Taihai Network - News Center

Qiu Taiyuan, a senior official of Taiwan, said that Lai Qingde called Peng Qiming and Wang Hongwei to scold him for being a "premier"

Qiu Taiyuan, the head of the health and welfare department of the Taiwan authorities, revealed on the 21st that Lai Qingde, the leader of Taiwan, had called Peng Qiming, the head of the environmental department. Wang Hongwei, the Kuomintang's representative for the people, said today that Qiu Taiyuan would not hesitate to make Peng Qiming, who is also a government official, look like a younger brother in order to ask for credit outside. Why Lai Qingde


After Ke Wenzhe was taken into custody, "grass" returned to blue and green? Cai Biru said frankly: unlikely

"Time Power" held a seminar on the rise and fall of the third force on the 21st, inviting all parties of the third force to attend, and Cai Biru was the representative of the Taiwan People's Party. Regarding whether 2026 is "blue and white", Cai Biru said that Taiwan's political changes are too fast for him to predict the 2026 "general election" and discuss so much. "When


Zhu Lilun recounted the KMT's achievements, including the establishment of TSMC, which made the DPP only want to achieve "Taiwan independence"

The KMT Digital Youth Committee (KMT STUDIO) of the Kuomintang of China (KMT STUDIO) handled the KMT succession plan on the 21st. In his speech, Zhu Lilun, the chairman of the party, said frankly that the KMT would continue to work for peace and development. In contrast, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) would persist in "Taiwan independence", nuclear abolition and death abolition, but who in the world supports "Taiwan independence"? Where does waste nuclear power come from


Both sides of the Taiwan Straits jointly discuss "building a tourism brand of Xiamen Jincheng"

According to a report on the website of Taiwan's Economic Daily on September 19, a 13 person tour group led by Xiamen Tourism Association held an exchange forum with Jinmen County Travel Commerce Association in Jinhu Hotel on September 18, aiming at "building a tourism brand in Jinmen", "marketing tourism resources in Jinmen" and "improving tourism products in Jinmen


Taiwan media: The authorities of the Democratic Progressive Party are responsible for the suspension of tariff concessions on 34 agricultural products from the mainland to Taiwan

According to the report of Taiwan's China Times on September 19, the website of the Ministry of Finance announced the third wave of suspension of tariff concessions across the Taiwan Straits on September 18, pointing out that the Tariff Commission of the State Council recently announced that 34 agricultural products, such as fresh fruits, vegetables and aquatic products originating in Taiwan, would be exempted from import taxes as of September 25, 2024


Taiwan's legislature cooperated again in blue and white, and the general budget of the authorities was returned for retrial

According to a report on September 20 on the website of Singapore's Lianhe Morning Post, Taiwan's legislature held a hearing on Taiwan's financial budget on September 20, but under the joint efforts of the blue and white parties, the budget was returned to the procedure committee for retrial. According to comprehensive Taiwan media reports, when the Taiwan legislature handled the report on the morning of the 20th, the non party public opinion representative Gao Jinsumei proposed


Medical materials for cardiac catheters withdraw from Taiwan market, exposing the DPP's "operation" online

There is a commonly used device for cardiac catheterization, "LockSheath". Overseas manufacturers announced to abandon the Taiwan market in early July because they could not afford to lose money. Li Yanxiu, the public opinion representative of the Kuomintang, said frankly that when Taiwan was seriously short of drugs last February, the health and welfare departments of the Taiwan authorities proposed solutions to the problem, but after one and a half years, the so-called comprehensive review was still


Huang Shanshan talks and laughs with the Democratic Progressive Party's Democratic Representative? Taiwan media people: own people

On September 20, the first general question of the new session of Taiwan's public opinion institutions came on the scene. Eight people's deputies of the People's Party held "green media younger brother has no right to prepare for the inquiry" and asked Weng Bozong, acting chairman of the "Taiwan Communication Commission (NCC)", to go out. Among them, Huang Shanshan was questioned by the political talk show, and was surrounded by a group of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) representatives when raising the cards. It seems that Huang Shanshan was with him


Has the opportunity to flip Kaohsiung, but Lanying misses the opportunity to cooperate with the Popular Party?

The public opinion poll on the 2026 Kaohsiung mayoral election has recently formed a topic, and Lan Ying has been discussing it all. The outside world may benefit from the atmosphere of "hating the Democratic Progressive Party". However, the People's Party opened its speech in Kaohsiung on the evening of September 20, which was a white camp monologue. At least two people from Lan Ying were seen in Taipei. Regardless of whether Baiying has the chance to ignite the whole set, only


The US Deputy Secretary of State advocated "China threat", relying on the cooperation of the authorities to misjudge the situation and fear a crisis

Recently, under the leadership of the Republican Party, the US House of Representatives experienced a crazy "China Week" (September 9-13). During the week, 28 anti China and anti China laws were passed, involving restrictions on Chinese products and enterprises, Hong Kong and Taiwan related issues, and Sino US educational and technological exchanges. More than that, local time


Channel Review | Want everything, but don't be shameful

The mainland recently announced that it would stop implementing the import tariff exemption policy for 34 agricultural products, including 15 fresh fruits, 11 vegetables and 8 aquatic products originating in Taiwan, from September 25. The DPP authorities, who knew nothing in advance, could do nothing afterwards. They had to habitually "chant sutras" while appeasing farmers and fishermen on the island "


Taiwan Federation of Industry 2024 White Paper: It is hard for the mainland market to ignore that the industry highly expects the resumption of normal cross-strait exchanges

The 2024 White Paper on Industrial Policy Advice released by the Taiwan Federation of Industry on the 20th said that the mainland is still a market that cannot be ignored by Taiwanese enterprises. The Taiwan authorities should rationally and pragmatically handle relations with the mainland, restart cross-strait exchanges and practical dialogues, and create a more comfortable environment for the island. This white paper aims at Taiwan's industry development


Disaster prevention drills and other activities held in Taiwan on the 25th anniversary of the "921" earthquake

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the "921" earthquake. In recent days, all walks of life in Taiwan have held disaster prevention drills, earthquake resistance skills competitions, art exhibitions, etc., hoping to improve people's awareness and ability to prevent disasters. At 1:47:12 on September 21, 1999, an earthquake with magnitude 7.6 on the Richter scale occurred in Jiji Town, Nantou County, Taiwan


Taiwanese girls work as community builders in the mainland to relieve the worries of the "silver haired people"

"In Taiwan, we have more than 30 years of experience in community building, and I hope to bring Taiwan's experience to the mainland," Gong Yuting, a girl from Taiwan's Taoyuan, said in a recent interview with China News Service. Ten years ago, Gong Yuting was engaged in community education and community building in Taiwan


The First Cross Strait Engineers Forum Opens in Fuzhou

The first cross-strait engineer forum opened in Fuzhou on the 21st. With the theme of "Joining hands in engineering innovation to promote green and low-carbon development", this forum built a platform for cross Strait engineers to exchange and cooperate. The opening ceremony and main forum of the forum, the Cross Strait Energy and Power Integration Development Forum, the Cross Strait Internet of Things technology and industry


Xiamen Launches Level IV Emergency Response for Typhoon and Rainstorm Prevention

The Municipal Flood Control Office reminded that, according to the important weather warning report issued by the Municipal Meteorological Bureau and the Emergency Plan for Flood and Typhoon Prevention in Xiamen, our city started the Level IV emergency response for typhoon prevention and Level IV emergency response for rainstorm prevention at 12:00. Source: Xiamen Emergency Management


Twice "meritorious service" of sprinkler system for sudden fire in the community

Some time ago, two fires occurred in a community in Jimei. Fortunately, neither of the two fires caused much loss, thanks to the complete fire sprinkler system in the community. At the critical moment, the fire sprinkler system automatically sprayed water and quickly controlled the fire. A few days ago, Jimei Cen built a house in Xi'an


More than 40 concert tickets were scalped, and one concert ticket "scalper" was captured by Xiang'an police

For profit, Lin, a man, bought tickets and invitations for the concert at a higher price from the Internet and then sold them at a higher price. Recently, the Xiang'an Ma Xiang police station captured a "scalper party" Lin from the concert ticket. On September 6, Lin was sentenced to 13 days of administrative detention according to law for forging, selling, and reselling valuable tickets and vouchers. At the beginning of September, Xiang


2024 National Unified Legal Professional Qualification Examination

Yesterday morning, the 2024 national unified legal professional qualification examination officially opened, and the number of applicants in Xiamen examination area reached 4725, a new high since the 2018 national unified legal professional qualification examination reform. At about 8:00 a.m., Xiamen Information School test center has welcomed reference candidates, including young people in their early twenties


Xiamen Teachers Won the Golden Summit Award, the Highest Honor of Chinese Fashion Design

Recently, the closing ceremony of China International Fashion Week and the 2024 award ceremony of China Fashion Awards were held in Beijing. Chen Yu, an associate professor of Xiamen Institute of Technology, won the 28th "Golden Summit Award" for Chinese fashion design with his excellent design, which is also the highest honor of Chinese fashion design. From inspiration to fabric selection, and then through sample


9 projects in Xiamen were selected into the provincial intangible cultural heritage and tourism integration directory

Recently, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Fujian Province released the first batch of "Fujian Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage and Tourism Integrated Development Recommendation Catalog", and a total of nine projects in Fujian were selected. There are 84 items in the Recommended Catalogue of Fujian Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage and Tourism Integrated Development, and there are 9 items selected by Xiamen, including Xiamen pearl embroidery, Xiamen lacquer line carving skills


Xiamen issues carbon inclusive management measures for the first time

Recently, the Measures for Carbon Inclusion Management in Xiamen (for Trial Implementation), led by the Municipal Bureau of Ecological Environment, was officially released and implemented. In the near future, the carbon emissions reduced by citizens through green travel, green consumption and other ways can be converted into carbon emissions reduction through scientific accounting, and the goods and services can be exchanged on the carbon inclusive management platform


Xiamen carbon inclusive management platform is under development and construction: individual green low-carbon behavior can be rewarded

The reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Ecological Environment that our city is currently developing and building a "carbon inclusive management platform", which can quantify and record individual green low-carbon behavior, and the accumulated emission reduction can be exchanged for gifts. Zhu Yaohua, Deputy Director of the Atmosphere and Emergency Department of the Municipal Bureau of Ecological Environment: Let's say we are green


The painting and calligraphy art exhibition of "Cross Strait Unity Celebrating the Birthday" was held in Xiamen

Yesterday afternoon, the calligraphy and painting art exhibition of "Cross Strait Unity · Celebrating the Birthday Together" was held in the Art Museum of Chuanshi Palace to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. This painting and calligraphy exhibition has a total of 75 works created by 20 artists from both sides of the Taiwan Straits. From traditional brush and ink to modern color, the exhibition works are rich in content and diverse in form


First aid elite soldiers compete on the same stage to improve the level of first aid

Recently, the 30th Xiamen Workers' Technical Competition Red Cross Emergency Rescue Skills Competition was held in the Workers' Cultural Palace of Xiamen. All the elite emergency rescue soldiers participating in the competition competed on the spot. This competition is divided into individual competition and team competition, including theoretical knowledge examination, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, left forearm bleeding bandage, rescue


The gantry crane with the largest rated lifting capacity in Xiamen is ready for inspection

Recently, the Municipal Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institute came to Xiamen Shipbuilding Industry to conduct regular inspection on the gantry crane with the largest rated lifting capacity in our city. The big guy in front is the gantry crane with the largest rated lifting capacity in our city. Its main beam has a span of 133 meters, a lifting height of 75 meters, and a rated lifting capacity of 800 tons. On site


Xiamen Meteorological Observatory Continues to Issue Yellow Lightning Warning Signal

At 05:55 on September 22, 2024, Xiamen Meteorological Station will continue to issue the yellow lightning warning signal: it is expected that lightning activities will still occur in some towns, streets and offshore areas of our city in the next six hours, accompanied by short-time heavy rainfall, 6-8 short-time gales and other severe convective weather in the local area. Please take precautions against the adverse effects of severe convective weather on public activities, safety production, etc


Pause! delay! Fuzhou latest notice!

Several inland river routes in Fuzhou were suspended. The reporter learned from Fuzhou Water Affairs Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd. that under the influence of heavy rainfall, in order to cooperate with the emergency response of urban drainage and waterlogging prevention and ensure the safety of tourists, the West Lake Park Dock Liming Lake Park Dock route, the Hot Spring Park Dock Hekou Dock route, Wen


AI Painting Do you know what color the harvest of Bamin is?

In the fields, in the rice scented orchard, on the dock with many fruits and melons, the seafood is thriving... The autumn harvest is coming, and the granary is also a year of harvest season. Looking across the mountains and seas of Fujian, we can see the warm red, pure white, and green... Colorful products paint a fascinating picture of autumn harvest. Today is the seventh "Chinese farmers are rich..."


The balance of hospital medical card is no longer "sleeping" Quanzhou returned more than 90 million yuan to reduce the burden of patients

Recently, many hospitals in Quanzhou have started the service of returning the advance payment of outpatient medical cards, and many citizens have received SMS notifications. Ms. Su, who lives in the urban area, received a refund of more than 1000 yuan from Quanzhou Children's Hospital, which is the balance of her medical card when she went to the hospital for prenatal examination a few months ago. "After seeing the relevant news, I think


Fujian's first commercial fishing vessel joint management center was established in Lianjiang

On the 20th, the Maritime Patrol Law Enforcement Detachment of Fuzhou Maritime Safety Administration and Lianjiang Maritime Safety Department signed the Memorandum on the Establishment of Huangqi Commercial Fishing Vessel Joint Management Center and Working Mechanism with the Marine and Fisheries Bureau of Lianjiang County and the People's Government of Huangqi Town, marking the official establishment of the first commercial fishing vessel joint management center in Fujian Province in Huangqi, Lianjiang. The joint management center is set up in Huangqi Town Ship Management Station


Fujian Provincial Anti typhoon Index Launches Level IV Emergency Response

The reporter learned from the provincial defense index on the 22nd that the Fujian Meteorological Station issued a "typhoon warning level IV" at 9:30 on September 22nd. According to the Emergency Plan for Flood Control, Drought Relief and Typhoon Prevention in Fujian Province, the provincial flood control index decided to start the typhoon IV emergency response at 9:30 on September 22. All relevant departments around the country are required to closely monitor the development of tropical depression at sea


Miriam Yeung's Fuzhou Concert Set a Record 42 Songs as a Gift to Fans

On September 21, a special musical feast was held at the Fuzhou Strait Olympic Sports Center Stadium - the Fuzhou Station of Miriam Yeung's "MY TREE OF LIVE" World Tour Concert. Despite the sudden rainstorm on the night of the concert, the enthusiasm of the fans has not diminished. They hold up umbrellas, put on raincoats, and


The first national red theme music film "Red Cuo Yin" project seminar was held in Fujian

On September 20, the national first red theme music film "Red Cuo Yin" (original name: "Red Scarf") project seminar was held in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. Hundreds of experts, scholars and creators in the field of culture and art participated in the event. The conference focuses on script creation, music design, filming and production, and other aspects to jointly create a film with


15 teams were listed as winners of Jinjiang 2024 College Student Village Design Competition

On September 22, (Wang Fujing, a reporter from the Straits Guide), last night, the awarding ceremony of the 2024 College Student Village Design Competition in Jinjiang was held. The design work of Wu Hongyu's team from Xiamen University, "Que Silk, Jin Yun, New Students Surrounding Hong Kong - Surrounding Coastal Planning and Design Focusing on Rural Business Transformation" won the grand prize of the competition, winning 200000 yuan


Zhou Zuyi had a discussion with representatives of guests attending the "Flying Sky Award" and "Starlight Award" ceremony

Dig deep into Fujian's rich literary and artistic resources and launch more era boutiques Zhou Zuyi had a discussion with representatives of guests attending the "Flying Sky Award" and "Starlight Award" award ceremony. On September 21, Zhou Zuyi, secretary of the provincial party committee and director of the standing committee of the provincial people's congress, was in Xiamen, with Cao Shumin, vice minister of the Central Propaganda Department and director of the National Bureau of Radio and Television, and other representatives attending the 34th Telegraph


The water level on both sides of Jinjiang River rises sharply! Quanzhou welcomes the astronomical tide

North Binjiang Park, where the river flows into Jinshan Park and extends to the stalagmite park. The Shunji Bridge site "floats" on the river without any remaining piers. The ecological park on the south bank of Jinjiang River rises to the water level on the corridor, and pedestrians and vehicles wade through the water. Little crabs and skippers are washed ashore by the tide. On August 17 of the lunar calendar, Quanzhou ushers in astronomy


Alert upgrade! Heavy rain to heavy rain in Fujian! Pay attention to prevent secondary disasters →

Attention of Fujian people! The rainstorm is on the way, pay attention! Fujian Meteorological Station upgraded the "rainstorm warning" to Level III at 8:00 today. Fujian Hydrology and Water Resources Survey Center issued an orange warning of mountain torrent disaster risk at 7:49 today. According to the rainfall numerical forecast of Fujian Meteorological Station, it is estimated that from September 22 to September


Alzheimer's is not forgetfulness, 10 signals can be recognized

In March this year, the Fuzhou Evening News reported that a 70 year old Yim in Fuzhou mistakenly drank iodine fudang cough syrup. Fortunately, she was saved in time. In July this year, when Typhoon "Gemei" hit, an old woman in Fuzhou went out alone for a long time and did not return. Fortunately, the police sent her back safely. It is understood that the two old people both suffered from


look out! Three Fraud Routines Focus on the Elderly

The reporter learned from the municipal public security bureau that Ding, a retired old man in Luoyuan County, recently suffered from online dating fraud. It is understood that in August this year, Ding reported to the Luoyuan police that he was invited by WeChat friends to open a shop, and he successively asked for "money to find a shop", "rent and deposit to rent a shop", "children have no money to study" and other reasons


Can you easily make money by picking up express delivery? Four people became money laundering "tool people" and were arrested

Do you feel excited about the easy and lucrative "Haohuo" of taking express delivery and paying a commission of 100 to 200 yuan per order? Be careful, this may be suspected of crime! Recently, the Taijiang police, starting with the clue of abnormal gold transactions, successfully tracked down a criminal gang that laundered gold jewelry purchased by collecting and forwarding funds involved in fraud


Fujian: Summer grain grain returns to the warehouse, and the unit yield of early rice continues to rank first in the country

The grain of summer grain in Fujian Province is returned to the warehouse, and the unit yield of early rice has been ranked first in the country for a second time. This year, the situation of grain production in Fujian is improving. Spring grain has achieved "three growth" in area, unit yield and total output; The grain of summer grain returned to the warehouse, and the unit yield of early rice ranked first in China; A bumper harvest is in sight


Quench | Renew the new glory! People's army quenched into steel

The "Iron Army", participating in the Nanchang Uprising, has since become the revolutionary armed forces fighting under the leadership of the Party. The "Red First Company" came from the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and when Sanwan was reorganized, it was the first time for our army to "build branches on the company". "Win every battle and win every battle", participated in more than 140 battles, without any defeat. The glorious flag condenses the people's army


Quenching | Struggle! struggle! The aggressive attitude of Chinese soldiers

Thought interpretation: The hard core content of the media film Quenching recently ended. Today, I watched live ammunition shooting far enough ↑↑ J-20 take off and land in the rain ↑↑ The perspective of the fighter overlooking Nansha Islands ↑↑ The latest picture of Fujian ships ↑↑ The fighter and the warship are in the same frame ↑↑ The process of missile "delivery" ↑↑ The video of stamping ↓↓ Unlock more


Chinese Coast Guard Quadripartite on duty at Huangyan Island on Mid Autumn Festival

On September 10, the China Coast Guard Quadripartite was on duty in the waters near Huangyan Island in China (UAV photo). Before and after the Mid Autumn Festival, the Sifang Ship, affiliated to the Third Bureau directly under the China Maritime Police Bureau, was on patrol in the waters of Huangyan Island. The law enforcement officers of the whole ship overcome the influence of adverse factors such as complex sea conditions and firmly guard the ancestors


Listen, this is the pledge of generations of Chinese soldiers

Listen, this is the oath of generations of Chinese soldiers. Xu Shu is 102 years old. The first political commissar of the "Wang Hai Brigade" of the Air Force has participated in the War of Resistance against Japan, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. His first oath was made during the war. Zhou Quandi, a 90 year old soldier from the "Ice Sculpture Company", was lurking in the snow at minus 40 ℃ during the battle of Changjin Lake


Navigation warning! Military training in the South China Sea and parts of the northern Bohai Sea

According to the website of the China Maritime Administration, the Qinglan Maritime Administration issued a navigation warning. From 12:00 on September 18 to 19:00 on September 19, military training was held in some parts of the South China Sea and entry was prohibited. Huludao Maritime Safety Administration issued a navigational warning. From 12:00 to 19:00 on September 18, military exercises were held in parts of the northern Bohai Sea, and no entry was allowed. Yingkou


Quenching | Six Episodes: Interpretation of Thoughts

With the approval of the Central Military Commission, the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, the Central Cyberspace Office and the Central Radio and Television Station jointly produced the "Quenching", an ideological interpretation fusion media film. The film focuses on the battle to achieve the centennial goal of building the military, and presents the whole army's officers and men's implementation of the new era under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of building a strong military


Today, the alarm sounds again. Don't forget 918!

At 10:20 p.m. on September 18, 1931, a loud explosion broke the silence of the late night. The Japanese army bombed the tracks of the South Manchurian railway near Liutiao Lake in Shenyang, slandered what the Chinese army had done, and then shelled the North Camp of the Northeast Army. On the night of the September 18th Incident, the North Camp barracks destroyed by the Japanese artillery attacked the North Camp


Quenching Episode VI Strive with One Heart to Create a First Class

In this era of discovery and destruction, the first discovery of the enemy can determine the victory or defeat of the war. If the early warning aircraft is downwind ear, then Wudeng-7 is clairvoyant. Li Zhengwei: With the ability of UAVs, we can break into the enemy's firepower circle. From the survival rate, battle damage ratio and cost-effectiveness ratio, we are doing things that can't be done by UAVs. 202...


Heavy Micro Video | The People's Army Quenches into Steel

With the approval of the Central Military Commission, Quenching, an ideological interpretation fusion media film jointly produced by the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, the Central Cyberspace Office and the Central Radio and Television Station, has been launched on all major platforms of the network. "Quenching" has 6 episodes, including "Oath under the Military Flag", "Training Elite for War", "Glory Shines on a New Journey


Quenching Episode 5: Brave Undertaking of Mid stream Water Beating

In the vast ocean, aircraft carrier formation is a mobile land. Ocean going deployment and going to Dark Blue always need to take responsibility, and always check responsibility. During a continuous confrontation with foreign forces, our takeoff area was subjected to heavy rainfall and severe convection weather. "To fly is to definitely fly, which is an inevitable decision. What we need to consider is how to


Quenching Episode IV Keep Pace

On the morning of May 27, 1949, famous photographer Lu Rensheng took to the streets of Shanghai and saw a shocking scene: 100000 troops were lying on the streets of Shanghai to repair. The victorious division sleeps on the road. Have you ever seen such a disciplined force in all times and in all over the world? Lu Rensheng took the famous photo "Sleeping on the Streets", in which


Quenching Episode III Glory Shines on a New Journey

The victory of the Jinan Campaign set a precedent for our army to capture the enemy's heavily fortified cities. A brigade of the Army, formerly known as the "Jinan Second Regiment", has now embarked on a new journey in the preparation training of the synthetic battalion - dozens of professional forces clench their fingers into fists to "1+1>2", defeat the enemy and continue to write a new glory. A detachment of the armed police


Quenching Episode II Training Elite Soldiers for War

With the approval of the Central Military Commission, Quenching, an ideological interpretation fusion media film jointly produced by the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, the Central Cyberspace Office and the Central Radio and Television Station, has been premiered at 20 o'clock on the CCTV comprehensive channel since September 11. "Quenching" has 6 episodes, including "The Oath of the Army", "Training Refined Soldiers for War", and "


Quenching Episode I Oath under the Military Flag

With the approval of the Central Military Commission, Quenching, an ideological interpretation fusion media film jointly produced by the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, the Central Cyberspace Office and the Central Radio and Television Station, has been premiered at 20 o'clock on the CCTV comprehensive channel since September 11. Last night, "Quenching" broadcast the first episode of "Oath under the Military Flag". Quenching, the first episode of


With the approval of the Central Military Commission, Selected Works of Xi Jinping's Important Discussion on Political Building of the Army in the New Era was printed and distributed to the whole army

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 11, in order to further study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission, help officers at or above the rank of lieutenant colonel comprehensively and accurately learn and understand President Xi's important statement on political military building in the new era, deepen understanding of the strategy of political military building in the new era, and strengthen the political consciousness and ideological autonomy of promoting political military building on the new journey


Harris "invites" Trump again Trump: Late!

On the 21st local time, US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Camara Harris "invited" former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to have another televised debate with her on social media. Trump refused, saying that the debate was held "too late". Harris on social media


Harvest Day for PE Teachers to Become "New Farmers" and "Rice Growers"

On September 21, Chen Yujia picked up the newly harvested rice in Shangguandi Village, Ning'an City. On September 20, the seventh harvest festival was held in Shangguandi Village, Ning'an City, Heilongjiang Province. The villagers sang, painted, helped and tasted the harvest, which was another good "harvest" scene of the year. Chen Yujia, a 35 year old "rice growing girl", has become a bumper harvester


Extreme heat and drought have affected 35 districts and counties in Chongqing

The reporter learned from Chongqing Emergency Management Bureau on September 22 that as of September 20, the temperature in Chongqing exceeded 35 ℃ for 41 days this year. Moderate to severe meteorological drought has occurred in most areas of the city, and extreme drought has occurred locally (severe drought in 14 districts and counties, and extreme drought in 3 districts and counties). This extreme high temperature drought has affected 35 districts and counties in Chongqing. At present, Chongqing has


Small Advertisements Lead Shanxi Loufan Police to Solve 14 "Gang Xin" Cases in 16 Months

The "pornographic" advertisements pasted on the rear-view mirror or inserted on the door glass are actually a diversion for telecom fraud. Reporters learned from the Public Security Bureau of Loufan County, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province on the 22nd that since July last year, the bureau has cracked 14 consecutive cases of "providing help for telecommunications network fraud", realizing the full detection of similar cases


Foreign media: the death toll of Iranian coal mine explosion rose to 30

The death toll from coal mine explosion in Tabas, eastern Iran, rose to 30, AFP quoted Iranian media as saying on the 22nd local time. According to Iranian media reports earlier, dozens of people were killed and injured when an explosion occurred in a coal mine in Tabas, South Khorasan Province, Iran. [Source: China News Network]


Israel further restricts public activities in the north and closes schools

According to CNN, on the 22nd local time, Israel announced new restrictions on public activities in the north and parts of the occupied Golan Heights. It is reported that from 6:00 on the 22nd to 18:00 on the 23rd local time, schools in these areas will be closed and beaches will be closed to the public. This


Several traffic accidents in Rio, Brazil have caused 3 deaths and at least 70 injuries

On the 21st local time, several car accidents occurred in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (hereinafter referred to as Rio), including 3 deaths and at least 4 injuries caused by the overturning of a tourist bus; Another BRT hit the viaduct pier, injuring 64 people. Brazilian news network G1, Sao Paulo Page and other Brazilian media reported that on the same day, there was an American style


The list of members of the new French government announces that most ministerial positions change

On the evening of September 21 local time, the list of members of the new French government was announced, and most of the candidates for ministerial positions were replaced, including the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Economy and Finance, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The French Presidential Palace announced the list submitted by Prime Minister Banier that night. There are many new faces in the new government


Youth Chapter | Chasing Light

There is always a light that illuminates our way forward. It is the light of faith, struggle, dedication, glory and heroes. Follow the light forward, we will also become "light"! Source: People's Daily client


Foreign media: The United States plans to provide another 375 million dollars in military aid to Ukraine

According to Reuters on September 20, two US officials said on the 20th that the US was preparing to provide US $375 million in military assistance to Ukraine, breaking the trend of only providing relatively small assistance to Ukraine in recent months. It is reported that the conflict has entered a critical moment because the Russian army attacked Ukraine's energy network before winter


United Nations officials: "Pager attacks" may constitute war crimes

According to Agence France Presse on September 20, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volk Turk condemned at the United Nations Security Council on September 20 that the use of booby traps that appear to be "harmless" may constitute a "war crime". This week, Hizbullah's pagers, walkie talkies and other communication equipment in Lebanon exploded on a large scale


Lebanese Foreign Minister Warns: "Big Bang" is imminent

According to the German news agency, New York, September 20, when Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon continued to attack each other, Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdullah B. Habib warned the United Nations Security Council in New York that a "big bang" was imminent. Habib said on the 20th: "Either the Security Council forces Israel to stop its aggression... or we will


US Presidential Election Opens Early Voting

According to the Associated Press on September 20, the on-site voting of the US presidential election began on the 20th local time. After a summer of political turmoil, this milestone event opened a six week sprint before the election day. Minnesota, South Dakota and Virginia took the lead in opening early on-site voting, and voters


Japanese media analysis: Is the "strong dollar" ushering in a turning point?

According to the Japanese Economic News on September 20, the Federal Reserve decided to implement the first interest rate cut in four and a half years. Some people believe that the "strong dollar" that attracts funds with the help of the high interest rate of the United States has ushered in a turning point. The temporary end of the appreciation momentum of the US dollar may change the flow of global investment funds, perhaps to


China is deeply worried about the possible further escalation of the Lebanese Israeli situation

Xinhua News Agency, United Nations, September 20 (Reporter Pan Yunzhao) - Fu Cong, the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, said on the 20th when the Security Council urgently considered the situation between Lebanon and Israel that China was deeply worried about the possible further escalation of the situation between Lebanon and Israel, and called on all parties to exercise maximum restraint. On September 20, Fu Cong, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations (
