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Taiwan compatriot Lu Bingwen wrote a song to support the cross-strait village fellowship activity held in Xiamen: blood is thicker than water Source: Taiwan Strait Network Access with handheld device
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On the 15th, the 12th "Village of the Same Name • Heart to Heart" activity in 2024 was held in Fujian Xiamen Held. Taiwan Nearly 300 experts and inheritors of intangible cultural heritage representing the same ancestral temple both sides Guests talked about their kinship and imagined the cooperation of compatriots.

During the event, the elements of ancestral temples on both sides of the strait ran through the whole venue. It is presented through the integration of intangible cultural heritage and modern 3D lighting technology. The opening program, "Respecting the Ancestors", is the first to win. The relay inheritance of intangible cultural heritage on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, dance and the clear sound of bamboo flute complement each other, telling the common story of the ancestors on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, making the audience deeply feel the kinship that can not be extinguished through thousands of years of time and space.

Huaqiao University Journalism Li Xinyu, a Taiwanese graduate student from the Institute of Communication, told about the cultural imprint of the ancestral hall with the same surname in the same village on both sides of the Taiwan Straits through his own field observation. Lin's relatives from Ma Xiang in Xiamen and Lieyu in Jinmen talked about the interaction and exchange between relatives on both sides of the Taiwan Straits in recent years. The audience was deeply moved. In addition, the image and number of ancestral temples of villages with the same name on both sides of the Taiwan Straits reflected on the stage by modern light and shadow technology has made many on-site audiences find elements familiar with their ancestral temples.

In the process of cross-strait kinship exchanges, many Taiwan compatriots took this opportunity to come to the mainland to pursue their dreams and find their "best partners" in the mainland. In the section of Partners on Both Sides of the Taiwan Straits, Li Zhizhang, a Taiwan youth, talked about his cooperation with mainland partners to build Zhangzhou The story of Pinghe's "Moving to Taiwan Memory Hall". In the process of the establishment of the Memory Hall, the small partners on both sides of the Taiwan Straits performed their respective duties and worked together; In the process of construction, they also had a deeper understanding of the cross-strait origins of Taiwan's "Fog Peak Lin Family". This process of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits seeking roots and starting businesses together has aroused the resonance of many "landing" in Taiwan and Qingdao.

At the end of the activity, Zhu Mingyue, director of the Exchange Center of the same name village in Fujian and Taiwan, Taiwan, sang the song "Yuanyuan Yuan: Song of the same name village" with heart, which pushed the activity to a climax. This song was composed by Lu Bingwen, President of the Taiwan Chinese Reserve Officers Association and President of the Taiwan Chinese Porridge Association. In 10 years, Lu Bingwen visited Taiwan's main island and Kinmen area, and walked through 210 indicator temples, witnessing that blood is thicker than water in Taiwan and the mainland. He said, "This song was conceived by heart, written by hand, and even more, walked out with feet, dedicated to all the relatives on both sides of the Taiwan Strait."

Zheng Jianmin, President of the All China Association of Taiwan Compatriots, said that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are a family with a common heart and blood thicker than water, and it is the common aspiration of all Chinese people to realize the complete reunification of the motherland. No matter how the island's internal affairs change, it will not change the status quo that both sides belong to one China, nor will it stop the historical trend of the reunification of the motherland.

It is reported that the "homonymous village • heart to heart" fellowship activity is a major brand activity of Fujian Taiwan Federation linking the two sides of the Taiwan Straits with relatives of the same name, which has been successfully held for 11 times previously. Activities with the theme of "marriage in the same customs, living in the same house, singing in the same tune, writing in the same ink, and learning in the same skills" are deeply loved by the people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and have a profound impact on the grass-roots level on both sides of the Straits. (Chen Zilin, reporter of the Straits Herald/Wen Zhouxuan/photo)

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