Party discipline learning and education
The CPPCC Municipal Committee organized and held a lecture on the interpretation of the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China
In order to educate and guide the party members and cadres of the Shenyang Municipal Committee of the CPPCC to learn, know, understand and abide by the discipline, and promote the learning and education of the party discipline into the heart and see the action, on May 7, the Shenyang Municipal Committee of the CPPCC organized a lecture on the interpretation of the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Punishment (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), and invited the Supervisory Committee of the Shenyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to stay in Shenyang
Revitalizing New Breakthroughs The CPPCC is taking action
Sinking on the Front Line, Seeking Truth, Seeking Truth, and Seeking Practical Solutions -- The Economic Committee of the CPPCC Municipal Committee went to Hunnan Science and Technology City for field investigation
On February 9, Jian Biao, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, led the research team to the construction site of Hunnan Science and Technology City to carry out supervision and research, and held a symposium in Shenyang Innovation World. Liu Yanxue, Deputy Secretary General of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, and Xue Ye, Director of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, participated in the research activities. At the head of the research team
"Six Ones" activity
  • The National United Front Ministers' Meeting was held in Beijing on the 10th. Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He stressed that under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we should thoroughly study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment", and enhance
Shuxiang CPPCC more
  • When the summer sun shines on every corner of the campus, the annual college entrance examination also comes to an end. The final chapter of college entrance examination is the prologue to life. For nearly 40000 examinees in Shenyang, this is not only a vivid demonstration of their twelve years of poverty, but also a new starting point for them from young students to those who are about to soar. What
Work of the Special Committee more
  • In order to serve and boost the construction of Hunnan Science and Technology City project, the Economic Committee of Shenyang CPPCC organized two "New East Expansion+" science and technology investment and "One Valley and Seven Parks" industry investment forums on June 4 and 11, in combination with the topics discussed at the meeting of the Standing Committee of Shenyang CPPCC. Vice Chairman of Shenyang CPPCC
  • Recently, according to the 2024 work points and the consultation plan, the CPPCC in the Greater East Region organized the annual consultation and dialogue activity of "entering the government". Ma Xu, Chairman of the CPPCC District Committee, attended the event. The relevant leaders of the Dadong District Government focus on further improving the economic operation under the new situation, and strive to expand effective regional investment
At the symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast in the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with the advantages of Northeast characteristics. "The important speech of the General Secretary pointed out the way forward for Shenyang's revitalization and development, and provided fundamental guidance. As the Municipal Committee of the CPPCC
  • Recently, the Shenyang CPPCC held the third session of the 2024 "Committee Lecture", inviting Liang Qidong, a professor of Liaoning University, to give special counseling around "accelerating the cultivation of new quality productivity and strengthening the new momentum of revitalization and development". Yan Weidong, secretary-general of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, presided over, and some CPPCC members and cadres at or above the department level of the CPPCC Municipal Committee
  • On April 10, the CPPCC Shenyang Municipal Committee held the second session of the 2024 "Committee Lecture", and Yu Xueli, Chairman and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the CPPCC Shenyang Municipal Committee, gave special counseling around "in-depth study and implementation of the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on doing well the work of the party's united front in the new era, and cohesion of unity and hard work". On