Contact Us _ After sales Telephone of Bolaite Air Compressor _ Atlas Copco Coffey Compressor Co., Ltd
Welcome to the official website of Kefei Compression Machinery (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., the core agent of Atlas Bolaite air compressor!
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Atlas Copco | Brett 0512-62910301

Company headquarters: Liangang Road, Suzhou High tech Zone Shanghai Marketing: Baosheng Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai Factory address: Changjiang Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi City Telephone consultation, and regional personnel will be arranged to contact
Your current location: home page >Contact us

Atlas Copco | Bolaite Air Compressor Marketing Center

Contact: Suzhou headquarters

Tel.: 0512-62910301

400 hotline: 400-061-9902

Service outlets: 533 Liangang Road, Suzhou High tech Zone

Shanghai- Marketing maintenance Service Centre

Contact person: customer service of headquarters

Hotline: 0512-62910301

Service outlets: No. 18, Baosheng Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai

Wuxi- Air compressor Marketing maintenance Service Centre

Contact person: customer service of headquarters

Hotline: 0512-62910301

Service outlets: Changjiang Road/Ximei Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi City

Changzhou- Air compressor Marketing maintenance Service Centre

Contact person: customer service of headquarters

Headquarters hotline: 0512-62910301

Service outlet: Changzhou Wenya Road, Qianhuang Town, Wujin District

Hangzhou- Air compressor Marketing maintenance Service Centre

Contact person: customer service of headquarters

Headquarters hotline: 0512-62910301

Service outlet: Qiutao Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou

Nanjing- Air compressor Marketing maintenance Service Centre

Contact person: customer service of headquarters

Headquarters hotline: 0512-62910301

Service outlets: Building A, Xingzhi Science Park, Qixia District, Nanjing

Nantong- Air compressor Marketing maintenance Service Centre

Contact person: customer service of headquarters

Headquarters hotline: 0512-62910301

Service outlets: Xiaoyangkou Chemical Park, Rudong County, Nantong City

Zhenjiang Yangzhou Air Compressor Marketing Service Centre

Contact person: customer service of headquarters

Headquarters hotline: 0512-62910301

Service outlets: Yangzhou Harbor Industry Incubation Base

Yancheng - air compressor Marketing Service Centre

Contact person: customer service of headquarters

Headquarters hotline: 0512-62910301

Service outlet: Kaifang Avenue, Tinghu District, Yancheng City

The customer service staff of the headquarters will directly transfer you to the sales service staff of the relevant regions!

You can contact customer service directly in other cities and regions. Personnel from relevant regions will be arranged here to contact you!

Is your air compressor regularly maintained? Do you pay attention to the air loss of the air compressor?

 Atlas Bolaite maintenance team

10 persons can be provided for free testing every day

Provide appropriate Air compressor maintenance scheme And Energy saving transformation scheme

Free area : Jiangsu Shanghai Zhejiang

free hotline :0512-62910301

Participation mode : Fill in the form on the right or dial the landline

Patrol inspection content : Preventive maintenance plan for 2000H and 4000H air compressor operation

Free testing service (5 persons per day)

Home page Atlas air compressor Bolaite air compressor Air post-treatment equipment Atlas Copco Shanghai Bolaite Compressor Air compressor maintenance