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110, salute the people's police! Source: Taiwan Strait Network Access with handheld device
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On January 10, 2024, the fourth Chinese People's Police Day.

From the quiet mountains to the prosperous cities, there are always thousands of lights in Bamin, which are carefully guarded by the "Police Blue"; From Wuyi Mountain with strange peaks and beautiful waters to Gulangyu Island with beautiful scenery, behind the leisure time enjoyed by the masses, there is always "Police Blue" offering silently.

Keep the peace of one side with the heart of serving the people. In 2023, Fujian The public security situation in the province has shown a good trend of "two decreases and one increase". The number of police cases and criminal cases registered decreased by 5.9% and 10.8% respectively year on year. The criminal case solving rate increased by 4.2 percentage points year on year, and the public's sense of security rate reached 99.08%, emerging a national new era "Maple Bridge experience" advanced model—— Fuzhou A large number of advanced units and individuals, such as Jianxin Police Station of Cangshan Branch of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Guo Weimin, a "second class model", Zeng Dong, the "most beautiful grass-roots police" in 2023, have handed over an eye-catching "safety answer sheet" to the provincial party committee, the provincial government and the people of the province.

Sharp sword lights up the light of peace in Fujian

On September 27 last year, Xiamen Ms. Zhang received a phone call from the other party claiming to be WeChat "customer service". After operating according to the requirements of "customer service", Ms. Zhang found that more than 1.5 million yuan in her bank account was missing, and she immediately called the police.

Under the guidance of the police officer, Ms. Zhang forcibly turned off her mobile phone. At the same time, the police launched the stop payment mechanism for fund inquiry of the police bank to conduct fund inquiry and verification on her account. Three minutes later, the police from Lujiang Police Station of Xiamen Public Security Bureau arrived at the scene and stopped the payment in time before the swindler further transferred the funds, saving Ms. Zhang's 1.5 million yuan.

Point to telecom fraud and protect people's "money pockets". Since last year, Fujian public security has thoroughly practiced the concept of "four specialties and two joint efforts", promoted the reform of anti fraud "three groups and one center", introduced and implemented 13 anti fraud measures, promoted the experience and practices of "four level secretaries" in combating fraud, and effectively reversed the high incidence of wire fraud cases. The number of cases registered in the province decreased by 5.3% on a year-on-year basis, the number of cases solved increased by 5.4% on a year-on-year basis, and the number of public property losses decreased by 4.3% on a year-on-year basis. At the same time, the provincial anti fraud prevention and interception system was upgraded, and temporary protective measures were introduced. A total of 150 million fraud calls were intercepted, 147000 fraudulent websites were blocked, 616000 potential victims were discouraged, and 10.38 billion yuan of economic losses were avoided.

"At night, the police lights flicker, the police cars shuttle, the shops operate safely, and the streets are safe and warm, which is the visible sense of security." The provincial public security organs carried out the summer public security crackdown and rectification action, which was praised by the masses. Last year, the provincial public security organs carried out four 12 night unified overnight inspections throughout the province, patrolled key parts 45000 times, captured a number of current criminals, and let the masses really feel safe around.

Taking the public security crackdown and rectification action in summer as the starting point, the provincial public security organs regularly promoted the special fight against organized crime, killed 6 mafia related organizations, 154 evil force organizations, 168 active homicides, 191 active "two robberies" cases, and many of the special cases ranked first in the country.

Ask for the need, benefit the enterprise, and constantly optimize the business environment

In Wuliyuan, Jinjiang Economic Development Zone, there are many well-known domestic enterprises, with a floating population of more than 50000. On October 12 last year, Chen Dengchun, an employee of the enterprise, walked into the Wuliyuan Police Station of Lingyuan Police Station of Jinjiang Public Security Bureau. With the help of the police, he completed the change of the driver's license information on the integrated police self-service system in less than 10 minutes. "There is a police station at the gate of the factory. The handling process is simple and efficient, so it is convenient to go to work without delay." Chen Dengchun said with a smile.

Adhere to serving the overall situation, and Fujian public security actively integrate into the construction both sides Integrated development demonstration zone, strong private economy province in the new era, etc., formulated and issued 18 measures to help high-quality development, and 26 measures to reform administrative service management; Establish a tracking and supervision mechanism for enterprise related cases such as infringement of trade secrets, and uncover a number of enterprise related economic crime cases; We will build a "one brand, three mechanisms and five levels" service system for enterprises to protect enterprises and secure business. We will set up 102 police contact points in industrial parks and key enterprises, actively serve enterprises in the front, effectively deliver public security and government services to enterprises and employees, and help create a high-quality business environment.

"In less than half an hour, I completed the procedures of account transfer and ID card renewal through the 'one-stop' window." On November 25, last year Ningde After the public security comprehensive window of the municipal administrative service center ran its business efficiently, Mr. Chen praised the convenience brought by the reform of public security government services.

In May last year, Ningde Public Security Bureau set up a comprehensive public security service window in the city's administrative service center, which included 254 specific matters of the eight major police categories with a large number of people running, high frequency of use, and wide range of business into the service scope of "one window for all" of the comprehensive window, so that the window for the people has changed from "specialized" to "general".

More data, less people. Last year, the Provincial Public Security Department focused on the urgent problems of the masses, launched a series of measures for the reform of administrative management services, and launched the "trans provincial pass" for all 21 types of household registration migration; Build a "one-stop" comprehensive service window in 60 police stations, comprehensively upgrade the Fujian public security and government affairs service integration platform, promote 95.5% of public security and government affairs service items to "travel at most once", realize 120 high-frequency government affairs service items to "run through one window", and let the masses run near their home and help themselves.

Consolidate the foundation and protect the safety of a party in an all-round way

In winter, Wuyi Mountain is colorful and beautiful. "As long as you see them, you will feel very secure." Mr. Zhang, a tourist, said that he felt very secure when he saw the "Police Blue" shuttling in the scenic area. This "police blue" is the "Zhu Ziyi Police" patrol team set up by the scenic spot police station of Wuyishan Public Security Bureau. They silently guard the safety of the scenic spot and become the beautiful "alarm" color in the hearts of the masses.

If the base course is stable, the whole situation will be stable. Fujian public security adheres to and develops the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, inherits and carries forward the fine tradition of "Four Grassroots", takes the "Maple Bridge type Police Station" creation activity as the starting point, deeply carries out the investigation and resolution of conflicts and disputes, and has successively cultivated new mediation models such as "Maple Bridge on the Sea", "Maple Bridge in Mountain Area", "Maple Bridge in Scenic Area", and "Maple Bridge in Park", Successfully resolved a large number of contradictions and disputes. Over the years, 12 national "Maple Bridge Police Stations" and 100 provincial "Maple Bridge Police Stations", such as Wuyishan Public Security Bureau Scenic Spot Police Stations, have sprung up in the province, just like a flag, flying in the forefront of grass-roots social governance.

"Please cooperate with the inspection." At about 3:00 on July 10 last year“ Zhangzhou When Wan Lin and Zhang Jiebin, the policemen of the 110 "First Squadron, were patrolling the road section in Longwen District, Zhangzhou, they found a suspicious looking man and quickly went forward to investigate. After verification, the man was involved in money laundering and other illegal acts, and the police tracked down the gang's crime tools in a rented house in a community.

In order to comprehensively extend the scope of policing and safeguard the safety of one party, Fujian public security inherited and carried forward the spirit of "Zhangzhou 110" in the new era, promoted the construction of a four level patrol mechanism in the social sphere, and built 1250 smart street police stations, smart police offices, public security checkpoints and interception checkpoints. Implement flat command, improve the reform of the "two teams and one room" policing operation mode, build and operate an entity grass-roots basic control center and a smart community policing platform, make active policing and preventive policing, Fuzhou, Xiamen Quanzhou It was rated as one of the first demonstration cities of social security prevention and control system in China.

Keeping Honesty and Innovating to Promote the Modernization of Public Security Work

On September 26 last year, the Shishi Public Security Bureau investigated a suspected fraud case. On the same day, the police handling the case took the suspect to the law enforcement and case handling management center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

"Once a suspect enters the law enforcement case management center, he/she can handle information registration by himself/herself, and the terminal will automatically distribute the 'smart bracelet' to link the suspect's information to the bracelet, which can record the 'every move' of the suspect in the case handling area. It can also automatically generate electronic files and push them to the police, realizing the 'one-stop' fine supervision and management." Li Weiben, the leader of the legal team of Shishi Public Security Bureau, said.

The construction of public security under the rule of law is the basic, strategic and overall work to promote the modernization of public security work. Last year, the Provincial Public Security Department took standardizing law enforcement as one of the eight important tasks of the year, issued normative system documents, built 96 law enforcement and case handling management centers, and the satisfaction rate of the provincial public security law enforcement work rose to 97.7%. In order to promote the standardized construction of the law enforcement and case handling management center, the provincial public security organs adhere to the "one standard construction", "one ruler measurement" and "one set of system management", and innovate the "five in one" construction of the center's case management area, case handling area, property management area involved in cases, synthetic operation area and service guarantee area.

Science and technology is a powerful engine to promote the modernization of public security work. On November 16 last year, Li Longteng, a police officer of Xinmin Police Station of Xiamen Public Security Bureau, received a 110 order and immediately rushed to the scene after taking out the police pass and carrying a 5G law enforcement recorder to "touch".

"Our daily average number of police cases is about 60, and more than 100 videos are recorded on the spot. Previously, we needed to manually screen and check the alarm videos and then link them with the police cases, which took time and effort. Now we have the application of" Yipeng Zhilian ", which is much more convenient." Li Longteng introduced that Xiamen Public Security Bureau has created a new 5G intelligent law enforcement recorder support system, and innovated the application of "Yipeng Zhilian", It can quickly transmit the alarm information number corresponding to the alarm information to the 5G law enforcement recorder to realize the one-to-one correspondence of "alarm information, alarm information number and recorder video".

Adhere to the policy of "police strength and combat effectiveness through science and technology". Fujian public security has implemented the three-year action plan of "rejuvenating the police through science and technology". Deng Zhonghan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and other experts have been hired as expert consultants for rejuvenating the police through science and technology in Fujian. The first batch of innovation bases, innovation units, and innovation points have been set up throughout the province. The "1+2+7" provincial and municipal integrated public security big data platform has been built, and northeast Fujian The two "science and technology innovation consortiums" in southwest Fujian have built a provincial and municipal public security big data platform, supporting the cracking of 21000 cases.

In the new year, the clarion call for escorting the new journey has been sounded. The provincial public security organs will keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's "God of the People's Protection" earnest advice, with an indomitable spirit and an indomitable attitude of struggle, guard the best year with the most beautiful "police" color, and contribute to the public security efforts to write the chapter of Chinese style modernization in Fujian.

Source: Fujian Daily

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