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Pingshan continues to do a good job in the propaganda of the deeds of frontier heroes

"Clear love is only for China", which is a sentence in the diary of Chen Xiangrong, a martyr who died in the border, and just eight words moved the whole of China. On February 19, the report of the heroic deeds of the frontier task force officers and soldiers defending the country and guarding the border aroused strong repercussions in the society. The heroic leader Qi Fabao who was wounded bravely in the struggle and the heroic deeds of the four martyrs Chen Hongjun, Chen Xiangrong, Xiao Siyuan and Wang Zhuoran who died honorably shocked the hearts of every Chinese.

The Party Leadership Group of Shenzhen Pingshan District Bureau of Retired Soldiers Affairs solemnly pointed out when studying the Party history education program that "learning and publicizing the deeds of the heroes guarding the border should be an important part of the Party history learning and education, so as to encourage the district's retired servicemen affairs work system and the vast number of retired servicemen to contribute to a new era." According to the arrangement of the Bureau's Party Leadership Group, the Pingshan District Service Center for Retired Soldiers acted quickly, The propaganda posters of the five frontier heroes were produced and displayed in each street community in turn. "Great rivers and mountains, no land to give way to: frontier heroes propaganda film" was played on the big screen at each street service station and intersection in turn, so that the deeds of frontier heroes could enter the homes of the people, enter the hearts of the people, and unite the great power of loving the party, the country, and the army.

The person in charge of the Pingshan District Veterans Service Center said that the heroic deeds of the five frontier heroes are valuable spiritual wealth in the new era. The District Service Center for Retired Servicemen will continue to play the role of "propaganda and ideological center", put ideological and political guidance through the whole chain of work of retired servicemen, constantly improve the system and mechanism, and continue to promote the typical deeds of active servicemen and retired servicemen in depth and practice.


Editor: Wang Yingbo