Atlas Copco professional anti-counterfeiting of spare parts -- Copco compression machinery
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Atlas Copco air compressor 0512-62910301

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Atlas Copco professional anti-counterfeiting of spare parts

Author: Bolaite air compressor Time: 2023.01.12 Views: 1731

1、 Winning the prize for distinguishing the true from the false

Atlas Copco Take the lead in the industry and use modern high-tech technology to launch anti-counterfeiting labels that can win prizes.

After you purchase our products, you just need to scrape off the coating on the spare parts label and select one of the following convenient and quick query methods to immediately know whether the spare parts you purchased are genuine. At the same time, you have a chance to win the mobile phone and digital camera that our company has prepared for you. Come and join us!

 Atlas Copco

2、 Anti counterfeiting purpose

In the past few years, fake spare parts have been used on Atlas Copco's air compressor equipment in the market, and this illegal act has become increasingly fierce in some areas, which has made the equipment unable to operate normally, seriously affected the production of customers, and caused a very bad impact on Atlas Copco's reputation. In order to protect the interests of customers and the brand image of Atlas Copco from being infringed, Atlas Copco helps customers identify the authenticity of spare parts by pasting anti-counterfeiting labels on some spare parts that are easy to be counterfeited, ensures that customers purchase genuine spare parts, protects the fundamental interests of customers and maintains the brand image of Atlas Copco.

3、 Authenticity inquiry and registration method

SMS query Send the 16 digit anti-counterfeiting code to 10669588210803 user to send SMS to identify the authenticity of the product. At the same time, if you win the prize, you will be prompted to register by SMS and send registration information such as "zip code, address, name," etc.

QR code query Scan the QR code to view the award information. If you win the prize, please fill in the information according to the prompt to receive the prize.

4、 Awarding procedure

After the user has successfully registered, the local Atlas Copco after-sales service personnel will check the user's registration information and deliver the prizes by express.

Introduction of anti-counterfeiting label materials and anti-counterfeiting points

 Atlas Copco

texture of material Uncover the hollow material (the label is obviously damaged after uncovering to prevent illegal transfer)

Mode: scraping type

Size: 50mmX50mm

That's it Atlas Copco compressor I hope it will be helpful for you to collect and sort out the relevant information about the authenticity of Atlas accessories!

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