Straits to peace, development, exchanges and cooperation will be.

The DPP authorities should seize the opportunity of the Straits Forum with Taiwan's people's livelihood in mind

In recent years Cai Yingwen Under the obstruction of the "Taiwan independence" elements headed by Lai Qingde, the relations and cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have become increasingly difficult to promote and ease. Especially since Lai Qingde came to power, the communication channels between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have been "cut off" by a large margin, the street exchanges and commercial cooperation have been blocked continuously, and the exchange projects of land tourists and land students have been forced to be interrupted with the wrong "cross-strait policy" of Lai Qingde's authorities. The people in the island strongly oppose and criticize this, but it still cannot change Lai Qingde's ambition of seeking "independence".

As a result, there are few exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. Now the Straits Forum, which can be held regularly, has become an important channel for economic and trade exchanges between the two sides. Even so, the Democratic Progressive Party has repeatedly blocked this.

Zhang Wuyue, director of the Research Center for Cross Strait Relations of Tamkang University in Taiwan, analyzed in a recent program on the island's internal affairs that the Taiwan Strait Forum is an opportunity that both sides should seize. The Taiwan Strait Forum is the first window of opportunity for the integration of cross Strait relations after relying on Chiang Kai shek's "May 20" speech. Although this window cannot open the door to negotiation and consultation, However, this opportunity may reduce the confrontation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and gradually promote the various civil exchanges between the two sides. "In fact, we should seize it".

Published by Hong Kong "China Assessment Society" comment It was pointed out that all parties generally expressed concern about the development of Taiwan's politics and cross-strait relations in the coming years, especially after Lai Qingde delivered his "Taiwan independence" confession inaugural speech, which strengthened and deepened the concerns of people in the island, and Taiwan's economic development was facing significant changes due to political factors.

The commentary points out that there is no development without peace? The change of ECFA has an obvious impact on Taiwan's economy and people's livelihood, but this impact is only a small side of the change in cross-strait economic and trade relations. Lai Qingde's confession of "Taiwan independence" and subsequent administration may have a greater and deeper impact on the future development of cross-strait economy. Tensions in the Taiwan Straits, coupled with the intensification and continuation of the opposition between the island's internal parties and social confrontation, will inevitably affect Taiwan's investment environment, resulting in the outflow of enterprises, talents and funds, as well as the reduction or halt of foreign investment. If the DPP authorities go further and further on the road of "Taiwan independence", they will certainly exacerbate tensions in the Taiwan Strait and have a greater impact on the development of Taiwan's economy and people's livelihood.

Xie Zhichuan, a commentator on current affairs in the island, analyzed that what is the goodwill of the DPP in blocking the Straits Forum? The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has made every effort in "seeking independence", blocking normal cross-strait exchanges, and challenging cross-strait relations all day long. "Every walk will leave traces," and the DPP's mistakes will eventually be recorded in history.

Author: Zhuo Yizi, Shenzhen Satellite TV Journalism edit

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