Basic product information
Product name: Hong Kong Experience
Product No.: tw009
Space size: 200M
Unit Price:
Size of complimentary post office: 5000M
Server Configuration

The 2008 system is recommended. The 64 bit system is faster and more stable!

MYSQL version


Independent IP is more conducive to search engine optimization, improve SEO permissions, and avoid interference and impact from other websites. Strongly recommended! If you need an independent IP, you can purchase a host from Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Please select the purchase period
Please fill in the contact information

If your account has enough funds, you can choose to officially open it

The system will immediately open your virtual host and officially run after deducting the corresponding amount. (Suitable for agents and regular customers)

In order to prevent using our trial host to engage in illegal activities, a service fee of 5 yuan is required in advance to open the trial host, and the space fee can be reduced by 5 yuan when you become a regular employee.

Our virtual host provides a 7-day trial. If it is not converted into an official purchase, it will be deleted on the 7th day.

During the probation period, you can click "Official Purchase" at the Management Center - Host Management - Renewal to become a regular employee.

The trial host cannot bind the domain name (except Hong Kong, Taiwan and the United States), and the trial model cannot be changed during the trial period!

To prevent the trial host from being abused, all User name and password must be entered for the trial host You can access it later, User name: siteadmin, password: 110

(Charge 5 yuan)
Important tips

To prevent the trial host from being abused, all User name and password must be entered for the trial host Can be accessed later, user name: siteadmin password: one hundred and ten

All virtual hosts of our company are prohibited from pornographic, trojan, virus, fraud, private server, plug-in, phishing website, second like program, spam and other illegal websites. For adult products Empty package website, network verification, specialized hospital, private hospital, bow and bow sword, gambling equipment, game currency trading, weight loss and breast enhancement, police supplies, brush drill Websites with high risk and vulnerability, such as reputation swiping, cannot purchase our virtual host, but can purchase our telecommunication lines ECS And launch 360 Website Guard or Baidu Cloud Acceleration for security protection. Our company has strict monitoring measures. Once we find illegal websites, we will close them immediately! All domestic virtual hosts must be registered successfully before binding domain names. Please open the "360 Website Guard" security protection in the virtual host control panel for the website that may be attacked!

Service standard description

[1] Based on the Shuzhiling cloud computing platform, it is safe, reliable and stable!;

[2] Real time file anti-virus protection, hacker intrusion detection, IIS application firewall, automatically resist various viruses and attacks;

[3] Each website runs as an independent process and will not be affected by the load of other sites. You can use FSO, jmail and other controls in your own space;

[4] Powerful control panel, which can directly modify the FTP password, stop the website, bind the domain name, and modify the default document of the website;

[5] It provides many advanced management functions such as WEB upload file, restore backup, RAR compression, RAR decompression, site redirection, mime setting, directory protection, file protection, script error setting, ip restriction, virtual directory, error page definition, etc;

[6] Accessible technical support: 24 × 7 × 365 system technical support, smiling to any user.

[7] Automatically visit the website every 3 minutes to monitor the operation of the website

[8] Automatically back up data every 7 days, and users can restore data in the management center by themselves;

[9] Adopt the unique sixth generation advanced virtual host system, data dual protection, software and hardware/transparent firewall triple guarantee;

[10] Online payment, real-time opening, CDN network accelerator available for purchase, free of charge, powerful website information system, like a tiger to give full play to your online space!

[11] In order to ensure the normal and stable operation of all virtual host user sites on the server, it is strictly prohibited to upload and run the following programs: 1) chat rooms; 2) Jianghu games; 3) Large software download; 4) Online play, trojans and other programs that take up resources.

[12] The new host is rearranged on the system architecture, which is different from the traditional stand-alone system in the industry. The front end of the server cluster is equipped with a hardware firewall to comprehensively speed up, stable, safe and efficient. At the same time, the computer room is equipped with a thousand megabytes "black hole" firewall, which can completely resist DDOS attacks.

[13] The industry's perfect host control panel, with more than 40 management functions, can restore backups in the management center.

[14] Provide filing service. Please file the website within 7 days after the space is opened.

[15] Try for 7 days. Select "Try for 7 days" as the opening method.

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