President and CEO of Atlas Copco Group was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency: strengthen investment in China, promote sustainable development and innovation -- Kofi Compression Machinery
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President and CEO of Atlas Copco Group was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency: strengthen investment in China and promote sustainable development and innovation

Author: Bolaite air compressor Time: 2023.12.04 Views: 883

The article comes from Atlas Copco's WeChat official account in China. If there is infringement, please contact to delete it!

During my recent visit to China, Atlas Copco Group Mats Rahmstr ö m, president and CEO, was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency on the development of the Group in Greater China.

Unlike previous visits to China, this trip brought board members to provide them with first-hand observations of China's dynamic market. Metz and the Board of Directors visited the Greater China Headquarters in Shanghai, the factory of the Industrial Assembly Department and two factories in Wuxi High tech Zone.

Long term commitment

As early as the 1920s, Atlas Copco Group had entered the Greater China region. At first, China was only the import market of Atlas Copco products. Since then, the Group's business has continued to expand. With our expertise in compressor, vacuum, industry and power technology, we have provided a series of innovative products and services to inject vitality into China's emerging industries.

Atlas Copco Group now has more than 40 entities and about 8000 employees in Greater China. China has become one of our important business hubs.

Sustainable innovation

"The first thing I think of about the Chinese market is speed," said Metz. "The speed of development and the speed of innovation," He also pointed out that "the Chinese market also has a very international role. In the past, we paid attention to China because of China, but now we also see that China has a great influence on other regions in Asia."

"Scale" is the second word used by Metz to describe the Chinese market. China has more than 14 With a population of 100 million, the market demand is huge. China is the Group's largest market in Asia and the second largest market in the world. Therefore, Metz is very optimistic about the future potential of the Chinese market. And China's pursuit of sustainable development represents a huge opportunity for Atlas Copco Group.

Metz is particularly impressed by the rapid rise of China's automobile industry, especially the electric vehicle market. He shared: "In Shanghai, I can see green license plates everywhere now. Two years ago, I never saw Chinese electric cars in Sweden, but now, I can see advertisements for Chinese electric cars every day."

For a long time, Atlas Copco Group has been committed to finding solutions for sustainable development. The core information of the new group, "Science and technology change the future", released in November, emphasizes the importance of "innovation" for the development of the group. Metz expressed his expectation to the Xinhua News Agency reporter: "If you see more electric vehicles, more hydrogen and more liquefied natural gas, then as the promoter of these new technologies, we hope to play an important role in them."

Looking forward to the future

Metz said that Atlas Copco Group will continue to strengthen its investment in China, promote local business development and R&D, bring innovative, cost saving, better quality products and faster response services to customers, so as to play an important role in the Chinese market and other markets.

"For a company, in a sense, if you are not the first in China, then you cannot become the first in the world.

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